Social Studies Review


Long journey or voyage of exploration
Continental Divide- Mountain ridge that separates river systems flowing toward opposite sides of the continen

Lewis and Clark

Given the job to explore the Louisiana Purchase

Indian Removal Act

Signed by President Jackson in 1830, this forced Indians to move West of the Mississippi in the Trail of Tears (A long journey that forced a group of Native Americans to relocate from their homeland west across the Mississippi; many died)

James Monroe

A president who believed Europe should not meddle in the Western Hemisphere


Loyalty to one's state or section (ie. North, South) rather than to the nation as a whole

Eli Whitney

Invented the Cotton Gin


movement of people from the country to the city; this had both positive and negative consequences on life in the city

interchangeable parts

machine manufactured parts that could be used in multiple ways

Zebulan Pike

Another explorer; a mountain is named after him


Person who invests in a business in order to make money


ban on trade with another country; an embargo was passed in 1807 by Thomas Jefferson which did not serve the country well

Industrial Revolution

Change in how goods were produced; increase in machine use (examples of machines during this time: interchangeable parts, power loom, cotton gin, spinning jenny)


Person who illegally sneaks goods into or out of a country; happened due to the embargo

Manifest Destiny

The belief that the United States was meant to expand westward; unfortunately, this was done without regards to the Indians whom this negatively impacted

Barbary States

North African nations who pirated US ships


Translator who knew how to survive in the West; helped Lewis and Clark on their expedition


Pride or devotion to one's country

Henry Clay

Outspoken War Hawk, spoke up for the South

War Hawks

Members of Congress from the South and the West that wanted war with Britain