ID Mesopotamia 2012

Fertile Crescent

A crescent shaped area where one of the first civilizations began. It covers the present day countries of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Israel. The first civilizations began here.


Means "the land between the rivers". It is located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in the middle east. The first civilization began here. (Today the countries in this location are Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Israel,Jordan, and Kuwait)


An area of elevated flatland


The first form of writing used by the Sumerians.


Ancient area with its own independent government and culture.


a Sumerian temple shaped like a pyramid


One of the Mesopotamian city-states


The belief in one god only. Judaism is a monotheistic religion because Jews believe there is only one God.


A person who is a professional writer. These were usually school boys who learned to write. Woman typically did not learn to write.


An abbreviation used with date, indicating how many years have passed since the birth of Jesus. It stands for Anno Domini, a Latin phrase meaning "in the year of our Lord.


A city-state in northern Mesopotamia. The ruler of this city-states formed the world's first empire. It is called the ________ Empire.

Ancient History

The first civilization that wrote and kept records - 3500 BC to 476 AD


Ancient Mesopotamian empire was called Babylon and it was also called The ______ Empire


Ancient Mesopotamian empire was called the Assyrian Empire and it was also called ___________. The Babylonians came up with mathematics, astronomy, and the first calendar system.


The period of ancient history before the birth of Christ


Area where the first Hebrews lived


A complex society that has language, religion, a division of labor, and a social hierarchy. There is also a food supply and a political system.


A large area of city-states controlled by one ruler


The epic story of the king who searched for immortality. This is a Sumerian legend and is believed to be the first story ever recorded. ___________ was the name of a king during Mesopotamian times. The story was found written on a clay tablet.

Hammurabi Code

A set of laws put together by babylons most powerful king


The religion practiced by the Hebrews, who were the ancestors of Jewish people. It is believed that the religions called Christianity and Islam both stem from the religion called __________.

Kingdom of Israel

The second kingdom of Israelites (Hebrews) established by king David around 1000 B.C. (At that time Hebrews were called Israelites.)


The time before recorded history.


The sacred text of Judaism made up of the first five books of the Bible. The first book called Exodus tells the story of the Jews as slaves and then gaining freedom from the Egyptians. Every copy of the ______ in the world has been hand written by a scrib


One of the most powerful kings of Babylon who came up with 282 laws


This group of people forced the Jews to live as slaves for hundreds of years.


The people who are responsible for inventing cuneiform (a system of writing)


This city is famous for being an important center for trade and commerce. This city became wealthy because of the working class of skilled craftsman.


This ruler/king built the terraced garden which is known as the Hanging Garden of Babylon. He ruled the Assyrian Empire

The Cradle of Civilization

___________________ is another nickname for Mesopotamia because it is the area in which the first civilizations were established.

Written Record

Ancient history began with the first ________ _________


These people did not live in civilizations. They lived in groups, but they were not considered civilizations. They were called ____________ people.

3500 BC and 476 AD

The ancient world is considered to be the time between which years?

Anno Domini

This means "in the year of our lord" and it means after the birth of Christ.

Tigris and Euphrates

The two rivers that surround The Mesopotamia are named what?

The land between two rivers

The word Mesopotamia means what?

Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria

What are the seven countries of today that sit on the land that used to be called Mesopotamia?

Ur, Kish, and Nippur

The three earliest city-states in the Fertile Crescent were called what?


Ancient civilizations often develop on the banks of _____ because they provide food and water and the soil in the area is very fertile

The Ziggurat of Ur

Which ziggurat is still standing today?


Which group invented the wheel?


The ________ empire was the first empire in the world.

Sumer, Akkad, Babylon, and Assyria

What is the name of each of the four major civilizations we are studying in this unit about Ancient History? (State them in the order of which these civilizations came about. Which came 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th?)


The ___________ made many contributions to mathematics and astronomy.

Clay Tablets

An archeologist found thousands of ______ ______ that contain writings of many civilizations from the Mesopotamian times. One of the writings the archeologist found was Gilgamesh.


Christianity and the Islam religion are believed to have started with this other religion called ______ which eventually split off and started Christianity and Islam.


built neighborhoods, villages, cities, states,

organized governments

written laws, taxes, king or other leader was thought to have been chosen by God

complex religions

city-state had own god ; 7 forces of nature; Ziggurats were priests, statues, prayers, certain offerings

job specialization

once a place could grow enough food, people could specialize (priests, farmers, craftsmen, fishermen)

social classes

Kings, priests, scribes, helpers, merchants/shop keepers, craftsmen, farmers, slaves


stylus (pointed reed) wrote on wet clay = Cuneiform (WRITERS=SCRIBES, WRITING=CUNEIFORM)

art / architecture

art onto walls of temples
history - learned about it and wrote it down
created sculptures
worshipped gods

public works

homes used mud clay irrigation systems to build levees


the study of the moon, stars, and other objects in space


human-made or artificial waterways


an ancient city that ruled itself independently


societies that have writing and keep track of records


orders from God, especially one of the TEN COMMANDMENTS


ancient writing that uses small wedge-shaped characters like the writing that was used in Mesopotamia and Persia


a severe shortage of food resulting in widespread hunger


moving water to help crops grow


natural or human-made walls built along rivers to prevent flooding


directing the course of a ship


people who move from place to place


men who wrote in cuneiform


fine-grained sediment found at the bottom of a river or lake


a group or community with common interests


a special writing instrument used for writing on clay tablets


pyramid-like temples

Division of labor

dividing different tasks among workers