Interpersonal Comm Final: Chapter 8

Be able to differentiate between a mood, a feeling, and a emotion

Mood- A feeling, often prolonged, that has no identifiable cause.
Feeling- Feeling is the result physically feeling (or touching) something. It can also describe a certain experience and or intuitiveness
Emotion- The body's multidimensional response to an

Be able to identify, describe, and differentiate between the four joyful/affectionate emotions

Happiness- State of contentment, joy, pleasure, and cheer
Love- The emotion of caring for, feeling attached to, and feeling deeply committed to someone.
Passion- A secondary emotion consisting of joy and surprise, plus experiences of excitement and attrac

Be able to identify, describe, and differentiate between the five hostile emotions

Anger- an emotional response to being wronged
Contempt- a feeling of superiority over, and disrespect for others
Disgust- a feeling of revulsion in reaction to something offensive
Jealousy- the perception that the existence or the quality of an important

Be able to identify, describe, and differentiate between the five sad/anxious emotions (253)

Sadness- emotion involving feeling unhappy, sorrowful, and discouraged, usually as a result of some form of loss
Depression- a physical illness involving excessive fatigue, insomnia, changes in weight, feelings of worthlessness, and/or thoughts of suicide

Be able to identify, define, and differentiate between the following terms:

emotion-- the body's multidimensional response to any event that enhances or inhibits one's goals
mood-a feeling, often prolonged, that has no identifiable cause
valence-the positivity or negativity of an emotion
Primary emotions- distinct emot

Be able to identify and provide examples for secondary emotions (pg. 259)

Secondary emotions- emotions composed of combinations of primary emotions
Ex: jealousy is a secondary emotion. Secondary emotions appear after primary emotions. They may be caused directly by them, for example where the fear of a threat turns to anger tha

Be able to describe and provide examples for meta-emotions

Ex: Meta-emotion takes a step back and examines what a person feels about feelings.

Be able to identify, describe, and provide examples for the various influences on emotions including:

cultural background-Cultural groups vary in their emotional expression. An example would be the chinese culture. They have control over their emotions and rarely let their emotions show. There are two types of cultures that attribute to cultural differenc

Be able to differentiate between:

emotional intelligence - the ability to perceive and understand emotions, use emotions to facilitate thought, and manage emotions constructively. (pg. 267)
emotional expressiveness- Emotional expressions in psychology are observable verbal and nonverbal b

Be able to identify, describe, and provide an example for each of the five display rules

Display rules- unwritten codes that govern the ways people manage and express emotions
display rules- Comprise five unwritten codes that govern the ways people manage and express their emotions, and they vary according to the individual's social situation