Exam 4: Child Development

A child may show better functioning after a divorce if:

The divorce reduces open conflict between the parents

Which of the traits marks a quality child care provider?

Training in child development

Which is NOT true about child care in the US?

It is generally easy for people to find low cost, high quality, convenient child care

Which is NOT a potential problem with watching excess TV?

Eyesight cannot develop properly

The best advice regarding TV is:

Allow some carefully selected TV programs for the educational and prosocial benefits

Which statements about TV and violence is true?

Viewing TV is one cause of aggressiveness , but not only the important one and Seeing a lot of violence on TV can desensitize children to violence

What helps to explain why siblings from the same family often have very different outcomes?

Non-shared environments

1. Permissive:
2. Neglecting:
3. Authoritative:
4. Authoritarian:

1. Children show low levels of independence and are relatively thoughtless of others.
2. Associated with the most negative outcomes
3. Parents in poverty are less likely to be _____
4. High control/demands of maturity and low nurturance/communication

Which statement is NOT true?

A child with homosexual parents is less likely to be mentally well-adjusted

Which is NOT true of fathers?

When babies see their fathers approach, they exhibit more masculine traits

Identify the false statement about parenting:

Family structure is more important than family process

Growing up with grandparents in the home:

Can benefit children because grandparents might be more responsive caregivers, Is more common for African American children than European American children, and Can benefit children by allowing their parent to finish school or get a better job

What is the term for the social settings which influence developmental, even though a person may not experience them firsthand?


What factors are critical in understanding child outcomes?

Both the timing of events and the sequence of development

Which of the following are NOT true? (Pick 3)


How are open classrooms different from traditional classrooms?

Children can choose work from a range of options in open classrooms

Which of the following is NOT true about schools?

Smaller schools are not as good for kids as bigger schools because kids in bigger schools can learn from each other

Which of the following is NOT true about standardized testing?

Most officials realize standardized testing is not effective, so schools are moving away from this method

Which of the following is beneficial for students? (Pick two)


What is a moderator variable in psychology?

A variable that changes the relationship between two other variables

The _____ refers to social settings that a person may not experience firsthand but that still influence development.


_____ parenting combines a fair degree of parental control with warmth.


Children of authoritarian parents _____.

are often happy

In _____, parents inadvertently reinforce the behaviors that they hope to discourage.

a negative reinforcement trap

Which statement is an accurate description of the influences of the marital system of children?

Parenting is more effective when parents work together to achieve shared goals for their children

As children get older, their parents _____.

are more reserved when they express affection

When parents divorce, _____.

children benefit from joint custody if parents get along

In blended families, stepfathers _____.

should be interested in their new stepchildren but not step on established relationships

Grandparents are more likely to be involved with their grandchildren when _____.

they have a few grandchildren

Children whose parents are gay or lesbian _____.

are sometimes treated unfairly because their mother is lesbian

Which of the following statements about adoption is correct?

Youth who experience open adoptions are as well adjusted as those who experience closed adoptions

Siblings get along best when they're _____.

both adolescents

_____ is the most common form of children maltreatment.


Parents who abuse their children _____.

are often socially isolated

Children are more likely to be targets of abuse when they're _____.

infants and preschoolers rather than school-age children

In _____ play, which emerges at about two years of age, children organize their play around a distinct theme and take on special roles based on the theme.


_____ play allows children to explore topics that frighten them.


A new feature of friendships in adolescence is _____.


Which of the following is an incorrect statement concerning romantic relationships?

Adolescents in romantic relationships typically have lower self-esteem and lack self-confidence

Peer pressure _____.

is especially powerful when children are forging an identity

Children who are rejected _____.

often feel lonely, dislike school, and commit juvenile offenses

When children watch much TV, _____.

they are sometimes found to be less creative

Select the correct statement concerning the impact of TV programs on children.

Programs like sesame street can teach children important academic skills

When personal computers are used in schools to aid instruction, students _____.

can use simulation programs for experiential learning

When children play video games _____.

a small percentage become addicted to game playing

Research on the impact of day care on children shows that _____.

the quality of care is the most important factor; better care is associated with better outcomes

Participating in after school activities is _____.

beneficial, except perhaps for participating in sports

Part-time employment _____.

can cause adolescents to be less successful in school and become depressed

Poverty-stricken neighborhoods _____.

often cause adults to experience more stress, leading to effective parenting

Which of the following teachers is likely to be most effective?

One who teaches students techniques for monitoring their own learning