American Journey Chapter 6 All Sections


to give official approval to


a surprise attack

Treaty of Paris

1783 American delegates were sent to France to negotiate the terms of this with the British

Admiral Francois de Grassee

*Commander of the French fleet
*Helped George Washington win Battle of Yorktown

What were the conditions of the 1783 Treaty of Paris?

1) Britain recognized United States as an independent nation
2) British merchants allowed to collect $ owed to them by Americans
3) British to withdraw all troops from the United States
4) British gave Americans right to fish off coast of Canada

Saint Domingue

* Now it is present-day Haiti
* This is where enslaved Africans were inspired by the ideals of the American Revolution and this caused them to fight and win their independence from France in the late 1700's

Yorktown, Virginia

This is where Cornwallis moved his troops north after abandoning battlefields in the South

The World Turned Upside Down

A tune played by a British band during the English surrender after the Battle of Yorktown

What happened when Congress refused to pay pensions and other debts to American soldiers following the British surrender at Yorktown?

Some officers threatened to refuse to disband the Continental Army

What was the result of George Washington keeping his plan for attacking Cornwallis at Yorktown a secret?

The plans was a complete SUCCESS - the Patriots won the Battle of Yorktown

What is the name of the peace treaty that ended the war?

Treaty of Paris

Where did British General Cornwallis surrender at?


What Americans negotiated the Treaty of Paris that was signed on September 3, 1783?

Benjamin Franklin
John Adams
John Jay

What did the Battle of Yorktown convince the British of?

That war with the Patriots was too costly

What country helped America win the Battle of Yorktown?


Comte de Rochambeau

*French general who helped Americans
*July 1780 French warships arrived in waters off Newport, Rhode Island (British ships trapped them here)
*Later helped at Yorktown


to cut off an area with troops or warships to stop supplies or people from coming in or going out; to close off a country's ports


an armed private ship


a hit and run technique used in fighting a war; fighting by small bands of warriors using tactics such as sudden ambushes

Savannah, Georgia

*British victory in late 1778
*British General Henry Clinton sent 3,500 British troops here
*America's worst defeat of the war

Bonhomme Richard

* American ship (in was an old French ship that Benjamin Franklin got)
* Sept 1779 defeated the British ship Serapis near coast of Britain
*John Paul Jones named the ship in honor of Benajmin Franklins' Poor Richard's Almanac

George Rogers Clark

*Capture Vincennes (present-day Indiana) July 1778

Bernardo de Galvez

*Spanish governor of Louisiana
*Summer 1779 raised army of Spanish, creoles, Native Americans & African Americans
* Captured Baton Rouge, Natchez
*Captured Mobile (March 1780)
*Captured Pensacola (May 1781)

Francis Marion

* Nicknamed the "Swamp Fox"
* South Carolina Patriot that used guerilla warfare tactics against the British

General Charles Cornwallis

* British
* After the American victories in the south, he abandoned the southern campaign & moved his army to Yorktown, Virginia
* SURRENDERED at Yorktown

Joseph Brant

* Fought for British (Mohawk chief)
* Attacked Americans brutally west of the Appalachian Mountains in SW New York and Northern Pennsylvania
*Failed at trying to get fair land settlement for Native Americans and moved to Canada

Henry Hamilton

*A British commander who commanded Detroit (main British base in the west)
*Helped British re-capture Vincennes
*Nicknamed "Hair Buyer" because he supposedly paid cash for American scalps.


British warship that lost to American ship Bonhomme Richard

John Paul Jones

* American navy officer
* Sept 1779 he sailed the Bonhomme Richard near the coast of Britain (defeated the British ship Serapis)

How did the British prevent supplies and reinforcements from reaching the Americans?

British blockaded American harbors

How did Galvez' victories in Baton Rouge, Natchez, Mobile, and Pensacola help America?

Opened supply lines for military goods from Spain, France, Cuba and Mexico

Charles Town, South Carolina

*British victory in May 1780

Camden, South Carolina

*British victory Aug 1780
* British General Charles Cornwallis
*American General Horatio Gates
*Face guerrilla warfare by Americans here & in south

Kings Mountain, North Carolina

* American victory Sept 1780
* British officer and more than 1,000 Loyalists tried to defend their post here from Patriot sharpshooters but America won (Patriots forced British to retreat)
*This American victory brought new support for independence from S

Who replaced Horatio Gates in October 1780 as commander of the Continental forces in the South?

