Social Studies Chapter 5 - Notes

Who were the main workers on Southern Plantations?

Enslaved Africans

The _____ settled in Massachusetts Bay Colony because they wanted to live according to their religious beliefs.


A person wanting to learn a trade or become an artisan became an _____ first.


Who was Roger Williams and how did his beliefs differ from the leaders of the church?

He was a church leader who believed that church leaders should not be community leaders. He was expelled.

Who was Anne Hutchinson and what was her experience with church leaders?

She held church services in her own home and disagreed with the teachings of the church leaders. She was expelled.

This city was very important for trade in the Middle Colonies because it had a good harbor on a river.


This colony was established by the Calverts because they wanted to provide a safe place for Catholics.


Colonists followed _____ to settle near the Piedmont as land space in the colonies began to fill up. This route followed an old Indian path.

The Great Wagon Road

What was meant by "city upon a hill" and why were the Massachusetts Puritans trying to create it?

The city everyone looked up to because they were good Puritans; they government followed their Christian beliefs; they set up schools

Why were enslaved Africans brought to the colonies?

cheap labor

The Frame of Government of Pennsylvania allowed people to _____.


King Philip's War occurred because _____.

land disputes between colonists and Native Americans were taking place

How did the New England colonists feel about England's trade rules?

They thought they were unfair because they were only allowed to buy or sell to England.

What things did enslaved Africans do to resist slavery?

-work slowly
-sing spirituals
-learn to read and right
-spoke out in the Northern stated against slavery

What was the Great Awakening and how did it affect people living in the Colonies?

It was a time period that renewed interest in religion and living religious ways of life; many government decisions were based on religious teachings.


manufactured goods brought into a country for sale


manufactured goods sent out of a country for sale in another country

Triangular Trade Route

A route used by ships that went from England to Africa to the Colonies and West Indies to collect and sell goods and slaves


people from different backgrounds living and working together


a person from another country who comes to live and work in the new country


a young child sent to work with a skilled artisan to learn a trade


a set of laws


a person who woed money and was sent to prison

naval stores

supplies needed to make and repair ships









New York City

New York



What are the main differences between slavery in the New England, the Middle, and the Southern Colonies?

New England Colonies had slaves but they soon believed that slavery was wrong and worked to fight it; Middle Colonies had slaves but many Africans lived and worked freely; Southern Colonies needed enslaved Africans to do most of the work on plantations.