HISTORY CHAPTER 26 by: Stephania Lopez and Agostina Rojo

When did the United States try to follow a policy of neutrality?

As dictators threatened world peace

What was the name of the book hitler wrote?

Mein Kampf (my struggle)

How did hitler rise to power?

By taking advantage of people's anger and suffering

What are dictators?

Leaders who control their nations by force

How did Benito Mussolini rise to power?

By appealing to the resentment of many Italians who felt they had not won enough to in the Versailles treaty

What is fascism?

Extreme nationalism and racism

What was the only political party that Mussolini didn't ban?

Fascist Party

What was Mussolini's nickname?

Il Duce (the leader)

Mussolini built up Italy's ______________ and vowed to recapture the glory of the Ancient Romans.


What was Mussolini's first military act?

Sent Italian forces to invade Ethiopia

When did millions of people lose their jobs and rally around hitler?

The Great Depression

In what year did Hitler become chairman of the Nazi Party?


What is anti-Semitism?

Hatred of Jews

Hitler ended all democracy and established ______________________ rule.


What does totalitarian mean?

A single party and its leader suppress lull opposition and control all aspects of people's lives

Why did Hitler form an alliance with Italy?

To gain support in his expansion plans

What happened as a result of japans government's failure to solve economic problems?

Military leaders rose to power

Who is Joseph Stalin? What did he demand?

A communist leader of the Soviet Union that rose to power in the late 1920s. Demanded to complete obedience from the people he ruled and got it through the use of force

What did Congress pass between 1935 in 1937 that banned the sale of weapons to nations at war?

A series of neutrality acts

True or False In March 1936, Hitler sent troops into the demilitarized Rhineland.


Where did Hitler send troops to after Rhineland?


Where did Hitler send troops to after Austria?

Sudetenland: an area of Czechoslovakia where many German speaking people lived

What is an appeasement?

Policy following Germany's demands

What was the pact that Hitler and Stalin signed in 1939?

The soviet German non aggression pact

True or False: The Soviet German nonaggression act freed to Hitler to use force against France without fear of Soviet intervention.

False it would let him use force against Poland

When did Hitler send his armies into Poland?

Sept. 1, 1939

What is a blitzkrieg?

lightning war

Why couldn't great Britain and France help Poland?

Its defeat came so quickly

During the quiet winter of 1939 and 1940 where did the French and British forces settle in?

Maginot Line

True or false with the collapse of Belgium Allied troops retreated to the port of Dunkirk in the northwest corner of France on the English Channel.


What country did Italy join the war with?


Who inspired to British people to not give up hope during hitler's invasion?

Prime Minister Winston Churchhill

Did Hitler gain control of Great Britain?


Where did Hitler try to destroy after failing to seize Great Britain? What happened because of this?

The Soviet Union. The Soviet Union joined the allies against the axis powers

Did Hitler ever seize France?


What committee did isolationists make to keep to out of Europe's business?

America First Commitee

In what year did congress vote to strengthen the navy?


Who won the 1940 election?


What was the Lend-lease Act?

Allowed America to sell, lend or lease arms or other war supplies to any nation considered "vital to the defense of the US

What is disarmament?

Giving up military weapons

Where did Japan seize after the fall of France?

The French colony of indochina

What did the US do in response to Japan's actions?

Froze all Japan's assets in American banks

When did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor?

At 7:55 am on Sunday dec. 7, 1941

When did Germany and Italy, Japan's Allies declare war on the US?


What did demand for war goods create?

new industries and new jobs

What did the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor do?

United the American people like nothing else could.

Large numbers of ________ served in the military.



Women's Army Corps


Women Appointed for Volunteer Emergency Service in Navy

About how many wome served in the coast guard, air corps, WAVES, and WAC?



military and civilian preperations for war.

Revenue Act of 1942

raised corporate taxes and required nearly all Americans to pay income taxes.

What did Congress approve?

A system for withdrawing taxes from worker's paychecks - a practice still in effect.

Did the governement borrow money to finance the war?


What did the government sell, like they had done in WWI?

War bonds

Who urged people to buy these war bonds?

celebrities and movie stars

True or False: The industry soared during the war.


About how many ships did factories produce? Tanks and airplanes? Guns?

Ships: 70,000 - Tanks/airplanes: 100,000 - Guns: Millions


consumers could buy only limited number of items

Many Americans planted ___________ to grow vegetables, which were short in supply?

Victory gardens.

Civil defense

protective measures in case of an attack

Office of War Information

Established by the governement. Promoted patriotism and helped keep Americans united behind the war effort and broadcast messages all over the world.

Rosie the Riverter

Encouraged women to take factory jobs

332nd Fighter Group (Tuskegee Airmen)

Shot down more than 200 enemy planes.

Benjamin Davis Jr.

Trained at Tuskegee Flying School; Became first African American general in U.S Airforce.

Large number of African Americans moved from...

