Early Man


the raising of crops and animals for human use


a person who studies the remains of past cultures


an object made by someone in the past


a culture that has developed systems of specialization, religion, learning and government


the way of life of a group of people at a particular times, including their daily habits, beliefs and arts


to train plants or animals to be useful to people. To train/tame animals to be useful to people.


a huge sheet of ice that moves slowly across the land


a political system set up to rule and area or group of people


a small group of people that wander around following herds of animals, they lived in the ice age

primary source

a firsthand account of an event or an artifact created during the period of history being studied. Example: diary, doll

secondary source

a record of the past based on information from primary sources example encyclopedia


to spend most of one's time doing one kind of job


the use of skills and tools to meet practical human needs

hunter gatherer

someone who hunts animals and gathers plants for food


the period of time before writing began


having extra supplies. An extra supply of something, such as crops, that is not needed immediately.

Things to remember about the OLD STONE AGE

1. people were Hunter-gatherers 2. Lived during the ice age 3. lived in caves 4. Simple tools were made out of bones and rock

Things to remember about the NEW STONE AGE

1. Civilizations developed during this time 2. animals were used (domesticated) to help with work 3. They planted and harvested crops (agriculture developed)

A reason to be a farmer instead of a hunter-gatherer

You can have a steady supply of food and it is safer to live in towns instead of alone

Specialization can make life easier?

Yes, since people can do different jobs an dstill survive. Time can be had to develope a civilization

Two advantages with surplus food?

1. Extra (surplus) food can be traded for other goods. 2. People can specialize in other jobs then trade for food.