Interpersonal Communication Test 1


is a 1)process uses 2)Messages to generate across 3)Contexts, Cultures, 4)Channels, and 5)Media

3 models of communication process

1. Linear (texting)
2. Interactive (teacher)
3. Transactional (shared)

interpersonal communication

communication between 2 or more people


talking to yourself

interpersonal communication is

1)Dynamic (always changing)
2)Transactional (both parties contribute)
3)Dyadic (pairs of people)
4)Impact (influences relationships)

Buber names 2 ways of relating to others

1)I-thou (deepens bonds)
2)I-it leads to impersonal communication and disrespectful communication

principles of interpersonal communication

1) conveys Content and Relationship Information (yes sir). Meta-communication is communication about communication ex) he said
2)can be Intentional or Unintentional (facial expressions)
3) Irreversible (can't take back words)
4) Dynamic (constantly changi

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

1)Physical (food, shelter)
3)Social (need to belong)
4)Self esteem (feeling good about yourself)
5)Self actualization (feeling content with achievements)

Interpersonal communication fulfills 3 goals

1)Self presentation goals (good first impression)
2)Instrumental goals (ordering coffee)
3)Relationship goals (achieve friendships)

Interpersonal communication competence

Consistently communication Appropriately, Effectively, and Ethically


matches Situational, Relational, and Cultural expectations. We judge how Appropriate our communication is through Self-Monitoring. High self monitors follow expectations.


use communication to accomplish Self Presentational, Instrumental, and Relational goals


Moral Principles that guide our behavior to others

Online Communication

Interaction by means of social networking sites (e-mail, text)

Improving Competence online

1)choose appropriate medium
2)don't assume online communication is more efficient
3)presume posts are public
4)posts are permanent
5)practice creating drafts (re-read e-mail)

Issues in Interpersonal communication

2)Gender and Sexual orientation (stereotypes)
3)Online communication
4)the Dark Side of interpersonal relationships (divorce)


evolving composite of 3 components that develop over a lifetime:
1)Self Awareness
2)Self Concept
3)Self Esteem

Self Awareness

ability to view yourself as a unique person and reflect on thoughts, feelings, behaviors (texting someone who failed a test is supportive)

Social Comparison

Observing and assigning meaning to others behavior and then comparing it against your own.

Critical self reflection

What am I thinking and feeling? Why? How am I communicating?

Self Concept

overall perception of who you are influenced by Beliefs, Attitudes, and Values you have about yourself.

Looking glass self

how our self concept is influenced by what we believe others think of us. Changing your self concept is very difficult. Can lead to self fulfilling prophecies

Self Fulfilling Prophecies

predictions about future interactions. (thinking you are good at interviews, you end up doing good in interview, their reaction confirms your prophecy)

Self esteem

is the overall value, positive or negative that we assign to ourselves. It influences our interpersonal communication and how we approach others. Answers self awareness questions.

Self discrepancy theory

suggests self esteem is determined by how you compare to your ideal Self and Ought Self.To enhance self esteem you need to understand where it comes from (roots).

Ideal Self

Characteristics that you want to possess

Ought Self

Expectations from friends, family, cultural norms

Sources of self

Our selves are shaped by the power outside forces of gender, family and culture


social, psychological, and cultural attributes that characterize a person as male or female (women perceive themselves as connected to others)

Our interactions with caregivers shape 2 dimensions of our behavior

1)Attachment Anxiety: fear of rejection
2)Attachment Avoidance: prefer solitude, avoidance

4 attachment styles

1)Secure attach 2)Preoccupied Attach
3)Dismissive attach 4)Fearful Attach

Secure attachment
Preoccupied attachment
Dismissive attachment
Fearful attachment

comfortable with intimacy, seek relationships
desire closeness but fear rejection
close relationships are unimportant,self reliat
fear rejection and avoid relationships


set of beliefs, attitudes, values and practices shared by a group of people (similar to self concept). Belonging to an Individualistic or a Collectivistic culture shapes our selves. ex)Smith and Carlos wore black to represent black unity


personal achievement of goals are praised
importance of belonging to a group, loyalty

Presenting your self

People know and judge the "you" who communicates with them Ex) Rick Welts, gay basketball player


when communicating with others, you present a public self


public self designed to conceal private self. Sometimes your face is a mask because you want to be seen in a certain way by people. ex) to impress a date


can result when information arises that contradicts your face ex) Ashlee simpson lip synching tried to remain face by blaming band

Online self presentation

ex) posting a sad picture online then changing to to a happy one because others were concerned. Another type of mask is "expert' in chat rooms. What others say about you online is more important than what you say about your self

Relational self

we carefully craft the presentation of our self to create interpersonal relationships with friends, workers. Exposing ourselves to others make us feel vulnerable

Social Penetration Theory

revealing the self to others involves peeling back layers ex)shrek
1) Outermost, peripheral layers (age, major, ethnicity)
2)Intermediate layers (music, food, movies)
3)Cenral layers (self awareness, self concept)

