Ancient Egypt


Egyptian god of the underworld and judge of the dead


Egyptian God of embalming and protector of the dead

The Nile River

This body of water was depended upon by the Ancient Egyptians for water, fertile soil, transportation, and farming.


An ancient city capital of Upper Egypt; site of the Great Pyramid

Upper Egypt

Located in southern Egypt at a higher elevation point; the nile river flows north and empties into the Mediterranean Sea

Lower Egypt

Located in northern Egypt at a lower elevation point; the nile river flows north and empties into the Mediterranean Sea


the place at the mouth of a river where it splits into several streams to form an area shaped like a triangle


a large waterfall or area of rapids in a river; any strong flood or rush of water

Thutmose III

Stepson of pharoah Hatshepsut; considered to be the greatest king of the New Kingdom; reigned from 1479 to 1426 B.C.E.

King Tutankhamun (King Tut)

King of Ancient Egypt; his tomb was discovered by Howard Carter in November of 1922

Howard Carter

Archaeologist that discovered King Tut's tomb in November of 1922; we read a story in class about the curse that some people believe this man suffered from entering Tut's tomb

Ra or Amon-Ra

Ancient Egyptian sun god; The Egyptian god, Ammon Ra is the main god,or the sun god in Egyptian religion. He defeats Set the god of darkness and storms, every night to become the sun and bring the day to earth.


Egyptian falcon-headed solar god; god of the sky

Book of the Dead

Collection of Ancient Egyptian religious spells which were thought to be helpful to the deceased in the afterlife; it has never actually been found

Jean Francois Champollion

Frenchman and Egyptologist who studied the Rosetta Stone and in 1821 became the first person to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics (1790-1832)


Founder of the first Egyptian dynasty; united the kingdoms of lower and upper Egypt and founded the capital of Memphis


The first female pharaoh of Egypt; achieved great economic sucess; Queen of Egypt (1473-1458 B.C.E.).


the next life, in which the dead are believed to live again


monumental architecture typical of Old Kingdom Egypt; used as burial sites for pharaohs.


ancient Egyptian paper made from the reeds of plants found along the nile river


a process of embalming and drying corpses to prevent them from decaying; the Egyptians believed that this process was very important because in the afterlife the body was going to resurect and reunite with the soul

Rosetta Stone

Huge black stone that contained carved messages in hieroglyphics, Greek and demotic. Led to deciphering of hieroglyphics.

The Great Sphinx

statue protecting the pyramid of Khafre depicted with the head of the king and the body of a lion


a sequence of powerful leaders in the same family


someone who rules for another ruler temporarily

Scarab Beetle

A dung beetle. Lays its eggs in animal dung then forms the dung into a ball and rolls it around with its pinchers until the eggs hatch. Because the eggs seemed to hatch out of nothing the Egyptians used the beetle as a symbol of regeneration and new life


an ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures were used to represent ideas and sounds


a mixture of tiny bits of soil and rock carried and deposited by a river which then provided fertile soil for farming


the title of the ancient Egyptian kings

Canopic Jars

Vessels in which the ancient Egyptians preserved the internal organs of a deceased person usually for burial with the mummy.


Egyptian goddess of fertility and magic; wife of Osiris

Weighing of the Heart Ceremony

Egyptians believed that this took place after someone died; a person's life and character would be judged in this process




to preserve a body for the afterlife


an Egyptian architect, physician, and builder of the very first step pyramid; in the movies Hollywood made him into an evil priest that comes back to life to haunt human beings


to rob or steal


Chemical used in mummification; helps dry out the body for preservation

Set or Seth

one of ancient Egypt's earliest gods, a god of chaos, warfare; confusion, storms, wind, the desert and foreign lands


the ancient spirit of evil and destruction who dwelled in eternal darkness; usually appeared as a snake or a crocodile snake combination; every day he would attempt to devour the Sun Boat of Ra as it sailed the heavens


Pagan god which is part hippo part alligator and part lion; eats the soul (heart) of those who fail the weighing of the heart ceremony


capable of producing / soil that can grow crops


supplying dry land with water by means of ditches etc