The Constitution, Chapter 14

Articles of Confederation

the document that set up the first government of the United States. The government had limited powers.

Constitutional Convention

the meeting called by the states in 1787 to improve the Articles of Confederation that instead wrote a new constitution


a document that describes how a government will work

checks and balances

the system under which each branch of government limits, or checks, the powers of the other branches

legislative branch

the branch that makes laws: to legislate is to make laws

executive branch

the branch that carries out, or executes, laws

judicial branch

the branch that interprets laws and settles disagreements about them; "judicial" comes from the word judge


an agreement in which each side gives up some of what it wants


a group of advisors to the president, including the heads of important departments in the executive branch


to accuse or charge a government official, such as the president, with a crime or misconduct


To reject a bill and prevent it from becoming a law, a power that belongs only to the president


a form of government in which a ruler holds power for life

rule of law

a set of public laws that apply to all people equally, with no one getting special treatment


a form of government in which citizens elect representatives who are responsible to the people