Social Studies - Chapter 6 Notes

Samuel Adams

organized the Committee of Correspondence in Boston and helped plan the Boston Tea Party

John Dickenson

head of the committee for the Articles of Confederation

Thomas Jefferson

main author of the Declaration of Independence

Richard Henry Lee

called for the resolution at the Second Continental Congress for independence from Britain

George Washington

Commander in Chief of the Continental Army

France and Britain both claimed the same land in North America. This was a major cause of the _____.

French and Indian War

Which battles marked the beginnings of the American Revolution?

the battles at Lexington and Concord

This Virginian was elected to the House of Burgesses in 1765 and on March 23, 1775 made a persuasive speech that included the words, "Give me liberty or give me death!

Patrick Henry

Paul Revere, besides being the horseman who warned the countryside that the British were coming, was a silversmith who did a painting that he titled "The Bloody Massacre." He lived in which colonial city?


Why was the Battle of Bunker Hill (Breeds Hill) so important?

It proved to the British that the colonists would not be easy to defeat.

The FIRST plan of government for the United States was called _____.

The Articles of Confederation

When did congress vote to adopt the Declaration of Independence?

July 4, 1776

Which document states that people are responsible for starting a government and the government gets the power to rule from the agreement and decisions of the people?

The Declaration of Independence, 1776

Which group of people met to decide how to respond to British policies and actions, such as the Coercive Acts. It sent a petition to the king stating the colonists' rights, agreed to stop most trade with Britain, and asked the colonies to form militias.

The First Continental Congress

Name at least 7 things that the colonists did to protest British Imperial policies.

-boycott British goods
-wove their own cloth
-chased British tax collectors (sometimes tarred and feathered them)
-formed Committees of Correspondence
-organized protests
-sent petitions to Parliament
-formed militias




the lawmaking branch of the British government


public announcement


voice in government


working against ones own government


a formal meeting of representatives


refusing to buy British goods

Imperial Policies

laws and orders issued by the king and Parliament

Commander in Chief

leader of all the military forces


the first section of the Declaration of Independence

The British government passed new tax laws because _____.

they needed to pay for the French and Indian War

Many colonists protested taxes placed on British goods by _____.

boycotting British goods

The effect that the Articles of Confederation had on the new nation was _____

the states were held together during the Revolutionary Was

Which group of people helped spread informetion quickly, helping the colonists fight British rule?

Committee of Correspondende

Lands west of the Appalachian Mountains were set aside for Native Americans. Many colonists ignored the new law and settled, hunted there, and tried to push the Native Americans out. What is the name of the law?

The Proclamation of 1763

Why was the Declaration of Independence written the way it was?

to tell the King that the colonists not only had grievances, but they also felt the only way they could resolve the problem was to split with England