communications exam 1 ch's 1,5,6,7

What area of communication emphasizes the relationship between coworkers?
A. Interpersonal Communication
B. Intrapersonal Communication
C. Group Communication
D. Organizational Communication

D. Organizational Communication

What does it mean to say that communication is a process?
A. Communication is ongoing and always in motion.
B. Its hard to tell when communication starts and stops.
C. Communication evolves in clearly defined stages.
D. Communication is ongoing, always in

E. Communication is ongoing, always in motion, and it's hard to tell when it starts and stops.

Feedback in the communication process can be either intentional or unintentional.
True or False?


Maintaining direct eye contact is a sign of respect and attentiveness. True or False?


_____________ are/ is abstract, arbitrary, and ambiguous representations of other things.


___________is anything that interferes with intended communication.


Which of the following is not a communication skill:
A. Negotiating
B. Meditating
C. Networking
D. Listening

B. Meditating

When doctors listen with a stethoscope to diagnose heart functioning of chest congestion, they are engaging in which type of listening?
A. Listening for information
B. Listening to discriminate
C. Listening to appreciate
D. Listening for pleasure
E. None

B. Listening to discriminate

Silence can be effectively used as a type of punishment. True or False?


Each model of communication offers an accurate description of the communicative process in a certain context. True or False?


A transaction model of communication presumes one message exchanged at a time. True or False?


Interruptions are attempts to monopolize communication by shifting the talk to the interrupter's interests. True or False?


Lawrence is having trouble listening effectively in his advanced philosophy course. Usually he listens well in class, but the professor in this case is so full of information and he presents such complicated ideas that Lawrence has difficulty following an

C. Message complexity.

Which of the following is not a regulative communication rule?
A. Do not laugh during funerals.
B. Do not speak when others are speaking.
C. Wait your turn to speak.
D. Listen carefully to show respect.
E. Don't argue at the dinner table.

D. Listen carefully to show respect.

Which is the most abstract term in the following words?
A. Communication in our lives
B. Textbook
C. Reading matters
D. Literature
E. Book

C. Reading matters

We follow communication rules even when we are not consciously aware of them. True or False?


Symbols are intrinsically connected to their meaning. True or False?


The statement, "Your hurt me," is an example of___________ language.


___________is the use of a single label to represent the whole person.


Which of the following is not a paralanguage behavior?
A. Raising volume when speaking.
B. Pausing between words to emphasize certain words.
C. Refusing to speak.
D. Lowering pitch.
E. Lowering volume when speaking.

C. Refusing to speak.

Ambushing involves perceiving personal attacks, criticisms, or hostile undertones in communication when no offense is intended. True or False?


While visiting her parents on a break from school, Deena doesn't pay attention to much of what they say. She lets much of their communication just come in one ear and out the other without her ever listening. However, when her mother mentions going shoppi

C Selective listening

In the United States, we are comfortable interacting with social acquaintances from a distance of 4 to 12 feet. This illustrates which nonverbal channel?
A. Proxemics
B. Haptics
C. Chronemics
D. Artifacts
E. None of these answers are correct

A. Proxemics

Humans should live in harmony with the natural world" is an example of a:
A. Norm
B. Value
C. Belief
D. Tradition
E. Custom

B. Value

Many westerners have borrowed ingredients and styles of cooking from other cultures. This kind of borrowing is known as:
A. Invention
B. Cooptation
C. Diffusion
D. Cultural dilution
E. Homogenization

C. Diffusion

Although considered a form of nonverbal communication, silence generally carries little meaning in western culture.
True or False?


Groups of people who live within a dominant culture yet are members of another group or groups that are not dominant in a particular society are known as which of the following?
A. Diffused groups
B. Socially aware
C. Invented groups
D. Social communities

D. Social communities

Elements of surroundings that affect us and how we communicate are called_____________.

