Comm 145 - Chapter 4 Interpersonal Perception

According to your textbook, which of the following items does not factor into perceptual accuracy?
cultural background
social roles
co-cultural identity
social experience

Social Experience

Forming an accurate snap-judgment of someone else illustrates which of the following truisms of forming attributions?
Biases can be overcome if we are mindful of them.
Checking our perceptions is essential to forming correct attributions.
More information

More information doesn't necessarily lead to better attributions.

In which of the following instances might you have committed the self-serving bias?
You are quick to attribute your friend's behaviors to internal, stable causes
You say that your co-worker's successes are due only to blind luck
You say that most everythi

You attribute all your failures to external, unstable causes

Regarding the fundamental attribution error, which of the following statements is not true?
It refers to attributions we make for other people's behaviors, rather than our own.
We don't usually commit it when we are told that a person's behavior is extern

We commit it when we assume that another person's behavior is caused by internal, stable causes.

You liked most everything about your new roommate when you first met, but when you found out she smokes, that overshadowed all of her good qualities in your mind. What perception-making process are you displaying here?

negativity bias

Angela had just been promoted to department chair at the college where she taught. Although she treated everyone the same, several of the male professors in the department were put off by Angela's requests. As a result, the female professors thought of An

they perceived Angela's professional position as masculine and socially threatening

During your first session of this class, your instructor introduced him or herself and you respected his or her position as an authoritative figure in the classroom. Which of the following classification schema likely helped you organize this information?

role constructs

This is the ongoing process of making meaning from the things we experience in our environment:


Perceptual ability is influenced by social and occupational roles.


If an attribution is internal then it must also be controllable.


The stages of perception happen in a very ordered and linear fashion.


Which of the following statements is true with respect to the process of stereotyping?
Stereotypes are always unfair to women and minorities.
Stereotyping always leads to inaccurate assessments of others.
Stereotypes always cast people in a negative light

Stereotypes are always unfair to women and minorities.
Stereotyping always leads to inaccurate assessments of others.
Stereotypes always cast people in a negative light.

Overattribution is essentially the same thing as the primacy effect.


A number of factors affect the likelihood that we will notice a certain object in our environment. Which of the following was not mentioned in your textbook as something that can increase attention?


Which of the following statements is true with respect to perceptual accuracy?
Our perceptions almost always reflect reality as it is, with minimal distortion.
Culture may affect behavior but it does not usually influence perceptions of behavior.

Physiological characteristics, including our biological rhythms, affect perception accuracy

Idealizing a romantic partner at the beginning of a new relationship is a common example of the __________ bias.


Which of the following techniques can help in the perception-checking process?
generate a meaningful interpretation as quickly as possible
generate alternative perceptions
avoid the self-serving bias
none of these

generate alternative perceptions

An explanation for why something occurred is called a(n):
perceptual set


Samantha was a fantastic softball player, but she rarely took credit for her success. Every time a reporter from the school paper would ask her for a quote, Samantha would say, "I just got lucky today," or, "Their pitcher just gave me something I could hi

external locus

Rick and Jamie recently started dating. To commemorate their first month as a couple, Rick surprised Jamie when he picked her up at work in a rented limousine with floor-level tickets to a concert. After the show, Rick was very upset because Jamie would b


Which of the following processes is at work when we are only able to recall information that confirms our existing stereotypes?
stereotype recall bias
selective perception
selective memory bias
self-serving recall bias

selective memory bias

We have a tendency to discount first impressions as untrustworthy.


People "see" faces in all sorts of natural phenomena, including clouds, tree bark, and even rocks on Mars. This is an example of which perception-making process?
perceptual set
positivity bias
recency effect

perceptual set

According to your text, the perception-making process consists of three stages. Which of the following is not among them?


The self-serving bias is a form of self-delusion.


Which of the following sequences accurately depicts the process of stereotype formation?
identify group membership ? apply generalization ? act on prejudice
identify group membership ? act on prejudice ? form group generalization
identify group membership

identify group membership ? recall group generalization ? apply generalization

One of your hallmates, Ling, is an exchange student from Taiwan. Ling never goes out with the other students, goes to bed at 9:30 every night, and studies quietly in her room most of the time. You assume that Ling behaves the way she does simply because s


Egocentrism is a normal stage of human development.


Organization is the process of assigning meaning to something you have perceived.


How are interpretations different from facts?

Facts speak to what occurred, whereas interpretations speak to the meaning of what occurred.