Astronomy Ch. 1 Earth, Moon, and Sun Section1: Earth in Space


the study of the moon, stars, and other objects in space


the imaginary line that passes through Earth's center and the North and South Poles.
It is tilted at 23.5 degrees.


The North Star. The north end of the Earth's axis always points toward it.


the spinning motion of the planet about its axis
Takes 24 hours for Earth to do this once on its axis = one day


Sunlight can't reach the part of Earth that is tilted away from the sun, causing that point on earth to experience _________.


the movement of one object around another object
One complete one of the Earth around the sun = a year


Earth's path as it revolves around the sun.
Earth's is in the shape of an oval.

Leap Year

to compensate for the � of the 365� days that makes up the year, an extra day every four years is added to February giving it 29 days instead of 28


_________ worked out a calendar of 12 months with 30 days


The __________ took the Egyptians' calendar and changed it so 11 months have 30 or 31 days and February has 28 or 29


the sun hits the _________ directly and that is why it is warmer than any other place on Earth.


at the ________, the sun hits the surface of the Earth at an angle, spreading the energy from the sun over a greater area.


a measurement of distance from the equator, expressed in degrees north or south.


Created due to Earth being tilted on its axis as it moves around the sun.

Earth in June

(in the Northern Hemisphere) the north end of the axis is tilted toward the sun, so we experience more hours of daylight = summer

Earth in December

the sun's rays in the Northern Hemisphere are indirect causing fewer hours of daylight = winter


two days each year when the noon sun is overhead at 23.5 degrees north or south

Summer Solstice

the day when the noon sun is directly over the Northern Hemisphere around June 21
Longest day of the year

winter solstice

the day when the noon sun is directly over the Southern Hemisphere around December 21
shortest day of the year


the noon sun is directly overhead at the equator
The name means equal night - length of nighttime and daytime are about the same

Vernal Equinox

also known as spring equinox occurs around March 21- marks the beginning of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere

Autumnal Equinox

occurs around September 23- marks the beginning of Fall in the Northern Hemisphere