Nonverbal Comm Ch 6 terms

Nonverbal Communication

messages expressed by nonlinguistic means. for instance, facial expressions, touch, time and even vocal tones


Culturally understood substitues for verbal expressions. Deliberate nonverbal behaviors with precise meanings, known to virtually all members of a cultural group. Like the peace sign, f u.


Nonverbal cues that help control verbal interaction.
Example: turn-taking signals in everyday conversation.
eye contact regulates nonverbal communication-the person listening typically looks more at the speaker


study of how the eyes can communicate.


study of how people communicate through body movement. "body movement" body movement, body movement is kinesics


movements in which part of the body grooms, massages, rubs, holds, fidgets with, pinches, picks, or otherwise manipulates another part. can be a sign of discomfort or measure of power status. aka fidgeting "body movement


the study of touch in human communication. "touch


(test) Non-linguistic means of vocal expressions, for example, vocal rate, pitch, and tone-emphasis. The way a message is spoken. sarcasm? "voice" thissss is a good book. Paralanguage includes length of pauses and disfluencies.


nonlinguistic verbalizations, for example um, er, ah. "voice


study of how people and animals use space. Space, space, space, is proxemics. (how communication is affected by the use, organization, and perception of space, and distance.) Each of us carries around an invisible bubble of personal space wherever we go.


is a stationary area claimed by a person or animal. For instance college students studying in the library chose maximum distance with each other.


The study of how people use and structure time. Think "clock


As people become more intimate, their accuracy in detecting lies declines?


Nonverbal communication is primary relational!

High self monitors are usually better...

at hiding their deception than communicators that are less self-aware.

Intimate distance:

begins with skin contact to 18" inches

Personal distance:

18" to 4'. Distance at which couple stand in public

Social distance:

4' to 12' used by teachers, and in sales

Public distance:

12' to the farthest zone. communication in large groups

a. rate and pitch.
b. disfluencies and pauses.
c. tone and volume.
d. all of the above.

Paralanguage includes the vocal qualities of