Social Studies Section 3+4+5

John Cabot

an italian sea captain

Jacques Cartier

he sailed for the french, and traveled up St. Lawrence

Protestant reformation

the movement to reform the Roman Catholic Church in the 1500's, led to the creation of many different Christian Churches

Samuel de Champlain

founded Port Royal, the first permanent settlement in North America in 1605

Marquette and Joliet

Marquette - french missionary
Joilet - fur trader
both tried to reach the mississippi in 1673

Peter Minut

he led a group of Dutch settlers to the mouth of the Hudson River
Minuit called his settlement New Amsterdam

northwest passage

a natural water-way through or around North America

coureur de bosi

french colonists who lived and worked in the woods as fur traders


person who tries to spread certain religious beliefs among a group of people


agreement between nations to aid and protect one another

Why did Europeans seek a Northern route to Asia?

The Eurpoeans sought a nothern route to asia because Magellan's route around South America was too long and difficult, and they wanted a shorter route

What Religious differences divided Europe? How did these differences affect the race for American Colonies?

The religious differences that divided Europe were the people (colonists, supporters, etc) didn't like many of the practices in the Catholic churches. Other supporters became known as protestants, soon after starting the Protestant Reformation.
These diff

How did rivalry between French and Dutch colonists affect Native Americans?

Rivalry between French and Dutch colonists affected Native Americans because the French and Dutch waged warfare to seize the Indians, and the Native Americans were forced off their lands. They moved westward onto the lands of other Indians.

Did the French and Dutch achieve their goals? (wanted to establish colonies)

The french did achieve their goals because they reached present day New York and St. Lawrence river. The Dutch achieved their goals because Peter Minuit led the settlers to the Hudson river, and bought the Manhattan Island from the Indians. He called it N

Why might have Coureurs de bois and missionaries decide to come to North America?

C.D.B. might have come to America to get a closer relation with the Americans, and to trade. The N.A.'s traded with french, so if C.D.B. went to America, they would trade also.
Missionaries might have come to the Americas because traveling was hard, espec

Walter Raleigh

he raised money to outfit a colony in North America, and sailed across the atlantic, reaching North Carolina.

John Smith

a young soldier and explorer


the most powerful chief in the area

House of Burgesses

representative assembly in colonial virginia

Magna Carta

signed in 1215, a british document that contains two basic ideas, monarchs themselves have to obey the laws, and citizens have basic rights


representative assembly in England


a legal document giving certain rights to a person or company


representative to the colonial virginia government

representative government

political system in which voters elect representatives to make laws for them

Describe three problems the Jamestown colony faced after 1607. Why was the colony finally able to survive?

One problem was starvation. Another was fighting with Native Americans. They expected to get food from them, but they didnt want to give it to them. A last problem was the land was swampy, there was unhealthy water, and diseases.
The colony was finally ab

What were the origins of representative government in the English colonies?

The colonies of representative government in the English colonies happened in 1215. English nobles forced king john to sign the magna carta. it said that the king couldnt raise taxes without consulting a great council of nobles and church leaders.

What new arrivals helped Jamestown colony thrive?

the new arrivals that helped jamestown colony thrive were women and native americans. Women had babies, that added to the population of the colony. when Native Americans arrived, they were slaves, so it helped with the extra work.

What do you consider to be important milestones in the growth of jamestown?

One mileston is in the Spring of 1607, 105 colonists arrived in virginia, sailed into the chesapeake, and began settling. They named their settlement Jamestown after their king. Another event was starvation. It made the colony grow weak, and start to die

Name three important features of Jamestowns government. Write a sentence explaining how it's also an element of American representative government today.

One feature is the House of burgesses. its an assembly room, just like a courthouse today. Another feature is representative government. Voters are allowed to elect representatives to make laws, just like a company is allowed to hire new employes. A last

william Bradford

one of the voyagers that looked for New England


in the 1600's, English settlers who sought religious freedom in the americas

Mayflower compact

in 1620 agreement for ruling the plymouth colony, signed by pilgrims before they landed at plymouth


a Wampanoag indian who helped the pilgrims
he brought seeds like corn, beans, pumpkins, taught them how to catch eel


A national holiday today
Each fall, the pilgrims had a very good harvest, so they set aside a day for feasting on their crops, and giving thanks.

established church

chosen religion of a state


mistreatment or punishment of a group of people because of their beliefs


an act or decision that sets the examples for others to follow

Why did many groups in Europe face persecution?

Many groups in Europe faced persecution because they didnt follow the established religion.

How did the Mayflower compact resolve a conflict among plymouth settlers?
Why is this document important?

The Mayflower compact resolved a conflict among plymouth settlers because some of the settlers might not have obeyed the laws. This document is important because it states laws, and it established an important tradition. The tradition was they set up a go

How did Native Americans help the Pilgrims survive?

A pemaquid indian, samoset, introduced the Native Americans to massasoit, chief of the local wampanoag indians. Nicknamed squanto, he brought the pilgrims seeds like corn and beans, and taught them how to catch eels.