

a fan of fertile soil near the mouth of a river


wild rapids formed by boulders and narrow cliffs


a reed plant that grew along the shores of the Nile used in paper-making


a line of rulers that passes power from one father to son to grandson


forced payments to Egyptian kings from conquered peoples


gods and goddesses who controlled nature and human activities


egyptian king


writing system based on pictorial symbols


an embalmed body wrapped in cloth strips


mountain-like tombs for Egyptian kings


a device used to raise water from one place to the next

Geography that surrounded and protected Egypt

deserts, cataracts, delta


largest desert in the world

Who did the Egyptians learn their system of government from?


The first kings of Egypt were probably

war heroes

Who is the king that is known for uniting Upper and Lower Egypt and what symbol did he use to show their unity?

Narmar known as Menes-wore a double crown

The Nile River's flooding could be described as

gentle and dependable

What crops did the Egyptians grow?

flax, wheat, and barley

Why did the Egyptians start a system of government?

Advances in farming, crafts, and trade. Needed to oversee irrigation, building projects, surplus of grain, and disputes over land and other things

What were the two main kingdoms of early Egypt?

Upper and Lower Egypt

Egypt's Upper Class

nobles, priests, and wealthy Egyptians

Egypt's Middle Class

artisans, merchants, traders, shopkeepers, scribes

Egypt's Lower Class

farmers and herders were at the top of the lower class system and then below them were unskilled workers and slaves

Who made up the largest group of Egypt's population?


What roles and rights did women have in Egypt?

They could buy and sell goods, make wills, and obtain divorces. They could also be in charge of temples and perform religious ceremonies

Compare and Contrast Egypt and Mesopotamia

Study the Chart on page 44 or your pyramid foldable.


process of preserving the pharaoh's body from decomposing


wrapped body

Book of the Dead

collection of spell and prayers studied to help obtain life after death

Why did the Egyptians willingly serve the pharaoh?

they believed he was the son of the god Rae

What did the egyptiians do to show their respect to the pharaoh?

they would play music and bow down to "Smell the Earth

What type of rituals did the pharaoh perform that would benefit the people?

ride on a sacred bull-to ensure fertile soil for planting season
first to cut the grain-to ensure a plentiful harvest

What did the Egyptians believe about life after death?

that it was better than life on earth

Why did the Egyptians embalm their pharaohs?

so they would have a body to get to the afterlife and so that they could protect Egypt in the underworld


queen of the underworld-god of women, wife, and mothers


ruler of the underworld-god of men, husbands, and fathers


god of the Nile River


Sun god

What advancements were the Egyptians first to specialize in?


Who did most of the work during the building of the pyramids?


How were the pyramids built?

stone was hauled from Upper Egypt to the Nile River then transported on barges down to the building site in Lower Egypt. Then builders would use ramps too move the blocks into place.

Who was the great pyramid built for?

King Kufu


one of few women pharaohs of Egypt

Which ruler avoided military conquest and expanded Egypt's economy and trade?



Nephew of Hatshepsut who took over after her reign. He expanded Egypt's territories through military conquest and also increased slavery.


changed the religion of Egypt to one god, lost territories to outside invasions, and hurt the stability of Egypt's unity.

Why did Akhenation develop a new religion?

priests and nobles were gaining too much power at the expense of the pharaohs

Which Egyptian ruler reestablished the old religion?

King Tut

Why is King Tut so popular?

young pharaoh, mysteries of his death, and his tomb was found untouched

What happened to Egypt during Ramses II's reign?

reestablished Egypt's glory- new temples were built and regained lost territories

What was is the name of the most famous temple?

Karnak and Thebes

What were the temples used for?

served as houses for the gods, religious rituals, and banks

What the the reason for the decline of Egypt?

Egyptians had trouble keeping neighboring countries out because they lacked effective weapons due to the heavy cost of iron