Environmental factors

The use of one's own culture and its practices as the standard for interpreting the values, beliefs, and norms of another culture is known as:
A. Colonialism
B. Moral relativism
C. Egocentrism
D. Ethnocentrism
E. Assimilation

D. Ethnocentrism

Research on women and men's communication reveals that the rules taught through childhood play remain with many of us as we grow older. True of False?


Through learning language, one can learn a culture's beliefs, values, and norms. True or False?


____________is the idea that cultures vary in how they think, act, and behave, as well as in what they believe and value.

Cultural relativism

Susan arrives late for her date with Richard. He jumps from his chair and sarcastically says, "Glad you are here!" The relationship aspect of this message is communicated primarily by:
A. The words Richard said.
B. Richards sarcastic tone of voice.
C. The

B. Richards sarcastic tone of voice.

The meaning of a message is:
A. Created in the heart and mind of the sender.
B. Created in the heart and mind of the receiver.
C. Co-created by the sender and the receiver.
D. Determined solely by the symbols used.

C. Co-created by the sender and the receiver.

Conversational rerouting is one of the most effective ways to deal with ineffective listeners. True or False?


Even though Phillip and Tim agreed to end their argument with each other by "starting over as if it had never taken place," each still felt anger toward the other. Phillip and Tim have failed to realize that:
A. Communication is inescapable.
B. Communicat

B. Communication is irreversible.

In reference to members of other ethnic groups, it's best to:
A. Rely on traditional ethnic labels.
B. Use ethnic-neutral labels.
C. Use the current ethnic labels preferred by a group's members.
D. Use whichever term you are most comfortable with.

C. Use the current ethnic labels preferred by a group's members.

Trinity is really angry with her friend, so she refuses to sit near her while they are watching television. To communicate her anger, Trinity is relying on:
A. Eye contact.
B. Haptics.
C. Vocalic
D. Proxemics.

D. Proxemics.

Stan is talking to Jenny about his trip to the mountains. Jenny wants Stan to keep talking, so she responds by smiling, nodding her head, and saying, "uh-huh." In this situation, nonverbal communication, as it is related to verbal communication, functions

C. Regulate it.

Almost all speakers can:
A. Speak faster than they can listen.
B. Listen faster than they can speak.
C. Speak and listen at about the same rate.
D. Speak faster, but only if they don't listen.

B. Listen faster than they can speak.

Chairs, plants, partition walls that are used to signal our "territorial boundaries" belong to ____________spaces.


Cultures that tend to rely on explicit language to convey information are:
A. High power.
B. Low power.
C. High context.
D. Low context.

D. Low context.

On a recent Caribbean cruise, Cody commented to a friend, "I feel strange talking to the room stewards. They are all from interesting places and their English is excellent, but there's nothing we can talk about." Cody's dilemma can be best ascribed to:

B. Assuming differences.

Whispering and smiling belong to the same type of nonverbal communication. True or False?


Paul went to his friend's church on Sunday. He later described it as a "cultural experience." Which of the following is UNLIKELY to have contributed to Paul's experience?
A. Multiple statues of Virgin Mary.
B. The content of the pastor's sermon.
C. The fa

E. None of the above.

A person wrote 50 love letters. He did not get any letter in return. Did he receive feedback?
A. Yes.
B. No
C. It depends
D. It's not a communication question.

A. Yes.

Eighteen-year old Heather and her family have lived in Egypt for ten years. By now Heather feels ready to convert from Christianity to Islam and to become an Egyptian citizen. This will mean giving up her American citizenship. Heather's decision is an exa

D. Assimilation

Members of cultures with low-context communication systems are less likely to ask questions to get background information when meeting someone for the first time. True or False?


All politicians are crooks" is an example of___________.


What people are willing to die for and what they consider worthy of protection at all costs is determined by their:
A. Beliefs.
B. Values.
C. Current administration.
D. Social organizations they belong to.
E. Institutions.

B. Values