Chapter 4 Interpersonal

What's the perception process

Selection- zooming in on one stimulus
Organization- classifying stimulus
Interpretation- assigning meaning

perceptual schema

Mental framework applied to organize info

Primary effect

emphasizing first impressions over last

Recency effect

emphasizing last impressions over first impressions


An explanation for an observed behavior.


A state of inability to take another person's perspective.

Fundamental attribution error

The tendency to attribute others' behaviors to internal rather than external causes.

Interpersonal perception

The process of making meaning from the people in our environment and our relationships with them


The process of assigning meaning to information that has been selected for attention and organized.

Negativity bias

The tendency to focus heavily on a person's negative attributes when forming a perception.


The process of categorizing information that has been selected for attention.


The tendency to attribute a range of behaviors to a single characteristic of a person


The ongoing process of making meaning from the things we experience in the environment.

Perceptual set

A predisposition to perceive only what we want or expect to perceive.

Positivity bias

The tendency to focus heavily on a person's positive attributes when forming a perception.


The process of attending to a stimulus

Self-serving bias

The tendency to attribute one's successes to internal causes and one's failures to external causes.


Generalizations about groups of people that are applied to individual members of those groups.


where the cause of behavior is located