interpersonal communication chapter 6

nonverbal communication

-any message expressed by nonlinguistic means
- bodily actions and vocal qualities that typically accompany a verbal message

verbal elements

Spoken or written words
Note: Everything on this list (except for spoken or written words and sign language) can be classified in both categories because it has both verbal and nonverbal components. This is so

nonverbal elements

Proxemics: (the use of space in communication)
Body orientation: (which direction the person is facing while sitting or standing)
Facial expressions
Eye contact (or lack thereof)
Kinesics: body position and


use of space in communication

body orientation

which direction the person is facing or sitting


body position and motion

nonverbal defines relational parameters

-defines the type of relationship we want to have ( or the type we want to them to think we want)
-nonverbal conveys emotion
-conveys closeness or distance
- is a way of asserting power over somebody else
- or a way to make someone feel important and incl

Johnson treatment

President Johnson was a tall big man compared to others, he would get very close and personal with other people, he would over power them.
- he knew that such close proximity to interlocutors made them uncomfortable and they would therefore usually do wha

Halls Proxemics Theory
- whos theory was it?
- intimate distance
-personal distance
- social distance
-public distance

- Edward T Hall posited that most americans recognize four distances
- in private conversations with close friends most Americans are comfortable with up to 18 in
- 18 in to 4ft is the comfortable space in which most conversation occurs
- 4 ft to 12ft, im


invisible bubble we carry around the area that serves as an extension of our physical being

Burgoon's Nonverbal expectancy violations theory

Judee Burgoon discovered that people would sometimes violate the expected personal space boundaries. it can be taken as rude or flirtatious.

functions of nonverbal communication (FNVC)

repeating, complimenting, substituting, accenting, regulating, contradicting

FNVC- repeating

reinforcing, gesture or behavior is done that reinforces what is said

FNVC- complimenting

nonverbal elements can seem to confirm what one person says

FNVC- substituting

sometimes a shrug or facial expression can be used in place of a work or reply to a question

FNVC- accenting

pointing at a person may be seen as a threatening accent to what you are saying during a heated exchange

FNVC- regulating

these are behaviors that influence that flow of communication. (turning away from somebody signals the end of the conversation)

FNVC- contradicting

nonverbal behaviors can contradict what somebody is saying verbally. a raised voice or overly animated gestures may signal that you really are angry or frustrated with somebody even though you insist you are not


gesture that serves as a substitute for words (thumbs up)


gestures that respond to or illustrate a physical need (shivering)


self-touching behaviors showing discomfort (rubbing eyes)


gestures that accompany verbal elements but do not stand on there own


the study of touch
- ritualized touch, scripted
- task-related touch, touch used to perform a certain function
- power-establishing touch, designed to demonstrate one person is in charge over another
-relational touch, generally a comforting touch designe


study of how humans used and structure time

monochromic time orientation

tendency to do one thing at a time remain relatively on schedule

polychromic time orientation

tendency to multiple things at a time (multitasking) less interested in remaining on schedule

eye contact western and eastern cultures

- eye contact conveys care interest and concern for the other party
- can be seen as a gesture of undue familiarity and a lack of respect


-vocal emphasis
- pauses
- vocalized pause or verbal fillers