Opening yourself to others

Breadth: number of different aspect of self revealed each layer
Depth: how deeply into one another's self the partners have penetrated


feeling of closeness "union

Jahari Window

I) Public Area II) Blind Area
III) Hidden Area IV) Unknown area


revealing private information about your self to others.
1) Varies across cultures
2) Happens more quickly online
3) Promotes mental health
4) Occurs among men and women equally

Interpersonal Process Model of Intimacy

the closeness we feel toward others is created through self-disclosure and responsiveness of listeners

Improve self-disclosure skills

1. know yourself
2. know your audience
3. don't force others to disclose
4. don't presume gender preferences
5. be sensitive to cultural differences
6. go slowly


the process of Selecting, Organizing and Interpreting information from our Senses.

steps of perception

1) Selection: focusing attention on senses. Salience is degree to which something is noticeable to us
2) Organization: structuring selected information into a pattern. Punctuation is structuring information into a chronological sequence


explanations for others' comments or behaviors; answers "why" questions.
1) Internal attributions- thinking they are angry person
2)External attributions- they had a bad day

3 Errors in Attribution

1) Fundamental attribution error- he couldn't text back since his phone died but you think they are bad person
2)Actor observer effect- did something then regret it, we blame stress
3) Self serving bias- you do bad you blame teacher, you do good you blame

Uncertainty Reduction Theory

our focus is to reduce uncertainty about others. Get to know person to lessen uncertainty in certain situations

reducing uncertainty

1) Passive strategies - look them up online, observe them
2) Active strategies - ask people about person
3)Interactive strategies- talk to the person

Culture affects whether you see others as similar or different from yourself

Ingroupers- similar (hair, ethnicity, music)
Outgroupers- dissimilar

Perception and Gender

1% of communication behavior is influenced by gender. ex) women are nurturing, men ask women on dates

Personality "Big Five" OCEAN

1) Openness- open to ideas
2) Conscientiousness- assertive, focused
3) Extraversion- outgoing, social
4) Agreeableness- friendly, trusting
5) Neuroticism- insecure, unstable, bipolar

Implicit personality theories

are beliefs about different personality types. ex) if person is extrovert, they're are open, by using 1 trait you can fill out scale. we like the same traits in others we have in ourselves, we dislike others the traits we dislike about ourselves

Interpersonal Impressions

mental pictures of who people are. when you meet someone you decide if you like them or not. ex) Ted Bundy killer


first impression of people positive or negative. Gestalts are similar to schemata but gestalts refer to people.
-Positivity bias- positive feeling about person
-Negativity effect- emphasize negative information we learn (dangerous feeling about person)

Halo effect

positively interpreting what someone says or does because we have a positive Gestalt of them (you still like the person if they shoplift)

Horn effect

negatively interpreting the communication of people for whom we have negative Gestalts (find the worst in the person)

Algebraic Impressions

most accurate and refined of impressions. Add positive things of person, deduct negative things


describes overly simplistic interpersonal communication (women are bad drivers, not true, but simple)

Improve your perception

1) Offer empathy: put yourself in their shoes
2)Embrace world-mindedness
3) Engage in perception checking


feel into" others thoughts and emotions
1) Perspective taking: see things from other persons perspective
2) Empathetic Concern: considering another's perspective

World mindedness

acceptance of and respect toward other cultures' beliefs, values and customs.
(opposite) Ethnocentrism: "I think my culture is the best

Perception checking

1. check your punctuation- chronologically
2.check your knowledge-facts
3. check your attributions-avoid temptation
4. check perceptual influences-ingroupers
5. check your impressions-gestalt

Auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory, and oral are all examples of


According to Maslow, which need to we fulfill after all other needs are met

self actualization

Interpersonal communication can be considered

intentional, unintentional, irreversible, dynamic

What is self monitoring

observing your own communication and the norms of the situation

Text messaging and e-mail often exemplify which type of communication model


You have been dying to see a show with your gf but she wants to stay home, you go see it without her. What goal of effectiveness are you prioritizing


which of the following is NOT an element found in the linear communication model


If Frank generally ignores social norms in favor of "acting like himself", he is

a low self monitor

As an employee for a cell phone company, Zach sells many phones by misleading customers about monthly fees. What component of competent interpersonal communication is Zach lacking?


Intrapersonal communication involves

one person

You are meeting your partner's parents for the first time, you want to give a good impression. what type of interpersonal goal are you trying to accomplish

self presentational

one cannot communicate" means

communication can be unintentional
others may attach meaning to anything you say
others may attach meaning to anything you do

Collaboration is associated with which communication model?

linear, interactive, transactional

According to Buber, treating others as "objects which we observe, that are there for use and exploitation" is a characteristic of what type of relationship


Interpersonal communication competence is composed of

ethics, effectiveness, and appropriateness