Nathanael Greene

Cowpens, South Carolina

*American victory Jan 1781
* Americans were led by Daniel Morgan here

Guilford Courthouse (North Carolina)

* British victory March 1781 but British sustained great losses here
*Nathanael Greene led America (America lost)
*Cornwallis led British (after this Cornwallis abandoned the Carolina campaign and marched north to Yorktown and set up camp there)


to leave without permission


a continuous rise in the price of goods and services


* A Spanish governor of Louisiana
* Raised an army to force British troops from Baton Rouge & Natchez, captured British forts at Mobile in 1780 and Pensacola in 1781


* French nobleman who was inspired by the ideas written in the Declaration of Independence
* Came to Valley Forge to help Patriots & Washington
* Trusted aid to General George Washington


* Polish cavalry officer who helped Patriots & Washington


* Former army officer from Germany
* Came to help Patriots & Washington
* Taught Patriot troops at Valley Forge and he turned the ragged Continental Army into a more effective fighting force


* From Spain
*Arrived in 1778 in Philadelphia as a representative of Spain
* He urged Spain, Cuba & Mexico to send financial aid to the colonies
*He befriended many Patriot leaders & lent money to help the cause


A woman from Massachusetts who argued in an essay that women's minds are as good as mens and therefore girls should get as good an education as boys


Wife of John Adams. During the war she wrote letters to her husband describing life on the homefront. She urged her husband to remember America's women in the new government he was helping to create.


This is where George Washington's troops had inadequate clothing, food and shelter here in the cold winter in the winer of 1778

What did many of the soldiers in the Continental Army do during the harsh conditions at Valley Forge in the winter of 1778?

deserted the army

What did the American victory at Saratoga do?

1) It lifted the Patriot's spirits
2) It encouraged France to form an alliance with America in 1778

Who declared war on Britain in 1779?


Martha Washington

George Washington's wife who helped American troops by making clothes and caring for the sick

What caused inflation during the war in America?

Congress printed hundreds of millions of dollars worth of paper money that lost its value because there was not enough gold and silver to back it

Who printed paper money because they had no power to levy taxes?

Continental Congress

What did the ideals of liberty and freedom cause Americans to do?

1) Some WOMEN questioned their place in society
2) Some Americans questioned SLAVERY

What country worked out a trade agreement and an alliance with America in 1778?



Went to Paris, France to try to get France to support the Americans' fight for independence


taking no side side in a conflict


a paid soldier who serves in the army of a foreign country


to enlist soldiers in the army


Colonists that remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independence


Mercenaries (hired soldier) from Germany that Britain hired to help them fight


*Accompanied her husband in battle, fought in war
*Her real name was Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley
* Nicknamed "Moll of the Pitcher" by the soldiers because she carried water pitchers to the soldiers


Woman who disguised herself as a boy and enlisted to fight in the Revolution


Pennsylvania woman who took her husband's place when he died in battle


African Americans who joined the patriots and fought at Concord, Massachusetts


*August 1776
*British victory (General William Howe)
* Continental Army was outnumbered and outmaneuvered
*This is where Nathan Hale proved himself a hero


British commander, WON Battle of Long Island


*A Patriot hero in Battle of Long Island
*A teacher from Connecticut that disguised himself as a Dutch schoolteacher to spy on British troops
*British discovered his true identity and hanged him for spying
* His last words were "I only regret that I have


* Christmas Night 1776
*AMERICAN VICTORY (General George Washington)
*American troops went crossed the icy Delaware river and surprised the British/captured Hessians


* October 1777
*AMERICAN VICTORY (American General Horatio Gates)
*Brtish troops SURRENDERED on Oct. 17, 1777
(British General John Burgoyne)
*This victory was a turning point in the war - it caused European nations to consider that America might gain ind


American general, WON Battle of Saratoga


Patriot leader who helped force British to retreat after the British captured Fort Ticonderoga


*British general who LOST BATTLE OF SARATOGA
* Enjoyed good food and fine clothes

Why were enslaved African Americans not allowed to enlist in the war?

The southerners were afraid slaves would revolt if they had guns.

Where did British troops hope to separate New England from the Middle states?

British wanted to take Albany, New York and gain control of the Hudson River


American colonists who supported independence

What are three advantages British had over the Patriots?

1) Strong Navy & experienced army
2) Wealthy
3) Larger population

What are three disadvantages suffered by the Patriots?

1) Didn't have a Strong Navy and regular army
2) Weapons & ammunition in short supply
3) Not all Americans supported struggle for independence


Pamphlet written by Thomas Pain that moved many American colonists to independence (early 1776)


Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that helped boost Americanslagging spiritis (Dec 1776). George Washington read it to his troops to inspire them to continue to fight for independence

How did the location of the war help the Americans?

They were familiar with their own land and determined to fight for their own land in America

What are three disadvantages suffered by the British?

1) War in faraway land in America
2) Had HESSIANS (hired soldiers from Germany)
3) Had to ship supplies and soldiers thousands of miles across the Atlantic Ocean

Which three groups of Americans DID NOT SUPPORT the war for independence?

1) Quakers - against war/armed conflict
2) Loyalists/Tories - remained loyal to Britain
3) Neutral people - preferred not to chose sides

Why did American troops lose the Battle of Long Island?

1) Americans had less troops
2) Americans did not have much supplies and the Continental Army had not socks, jackets, or shoes