Rural south to industrialized cities in the North and the West in search for work.

Navajo formed

code talkers

Code talkers" used secret language based on the Navajo language to send messages which was...

a code the Japanese never broke.

Bracero Program

Stimulated emigration from Mexico during war years

US labor agents recruited...

thousands of farm and railroad wokers from Mexico.

About 2/3 of Japanese Americans were Nisei which meant they were,

American citizens who were born in the U.S

Internment camps

mostly desert area, were crowded and uncomfortable, conditions were harsh.

President directed the army to relocate more than 100,000 West Coast Japanese Americans to

detention centers

To win the war, the Allies had to...

regain control of North Africa and most of Europe.

German forces occupied most of Europe and much of North Africa.


Who was Erwin Rommel?

German general; known as "Desert Fox" b/c of his success in desert warfare.


British turned Rommel back at El Alamein. This victory prevented Germany from capturing the Suez Canal, linking the Mediteranean Sea and the Red Sea.


Allies drove the Germans out of North Africa

Allies launched 'air war' against Germany while,

fighting raged in North Africa and Italy

Summer of 1942

British and American air forces began a massive bombing campaign against Germany


Germans surrounded Leningrad and began a siege that lasted nearly 900 days.


military blockade

Spring of 1942

Germany launched another offensive.

What was also a major target?

Stalingrad; key to oil-rich lands to city.

Summer of 1943

Germans mounted a counteroffensive.

Major turning point in war.

German defeat in Stalingrad

Operation Overload

As Soviets pushed towards Germany from East, the Allies were planning a massive invasion of France from the West. General Eisenhower, the commander of the Allied forces in Europe, directed this operation.

French coast of Normandy

Where Eisenhower planned to land his troops on June 5th. (Was delayed due to rough waters)


The day of June 6th , 1944 where the Allied ships landed on the coast of Normandy.

August 25th

French-American soldiers marched through joyful crowds and liberated Paris.

Battle of the Bulge

Germans at first drove troops and artilery deep into a bulge in the Allied lines. After several weeks, however, the Allies pushed the Germans back.

How many casualties did the Battle of the Bulge result in?

100,000 casualties

Mid-April 1945

Soviets surrounded Berlin, the German capital.

Where did Hitler, supposedly, spend his last few months?

In an underground bunker in Berlin.

Hitler's death date.

April 30th

May 7th

Germany signed an unconditional surrender, ending the war in Europe.

V-E Day

Allies declared this to be May 8th.
"Victory in Europe

Who did Roosevelt meet with?

Churchill and Stalin

Roosevelt Death Date

April 12th, 1945

Who took Roosevelt's place?

Harry S. Truman

Final solution

Nazi's solution to eliminate a whole people.


Wiping out an entire group of people

Concentration camps

prison camps for civilians


Famous concentration camp; where 2 million poeple had been killed.


6 million Jews, Soviet prisoners of War, Poles, Gypsies, and people w/ handicaps.

U.S Holocaust Memorial Museum

Located near National Mall in Washington, D.C

The Japanese surrender ends WWII.


On December 7, 1941, the same day as the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanes bombers struck American airfields in the Philippines;

Islands of Wake and Guam; Key American bases in the Pacific

Japanese invaded...

Thailand and Malaya and captured Guam, Wake Island, and the British colony of Hong Kong.

Douglas MacArthur

American general who commanded American troops.

What victory prevented the Germans from capturing the Suez Canal?


Bataan Death March

Where about 76,000 prisoners started out but only 34,000 prisoners reached the camp.


When American bombers launched an attack on Tokyo, which was led by James Doolittle yet lifited American spirits

Battle of Coral Sea

Strategic victory because it halted the Japanese advance on Australia

Battle of Midway

Even greater victory that followed in June of 1942.

First major Japanese defeat

Battle of Midway

Island hopping

Adopted by General MacArthur and Admiral Chester Nimitz. Called for attacking and capturing certain key islands.

Battle of Leyte Gulf

-Biggest naval battle in history
-282 ships took part
-MacArthur fulfilled promise of returning to Philipines.


Seized the island of Iwo Jima


Seized the island of Okinawa


Japanese suicide pilots

Albert Einstein

Wrote to President Roosevelt, warning him that the Nazi's might try to use energy of an atom to build "extremely powerful bombs

Manhattan Project

Created by President Roosevelt to develop such weapons as Einstein had said.

August 6th, 1945

American B-29 bomber, the Enola Gay, dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima and three days later on Nagasaki.

1st bomb- Hiroshima

Killed about 70,000 people

2nd bomb- Nagasaki

Killed about 40,000 people

August 15th, 1945 (V-J Day)

Victory over Japan

Allied authorites put the top Nazi and Japanese leaders on trial. Acussed of war crimes and crimes against humanity.


Where were the trial held?

Nuremberg, Germany and Tokyo

WWII was the most destructive conflict in history. About how many people died?

40 million