Intro to Communications CHAPTER 13

Which of the following is NOT a basic style of delivery?


Iris is assigned to a small group to do some research on another culture. At the end of class, Iris is asked by the professor to give a quick report on her group's findings for the day. Iris is being asked to give what kind of speech?


Which type of speech is one that is carefully prepared to sound as though it is being delivered spontaneously?


Which of the following is NOT a way to prepare for an extemporaneous speech?

Create an extensive outline.

As an extemporaneous speaker, your goal is to communicate in what manner?


Which type of speech is given in situations when the exact wording of the speech is crucial or when the speech must fit within a predetermined time frame?


The State of the Union address is an annual report given by the president of the United States to Congress on the condition of the country and the president's legislative and policy plans for the upcoming year. Although by law the president has the option


Which type of delivery style would work best if you are nervous about speaking?


Which type of speech is composed word-for-word and then delivered from memory?


Which term best describes the anxiety or fear that is brought on by performing in front of an audience?

Stage fright

Singer Barbra Streisand did not perform onstage for almost 30 years after a concert in 1967 where she forgot the words to a song. In 2005, she told journalist Diane Sawyer that the experience was "staggering" and led to her debilitating _______________ th

stage fright

Although public speaking does not threaten a person's physical, academic, or financial well-being, many people feel public speaking threatens their emotional well-being, so they therefore identify giving a speech as a


If someone is nervous while getting ready to give a speech, he or she is experiencing what kind of anxiety?


Which of the following is NOT an influencing factor on public speaking anxiety?

Whether the speaker ate a good lunch

During a speech, stress ___________ can reduce blood flow to the extremities, elevate blood sugar, and activate the immune system.


Which of the following behaviors is generally NOT affected by stage fright?


Someone experiencing stage fright might increase his or her use of filler words such as "um" and "uh". In these cases, which of the following is being affected by anxiety?

Verbal behavior

Which of the following is NOT a way to deal with stage fright?

Understand that stage fright is not a normal response.

A technique that often helps individuals perform well, even if they are experiencing stage fright, is __________________: developing a mental image of oneself giving a successful performance.


It is most important to _____________ when dealing with stage fright because if you don't, self-fulfilling prophecy can cause you to have a poor performance simply because you expect that you will.

stay positive

Which of the following is NOT a visual element of delivery?


Which statement is most accurate about facial expressions during a speech?

Your expressions should match the tone of your words.

Avoiding ___________ during a speech is a response to fear that makes the speaker feel hidden and protected; having it can make the speaker feel vulnerable because it acknowledges that the audience is evaluating the speaker.

eye contact

When giving a speech, it's important to adopt a __________ that is relaxed but confident.


A particularly good time to incorporate ________ into your delivery is during a transition in your speech because your change in position will correspond to a change in your remarks.


____________ are movements of the hands and arms that express meaning.


Which of the following is NOT an important factor when using gestures during a speech?

They should be spontaneous, but look planned.

You want your clothing, accessories, and grooming to be appropriate for the audience and for the occasion on which you're speaking, so ____________ is an important aspect of delivery.


Which of the following is NOT a vocal element of effective delivery?


Studies find that speaking at a faster __________ makes a speech more persuasive and more credible.


Your vocal ___________ is the loudness or softness of your voice.


The appropriate __________ for a speech depends on the size of the audience, the size of the room, and whether the speaker is using a microphone.


When speakers are nervous, their vocal _______________ becomes higher than normal.


Which of the following is NOT a common articulation problem?


If someone says "real-ah-tor" rather than "realtor", he or she has what articulation problem?


Children often __________ sounds when articulating, for example saying "pa-sghetti" rather than "spaghetti".


Which of the following refers to the relative smoothness of vocal delivery?


Evan was stricken with ____________ early in life, and it has always inhibited his ability to communicate. He dreams of being a sportscaster one day, so he undergoes intensive speech therapy in the hope of improving the fluency of his speech.


Which of the following comprises anything that stimulates listeners' senses?

Presentation aids

Research shows that if you incorporate materials that involve your listeners' sense of sight, hearing, touch, or smell, their _________ will be improved.


__________ slides often take the form of bulleted lists of words or phrases that are relevant to the presenter's topic.


Which of the following would NOT appear on a graphic slide?

Highly detailed instructions for your audience

A _______________ is a graphic display of numeric information.


Amanda is giving a speech on how the vocal cords work. Since her audience can't actually see their own vocal cords, she thinks a ____________, or representation of the vocal cords, would effectively assist the audience in understanding her topic.


Most ____________ are copies of written material that your listeners keep after your speech is over.


If your presentation aids overpower your speech instead of embellish it, you probably did not follow which guideline for effective aids?

Remember your goal.

Which of the following is NOT a factor when considering the context for presentation aids?

The number of speeches you have given

Trish loves using PowerPoint during presentations at work. She loves incorporating sound effects, fancy slide transitions, and moving graphics. However, she never seems to get good reviews on her speeches from her boss. Instead, he complains that he finds

Strive for simplicity.

If you perceive that you must use a potentially harmful aid in your speech and you explicitly warn your audience at the start of your speech, and again before you introduce it, you are following what guideline for presentation aids?

Be ethical.

Before using any presentation aid, it is crucial to think through everything that might go wrong and to

have a backup plan.