Noah Ch. 6 - The American Revolution - Review

two opposing sides in the American Revolution

Patriots and the Loyalists

an advantage for the Americans during the Revolutionary War

fighting on their own land for their own cause

another name for Loyalists


What nationality were the Hessians


leader of the Continental Army during the American Revolution

George Washington

This Patriot was executed for spying on Great Britain

Nathan Hale

Who fought on the side of the Patriots with the understanding they would win their freedom?

African Americans

This Christmas day American victory helped build morale during the harsh winter of 1776?

Battle of Trenton

What happed to the members of the Continental Congress when the British
captured Philadelphia?

Forced to flee

At which battle did the American forces surrounded British troops and forced
British General John Burgoyne and force he and his troops to surrender?

Battle of Saratoga

Which Founder was essential in getting the support of France during the American

Benjamin Franklin

Jonathan Austin delivered news of American victory after which battle?

Battle of Saratoga

Where did the British army spend the winter while the Continental Army suffered a
harsh winter at Valley Forge?


Which country did the Spanish side with during American Revolution?

United States

desert means

to leave without permission

This former Prussian military officer who helped train the Continental Army
to become a more effective fighting force?

Friedrich von Steuben

This French soldier offered his services to General Washington and agreed to serve without pay in the American Revolution?

Marquis de Lafayette

What decision by Continental Congress led to inflation in the colonies?

decision of Continental Congress to print hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of
paper money

In 1780, which state legislature adopted a plan to gradually free enslaved people


How were Loyalists treated by their neighbors who supported the revolution?

Shunned, persecution, acts of violence

How were the Native Americans tribes who sided with the British involved in the
American Revolution?

Raided American settlements, killed settlers

Which British commander was nicknamed the "hair buyer" because he paid Native
American's for settlers' scalps?

Henry Hamilton

a blockade does this

prevents ships from entering or leaving the harbor

What did Congress authorize to combat the powerful British navy?

authorized private merchant ships to sail as privateers, meaning they could be
outfitted with weapons and capture enemy ships and cargo

What did the American officer John Paul Jones become famous for during the war?

successfully raiding British ports

What and when was the American defeat of the war?

Surrender of Charles Town, South Carolina in May 1780

What type of tactics did the American forces led by Francis Marion use?

hit-and-run attacks

How did Bernardo de Galvez help the American side during the war?

By shipping supplies and ammunition up the Mississippi River to American troops

What did British threats cause many of the people in the Carolinas to do?

Side with the Patriots, led to attack to Battle of Kings Mountain

Where did General Cornwallis and his troops retreat to after he gave up the
campaign to conquer the Carolinas?


How did the arrival of Comte de Rochambeau help the Patriot cause?

He brought with him thousands of soldiers to fight alongside the Patriots.

After the first French fleet arrived, what was General Washington's original
strategy, or plan of attack?

to await a second French fleet, then attack the British position in New York

Why did General Washington advance on Yorktown instead of New York?

He learned that the second French fleet would land much further south.

Why did General Washington keep his plan to advance to Yorktown a secret from
everyone, including his own soldiers?

to prevent General Clinton from going to help General Cornwallis

What prevented General Cornwallis and his troops trapped at Yorktown from
escaping by sea?

second French fleet

Did the British surrender at the Battle of Yorktown bring an immediate end to the
American Revolution?


What treaty, which was signed in September 1783, was the final agreement to end
the war?

Treaty of Paris

Why did the Continental Army threaten to use force against the Continental

They threatened to use force if they were not paid

What were General Washington's plans after the war?

retire and return to his home, Mount Vernon

What were some of the reasons that the Americans won the American Revolution

Foreign aid, fighting on their own land, belief in cause, and leadership of General