Dr. Iba final Gender & Comm.


The ability to act or make a difference and believes that you can change the things that matter to you

gender binary



a group of people that share common ideas, activities and language (culture defines reality), structure and practices through which a particular social order is produced and reproduced by legitimizing certain values, expectations, meanings, and patterns o


advocacy of the rights of woman and share equal worth to a man and respect. supports equal rights and equality of women


privileging of one ideology over another, belief that is pervasive or dominant in a culture that invites individuals to perceive world in certain ways but not in others, dominant belief/perspective

Traitorous Identity

A group member's criticism of particular attitudes and actionsfor example, sexist jokesthat are accepted and normative within the group.


intersection of issues sort of relating to ea. like gender and race, study of the disenfranchised
-study of intersections between forms or systems of oppression, domination or discrimination. The term is particularly prevalent in black feminism, which arg

Invitational Rhetoric

A form of communication in which a person tries to see the world as someone else does from that perspective, invitation of audience to enter the world of another


state of being numerous or multiple; large number; Ex. multiplicity of details; ADJ. multiple: of more than one element
-multiple factors going on that changes your experiences (ex. white women v. black women)

Narrative Paradigm

(WALTER FISHER) -man is in him actions and practice is a storytelling animal
-all forms of comm should be considered narratives
-includes "recounting of" (history/biography/autobiography) AND "accounting for" (explanation/claims)

Polarized Thinking

Conceiving things in terms of opposites (e.g., good or bad, right or wrong, division into opposing factions


Challenge binary rules then reinforce the binary, write the same story again

Albert Bandura

Social Learning TheoryStudies: Bobo Dolls-adults demonstrated 'appropriate' play with dolls, children mimicked play
-people learn what they know based on what they see, and model and imitate those behaviors
-reproduce rewarded behaviors

Betty Friedan

1921-2006. American feminist, activist and writer. Best known for starting the "Second Wave" of feminism through the writing of her book "The Feminine Mystique".1963
-the problem that has no name

Caster Semenya

South african runner whose sex was challenged in the olympics because she was so fast. She had to submit to test in a sex determination lab which was popular after this incident; even if woman passed the nude test.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

advocate for women's rights for their lack of opportunities to be educated, employed etc. This ultimately resulted in the fight for women to vote. Which was also called the first wave; where suffragists worked to change gender roles.
-includes black peopl

Estelle Freedman

defined feminism today - 4 parts-EQUAL WORTH
-feminism is belief that women and men are inherently of equal worth
-most societies privilege men as a group, social movements necessary to acheive equality, with the understanding that gender always intersect

Hilary Clinton

Said "The rights of women, their freedom and equality and dignity is the unfinished business of the 21st century
-women's rights are human rights

Jackson Katz

Ted Talk-aggression and violence closely linked with cultural views of masculinity, "Tough Guise"
-gender violence-its a men's issue
-kill the messenger strategy
-men can speak up
-bystander and interrupting each other
-leadership issue as w

Julia Penelope

Society conspires to keep the attention off of men through use of language
John beat Mary. Mary was beaten by John. Mary was battered. Mary is a battered women.
-cognitive structures set up to victim blame

Michael Kimmel

- author of guy land
- resistance to growing up and maturing in ways their fathers and grandfathers did, extending adolescence
-society's expectations for men, many feel lost, do not want to grow up and accept responsibility
-gender grows out of cultural

Nick Kristof

Half the Sky, wife Sheryl WuDunn, rewrote opinion journalism" with his emphasis on human rights abuses and social injustices, such as human trafficking and the Darfur conflict

Paul Kivel

Educator and activist expert in mens issues and youth challenges, Act like a Man Box

Susan B. Anthony

president of womens movements, first wave, seneca falls, dedicated life to cause, arrested and tried

Cognitive Development

-thinks that children play active roles in developing their gender identities, developing and constructing mental model of the world

Social construction

people create reality and meaning through communication and symbols, knowledge is a social product, truth is constructed

Performative Theory

People generate identity through performance, which we call gender

Social Learning Theory

psychological approach( which focues on the power of others)
-Albert Bandura and the bobo doll
-shows that people learn to be masc/fem by imitating others and receiving responses (punishment vs. reward)
-if mom rewards daughter for playing with girls, she

Equal Rights Amendment

Equality of rights of under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the united states or by any state no account of sex
-not passed

The Men's Right Movement

Masculine identity is a right and seek to restore roles of men and women

First Wave

To vote, suffrage, legal obstacles to gender equality

Second Wave

Betty & her book, 1963 era, wide range of issues: sexuality, family, the workplace, reproductive rights, de facto inequalities, and official legal inequalities

Title IX

Preventing discrimination to education on the basis of sex, result-->sports


composed of two pieces or two parts


anyone who is not a perpetrator or victim--friends, family, etc
-anyone not directly involved in violence but everybody else actively involved in relationship of any kind with either perpertrator or victim

(gender) identity

created through stories, narratives, create theme that runs through them


comm style which seeks an outcome, persuasive argument
-audience either changes belief or behavior
-situated action-speech targeted to a specific audience
-transaction-both parties are active

Walter Fisher

Narrative paradigm

queer theory

identities are not fixed but are fluid

cognitive structures

basic mental processes people use to make sense of information

Standpoint Theory

-from where i'm standing, have viewpoint
-shaped by social location of group member's lives
ex-wealthy white female not equal view to cuban immigrant female

Men's Movements

-not independent of women's movements
-profeminist movements-support equal treatment, use traitorous identity
-men's rights-restore traditional roles
-father's rights
-NOMAS-men against sexism
-anti-violence-White Ribbon, MVP
-Promise Keepers

Rhetorical Shaping of Gender

-men are: (social constructions)
-men's real feelings (real ideas)
-Men are not supposed to
"real men"-gender binary