Ch. 22 respiratory system

The main site of gas exchange is the ________.


The loudness of a person's voice depends on the ________.

force with which air rushes across the vocal folds

Which of the following maintains the patency (openness) of the trachea?

C-shaped cartilage rings

Select the correct statement about the pharynx.

The pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube drains into the nasopharynx.

The larynx contains ________.

thyroid cartilage

Which respiratory-associated muscles would contract if you were to blow up a balloon?

internal intercostals and abdominal muscles would contract

Which of the choices below is NOT a role of the pleural?

assist in blood flow to and from the heart because the heart sits between the lungs

The respiratory membrane is a combination of ________.

alveolar and capillary walls and their fused basement membranes

The nose serves all the following functions except ________.

as the direct initiator of the cough reflex

Which of the following is responsible for holding the lungs to the thorax wall are _________.

surface tension from pleural fluid and negative pressure in the pleural cavity

Most inspired particles such as dust fail to reach the lungs because of the ________.

ciliated mucous lining in the nose

Which of the disorders below is characterized by destruction of the walls of the alveoli producing abnormally large air spaces that remain filled with air during exhalation?


Moistens area increase surface area

nasal conchae

air-filled cavities lined with mucous membrane, lighting the skull

paranasal sinuses

3 regions of pharynx

nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx

function of epiglottis

closes off the trachea during swallowing

What creates your voice?

Vocal folds

Bacteria or other particulate debris contained within inspired air are removed or destroyed by _______.

mucus, vibrissae, conchae

Breathing air through the nose serves multiple functions. What function would be increased when breathing dry air?

Humidifying the air

Surface area in the nasal cavity is increased by the presence of _______.


Occasionally food or liquids will "go down the wrong pipe," initiating a cough reflex. Which structural barrier has been breached if this happens?


Men tend to have deeper voices than women because their vocal cords _______.

are longer and thicker

The most violent coughing is initiated when foreign objects contact the _________ of the trachea.


Which of the following is not part of the conducting zone?

alveolar ducts

The respiratory membrane is composed of:

the alveolar membrane, the capillary wall, and their fused basement membrane

Loss of lung elasticity and destruction of alveolar walls is termed _______.


The _________ zone includes the alveoli, while the ______ zone includes the trachea.

respiratory; conducting