Principals of the Constitution

Popular Sovereignty

People that are not controlled by others, U.S. being independant against tyranny,, The concept that political power rests with the people who can create, alter, and abolish government. People express themselves through voting and free participation in gov

Limited Government

limits the government's power, people elect officials, prevents tyranny and monarchy

Separation of Powers

Makes 3 branches of government, divides powers;
e.g. legislative, executive, judicial


the sharing/dividing of power between federal gov't and state gov't


indirect democracy (we choose representatives); senators and representatives make decisions

Individual Rights

added later, "Bill of Rights", the Constitution protects our individual rights; e.g. freedom of speech, religion, press etc.

Checks and Balances

gives branches power to limit powers of other branches; e.g. president vetoes a bill, example of executive branch and judicial branch checking eachother