AP Statistics Vocab - Chapter 1


the science of data

data analysis

organizing, displaying, summarizing, and asking questions


the objects described by a set of data. May be people, animals, or things


any characteristic of an individual, can take different values for different individuals

categorical variable

places an individual into one of several groups or categories

quantitative variable

takes numerical values for which it makes sense to find an average

distribution (of a variable)

tells us what values the variable takes and how often it takes these values


drawing conclusion that go beyond the data

frequency table

displays the counts of category

relative frequency table

shows the percents of a category

marginal distribution

one of the categorical variables in a two-way table of counts is the distribution on values of that variable among all individuals described by the table

marginal distribution

tells us nothing about the relationship between two variables

conditional distribution

describes the values of a specific variable among individuals who have a specific value of another variable.


this occurs between two variables if specific values of one variable tend to occur in common with specific values of the other

Simpson's paradox

an association between two variables that holds for each individual value of a third variable can be changed or even reversed when the data for all values of the third variable are combined.

Four Step Process

state, plan, do, conclude

skewed right

a distribution is .......... if there is more data on the left side of a graph

skewed left

a distribution is ......... if there is more data on the right side of the graph


haivng a single peak


two clear peaks


more than two clear peaks


gives us a quick picture of the shape of a distribution while including the actual numerical values in a graph


most common graph of the distribution for one quantitative variable

first quartile

the median of the values to the left of the median

third quartile

the median of the values to the right of the median

median, mean

the .................... is more resistant to an outlier than .......

interquartile range (IQR)

measures the range of the middle 50% of the data

five number summary

consists of the smallest observation, the first quartile, the median, the third quartile, and the largest observations, written in order from smallest to largest

standard deviation

measures the average distance of the observations from their mean.


the average squared deviation