Regions Test 2

unifying characteristics of all cultural regions are:

religion,politics,economics,ethnicity ,language

what unifies the Wheat Belt?

agricultural production of wheat and other grains

Northern Ireland is divided into two:

religious groups

A Chinatown is an example of what type of region?


The Arab world world is unified by:

The Muslim religion

NATO stands for:

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

The problems between India and Pakistan are based:

On religion

Cyrup is an island in the:

Mediterranean Sea

The unifying characteristic of the Sahara Desert is:


Muslims consider Jerusalem holy because:

Muhammad ascended to heaven from the template

Two ethnic groups living on the Balkan Peninsula are:

Serbs and Croats

Jews consider Jerusalem holy because:

Their temple was built there

Three examples of physical regions are?

Landforms,vegetation ,climate

One country in Cyrprus is primarily from ____, and the other country is primarily from ____

Turkey and Greece

The two religious groups of Northern Ireland are

Catholics and Protestants

Latin America is unified by this cultural characteristic

Language (Spanish)

Northern Ireland belongs to:

The United Kingdom

Unifying Characteristic of the Great Plains

Topography and vegetation

NATO countries share the common purpose of:

To protect and preserve

Switzerland has multiple languages but is:

Still Unifies

These Two countries only have one ethnic group:

Japan and Korea

Three reasons for population change in the Sun Belt:

Air Conditioning, retirees, illegal immigration

Israel was created by ____, in what year?

The United Nations in 1948

Regions are areas of earth's surface that share:

Unifying characteristics

Cyprus is divided into two countries based on:


Cities in the Rust Belt include:

Detroit, Pittsburgh, Buffalo

NATO member countries include:

Spain,Italy,U.S.,United Kingdom,France,Germany

Two countries on the Balkan Peninsula are:

Bosnia and Croatia

The Francophone world is unified by its ties to:


The cultural characteristic of language can:

Link or divide regions

The major language in Brazil is:


The Wheat Belt is in what region of the U.S.?

The central United States

Christians Consider Jerusalem holy because:

Jesus died on the cross there

The Rust Belt is located where?

In the Northern United States

The unifying characteristics of the Taiga are:

Cold climate and vegetation

India and Pakistan both claim a region called:

The Kashmir

Southeast Asia is unified by what characteristic?

Religion (Buddhism)

What does "EU" stand for?

European Union

Kurdistan overlaps into which countries?


The unifying characteristic of the Low countries is:


The Arab world is found in:

North Africa and the Middle East

The African Union is unified by what characteristic?


Languages that are spoken in Switzerland include:

Italian,German,and French

Rwanda is in _____, and is divided into two groups:

Africa, The Tutsis and the Huts

The Rust Belt was the center of industry for?

Heavy Metal, including the steel and car industries

What region stretches across the Southern U.S.?

The Sun Belt

Two countries on the Balkan Peninsula are:


The unifying characteristics of the rainforest are:

Humid, wet climate and vegetation