Comm 145- Chapter 5 Language

Technically speaking, which of the following is a factual statement?

Candidate C accepted illegal bribes

Saying that someone has been "let go" instead of "fired" is an example of which language behavior?
hate speech


Regarding libel and slander, which of the following is true?
Slander concerns statements made either aloud or in print.
Whether or not a statement is true is only relevant to slander, not libel.
Libel is more common than slander in interpersonal interacti

Libel only involves statements made in print.

A structured system of symbols used for creating meaning is known as a(n)


This occurs when you presume your listeners have information that they don't have:
shared opinion error
monopolization error
shared knowledge error
shared perspective error

Shared knowledge error

The literal, "dictionary" definition of a word is its __________ meaning


The claim that "4 out of 5" doctors prescribe a certain medication for a headache is an example of what kind of statement?

weasel words

The shared opinion error occurs when one speaker inappropriately dominates the conversation


Which of the following statements about slang is not true?
Slang is closely related to jargon.
Slang can help people identify individuals that belong to their social network.
Slang is closely tied to young people and gangs.
All of these are true.

Slang is closely related to jargon.

An I statement claims ownership of what one is feeling or thinking, whereas a you statement shifts that responsibility to the other person


This persuasion strategy involves asking for a large favor first and then asking for a smaller favor after the first one is denied:
norm of reciprocity
anchor and contrast
social validation

anchor and contrast

The fact that some phrases from other cultures have no English equivalent illustrates which element of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?
linguistic determinism
cultural relativity
overt abstraction
linguistic relativity

linguistic relativity

According to research, a joke must contain this in order to be considered funny:
a put-down
an expectancy violation
at least one funny-sounding word
all of these

an expectancy violation

Which of the following phrases is an example of doublespeak?
sleep together
kick the bucket
jumbo shrimp
collateral damage

collateral damage

Verbal communication includes both spoken and written language.


To an American, the phrase, "How are you today?" sounds correct whereas the phrase "Today you are how?" sounds incorrect. The second phrase violates which rule of language?


Which of the following is not one of the criticisms that have been levied against the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?
It is not clear if language produces thought or if thought produces language.
Children who grow up in a bi-lingual family experience a great deal

Children who grow up in a bi-lingual family experience a great deal of cognitive dissonance because of the conflicting languages.

Which of the following terms is onomatopoetic?

Splash- a word that is a "sound

Pennebaker's research shows that verbal communication has little ability to provide comfort and healing


Which of the following statements about language and culture is true?

When people speak more than one language, their language use is often accompanied by a shift in cultural values.

Slang can serve an important social function by helping people distinguish between those who do and don't belong to their social networks.


All language is symbolic, and all symbolic systems constitute language


The fact that a smile symbolizes happiness or a thumbs-up gesture indicates a job well done:
illustrate that meaning can be conveyed without the use of words
do not qualify as forms of language
have a specific meaning that is culturally understood
All of

illustrate that meaning can be conveyed without the use of words
do not qualify as forms of language
have a specific meaning that is culturally understood

The word set has nearly 200 discrete meanings in the English language. Imprecise use of set illustrates which of the following statements about language?
Language is often confusing because of multiple connotations.
Language can be unclear because of mult

Language can be unclear because of multiple meanings for the same word.

According to research, women who take their husbands' name when they marry differ in some ways from women who keep their birth name. Which of the following statements is true?
Name-keepers have higher self-esteem than name-changers.
Name-changers report h

Name-keepers say their personal concerns are more important than their relationships.

Which of the following statements would be true according to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?
If a culture does not have a word for an emotion, its members will not be able to experience it.
Regardless of the language that individuals from different cultures m

If a culture does not have a word for an emotion, its members will not be able to experience it.

Words that evoke strongly positive or negative connotations are known collectively as:

loaded language

An allness claim is one in which the speaker intentionally or accidentally misleads the hearer by arguing that everyone else agrees with their position.


When Jesse first met Nicolette, he extended his hand and said warmly, "Nice to meet you." In response, Nicolette sighed, rolled her eyes, and simply said, "Yah," in a very sarcastic tone. Jesse inferred that Nicolette was not excited about meeting him bas

pragmatic rule

Profanity is highly context-specific.
