5.1 Early American Culture

This American writer, published, was a scientist, and inventor and a diplomat.

Benjamin Franklin

A Christian religious movement

The Great Awakening

Philosophical movement stressing human reason


Preacher who delivered fiery sermons during the Great Awakening

Jonathan Edwards

Preacher who drew large crowds during the Great Awakening

George Whitefield

English philosopher who argued that people have natural rights

John Locke

One who is learning a trade from an experienced craftsperson


The ability to read and write




What plant did Eliza Lucas Pinckney introduce to South Carolina Plantations?


What gave colonists in America a chance to prosper?

Cheap farmland and abundant natural resources

What percentage of the population in England owned property?


What needed to happen to the land in the American colonies before the settlers could take control?

Native Americans were forced to give up their claim.

What did landownership do for the colonists?

It gave them political rights and prosperity.

Who could vote in rural America?

white, male, landowners

Who could vote in urban America?

City dwellers who paid a fee

Why could more people in America could vote than those in England?

ecause more people owned land.

How was the American class system different from the class system in England?

America had no titled aristocracy, it had a larger middle class and there was a huge underclass of slaves.

In the American colonies, where did most people live?

on farms

What chores did American colonial women have on the farm?

churned butter, made soap, candles, and clothes, tended the garden, and looked after farm animals

What opportunities did urban women have that rural women did not?

run inns and businesses, practice trades

What limitations did colonial women face?

They could not vote, except Quakers, they could not preach, married women could not own property, even the money she earned belonged to her husband.

What chores did men accomplish on the farm?

planted, raised and harvested crops, cared for the livestock, butchered, and cut trees.

How large were New England families?

They had between 6 - 8 children.

Why did rural families have so many children?

More children meant more workers for the farm.

What does "breeched mean?

At age six boys were given their first pair of pants and began to help their fathers at work.

Define apprentice?

At age 13 boys would leave their families and learn a trade from an experienced craftsperson. They received room, board and an education for their help.

What did girls learn?

They learned sewing and other household chores form their mothers.

What percentage of white males in New England could read and write?


What percentage of white males could read and write in the Middle colonies?


What percentage of white males could read and write in the Southern colonies?


How does the literacy rate in the American colonies compare to that of the mother country, England?

Literacy rates were higher in the American colonies ranging by region between 50%-85%. In England only about 60% of white males could read and write.

Why were colonial children taught to read and write?

So they could understand the Bible.

What form of literature was unique to the colonies?

captivity narrative

What is The Sovereignty and Goodness of God about?

The story of Mary Rowlandson being held hostage for 11 weeks during King Philip's War.

What did the Great Awakening appeal to?

faith and emotions

What did the Enlightenment appeal to?

reason and scientific observation

When did the Great Awakening occur in America?

the 1730'3 and 1740's

What did traveling preachers preach during the Great Awakening?

inner religious emotion was more important than outward religious behavior

What was Jonathan Edwards' most famous sermon?

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

What did the Great Awakening lead to?

Arguments over religious practices.

How did the Great Awakening affect the south?

The focus on spiritual equality threatened the social system.

Who is George Whitefield?

He was a preacher who helped raise funds to start a home for orphans.

How did the Great Awakening inspire colonists to help others?

Ministers taught Christianity and reading to Natives and Africans.

What did the Enlightenment encourage?

the belief that humans could use rational thought to improve themselves and society

Which famous American was an Enlightenment figure?

Benjamin Franklin

What did the writers of the Enlightenment condemn?

tyranny and superstition

What did Enlightenment thinkers challenge?

traditional social practices

What did Enlightenment thinkers value?

justice and equality

What did Enlightenment thinkers call for?

social and political change

Where did the Enlightenment begin?


What did John Locke challenge?

He challenged the belief that kings had a God-given right to rule.

What did John Locke claim?

That governments were created by the consent of human beings and that they had the right to change them.

What did Locke argue?

That people have the natural rights of life, liberty and property.

What did Locke insist?

That people have the right to change a government that does not protect their natural rights.

What did Enlightenment thinkers encourage?

The idea that people can improve society and the world.

How was life different in the new world for life in England?

Land was available; class system was based on achievement.

How did the Enlightenment influence American colonists?

It introduced them to the idea of natural rights and government by consent.