reproductive system


one or both of the testes fail to defend into the normal position in the scrotum

cryptorchidism may be due to

short spermatic cord, small inguinal ring, hormonal abnormalities

cryptorchidism affects

3-4% of full term new borns

cryptorchidism is the most

common birth defect of the male genital

cryptorchidism can cause

reduced fertility, increased risk of testicular cancer 4-10X

treatment for cryptorchidism

surgery before age 2 orchiopexy


enlargement of the veins in the scrotum, a bag of worms appearance

varicocele affects

15-120% of men (90% on the left side)

varicocele may cause

low sperm production/ decrease in sperm quality

varicolcele is caused by

nutcracker syndrome, valve failure/ absence in testicular vein, angle variations of testicular veins/ gravity

treatment for varicolece

left renal vein bypass

testicular torsion

twisting of the spermatic cord due to rotation of the testis causing reduced blood flow

testicular torsion is most common

between ages 12-18

tersticular torsion can be caused

inherited trait can allow free rotations of testis inside of scrotum, bell clapper deformity

testicular torsion symptoms

sudden severe pain on one side of the scrotum, N

how long do you have to treat testicular torsion and what is the treatment

within 6 hours or necrosis, orchiopexy to attach testicle to inside of scrotum

testicular cancer happens in

50% of cases (15-35 y/o age group)

testicular cancer is most commonly

a seminoma (germ cell tumor)

testicular cancer symptoms

lump/swelling in testicle, precocious puberty ( androgen secretion), breast growth or soreness (estrogen secretion)

treatment for testicular cancer

radical orchiectomy

survival rate for testicular cancer

99% 5 year survival rate if cancer is localized to the testicle

what increases risk of testicular cancer

heavy cannabis use (>50X in a lifetime) increases risk 2.5X

who gets prostate cancer

99% of cases are men over 50 years old (most common are >60)

prostate cancer is the

most common non skin cancer among men and most are slow growing

prostate cancer symptoms

urinary frequency, dysuria, LBP, painful ejaculation, pelvic pain

how do you diagnose prostate cancer

DRE, biopsy is definitive

treatment for prostate cancer

radiation, chemotherapy, prostatectomy

survival rate for prostate cancer

100% 5 yr survival rate if CA is localized to the prostate, 98% 10 yr survival rate

BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia)

Benign prostatic enlargement, hyperplasia of prostatic tissue with formation of nodules surrounding the urethra

who gets BPH

50% men 65 older and 90% men 80 older

symptoms for BPH

hesitancy, dribbling, frequency, nocturia, recurrent UTIs

treatment for BPH

TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate)


painful menstruation

what is the pain due to in in dysmennorrhea

release of prostaglandin (causes strong uterine muscle contractions and ischemia)

dysmenorrhea may be

primary: develops when ovulation commences
secondary: endometriosis, PID, tumors


absence of mentruation

amenorrhea may be

primary: menarche has never occurred
secondary: tumors, stress, sudden weightloss, eating disorders, competitive sports


- increased amount and duration of flow


bleeding between cycles


excessive uterine bleeding that occurs irregularly and more frequently than normal


short cycles <3 weeks


long cycles of >6


permanent cessation of menstrual periods aka climacteric

premenstrual syndrome begins

a week or so before the onset of menses and ends with onset of menses

symptoms for PMS

breasts tenderness, weight gain, bloating, irritability, emotional lability, sleep disturbances, depression, HA, and fatigue

premenstrual dysphoric syndrome

more sever form of pms

candida vaginitis (yeast infection) is caused by

Candida albicans (normal flora)

risk factors for candida vaginitis

diabetic patients, antibiotic use, immunocompromised patients

appearance of candida albicans

white cottage cheese appearing discharge, burning, itching, swelling, dyspareunia

Candida albicans treatment

anti fungal medications

ovarian cyst

fluid filled sac within the ovary

ovarian cyst is usually

follicular in nature

how long does an ovarian cyst last

8-12 weeks

ovarian cyst symptoms

may be asymptomatic, pelvic pain or pressure, dyspareunia, bloating

ovarian cyst treatment

may require surgical removal if large it increasing risk of ovarian torsion


presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus- usually ovaries, fallopian tubes although can affect the colon and lungs

what forms with endometriosis

chocolate cysts

cause for endrometiosis

unknown most widely theory is retrograde menstruation

primary manifestation for endometriosis


diagnosis of endometriosis


Treatment for endometriosis

menopause, pain medication

ovarian cancer death rank

ranks 5th in cancer deaths among women

ovarian cancer deaths

causes more deaths than any other cancer of the female reproductive system

ovarian cancer risk factors

obesity, aging, having children later in life or never being pregnant, estrogen therapy

ovarian cancer symptoms

abnormal vaginal bleeding , pelvic pain

ovarian cancer treatment


survival rate for ovarian cancer

46.5% 5 year survival rate

cervical cancer is and

sti according to CDC because almost all cervical cancers are caused by HPV and HSV2

cervical cancer risk factors

smoking, multiple sexual partners, history of STI

Prevention of cervical cancer

HPV vaccine- Gardasil

symptoms of cervical cancer

abnormal vaginal bleeding

Tx for cervical cancer

radiation/chemotherapy, surgery

survival rate for cervical cancer

5 yr survival rate 67.8%

uterine (endometrial) cancer happens in

most arise in post-menopausal women >40 y/o, can occur at any age

uterine cancer may

grow into endometrial cavity or infiltrate

uterine cancer risk factors

obesity, age >50, having<5 periods per year before starting menopause

symptoms for uterine cancer

post menopausal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain or pressure

tx for uterine cancer

radiation/chemotherapy, hysterectomy

survival rate for uterine cancer

80.5% 5 yr survival rate