The Road to Revolution

Who were England's two main rivals in North America?

The French and Spanish. The Indians did not pose a threat because they were not a superpower and they were not united.

Name the steps that the French took to protect its lands in North America.

The French used physical presence, forts, outposts and settlements to protect its lands.

Why did the French expect the Indians to side with them?

They expected the Indians to side with them because they were trappers, they intermarried with the Indians.

Why did some Indians side with the English?

Some Indians sided with the English because of political reasons, they were selfish, and because of bad blood with other tribes.

How did the rivalry among England, France, and Spain in North America reflect their worldwide struggle for power?

The French and Indian War is a continuation of the War that was happening in Europe. The English call it the 7 years war.

What do these words mean?

Closing in on each other, clearing trees. Impossible to live with the British. The Indians are doomed.

Could the Indians hold out against the British and the French?

There was no way the Indians could hold out against the British and the French. The only way that the Indians had a chance would be if the Indians united with each other to become one big tribe.

When did the battle between the British and colonial farmers occur?

The battle happened in April of 1775.

Who did King George II send to find a good spot for a settlement?

King George II sent Mr. Gist to find a good spot for a settlement.

What did an Indian protest to an English trader?

He protested: "You and the French are like the two edges of a pair of shears. And we are the cloth which is to be cut between them.

What happened in June of 1749?

New France sent men down the Ohio River.

When did traders cross the mountains?

In 1740 traders crossed the mountains.

Where were the traders from?

The traders were from New York and Pennsylvania.

Joseph Brant

The Mohawk chief Thayendanegea