AWS Certified Developer - DFW

AWS SQS long polling allows the SQS service to wait until a message is available in the queue before sending a response?


A visibility timeout is a period of time during which AWS SQS prevents other consuming components from receiving and processing the message?


What AWS service can you use to "fan out" SQS messages to multiple queues?


(SQS) What is the maximum long poll timeout?

20 seconds

You have a fleet of EC2 instances that are constantly polling empty SQS queues which is burning CPU complete cycles. What should you do?

Enable SQS long polling

What is the default SQS visibility time out?

30 seconds

EC2 instances download jobs from SQS queue, but are taking too long to process. What api call can you use to the length of time to process jobs?


(SQS) You are designing a new app which processes payments and delivers promotional emails to customers. Your need to ensure that the payment process takes priority over the creation of emails. What is the best way to achieve this?

Use 2 SQS queues. Poll that payment queue first.

An SQS message can NOT be delivered multiple times?

False, SQS messages can be delivered multiple times

What is the default visibility timeout for SQS?

30 seconds

How long can SQS messages be?

Messages can contain up to 256 KB of text in any format

SQS was the second service on AWS?

False, SQS was the first

DynomaDB writes are measured in 2 KB per write?

False, they are measured in 1 KB per write.

What are the two consistency models used when reading data from DynamoDB?

Eventually Consistent and Strongly consistent

DynamoDB is a NoSQL database by AWS?


You have an app that needs 25 items of 13KB per second. Your app uses STRONGLY consistent reads. What should the throughput be set to? (Math problem)

Calculate read capacity units (items up to 4 KB in size)
Multiply number of items by read capacity units
Do NOT divide by 2 because strongly consistent
Answer: 100

One read capacity unit represents one strongly consistent read per second, or two eventually consistent reads per second, for items up to 4 KB in size?


When you create a table, you specify how much provisioned throughput capacity you want to reserve for reads and writes?


In DynamoDB, you specify provisioned throughput requirements in terms of capacity units?


One read capacity unit represents one X type of read per second, or two Y type of read per second?

One strongly consistent read per second. Two eventually consistent reads per second. For items up to 4 KB in size.

Application needs to read 25 items of 13KB per second. App uses EVENTUALLY consistent reads. What should you set read throughput to?

Calculate read capacity units (items up to 4 KB in size).
Multiply number of items by read capacity units.
Divide by two because EVENTUALLY consistent.
Answer: 50

A global secondary index contains a selection of attributes from the table, but are organized by a primary key that is different from the table's? (T/F)


DynamoDB local secondary indexes are fixed at 10 per table?

False, local secondary indexes are fixed at 5 per table.

Local secondary indexes give your table a choice of sort keys?


What are the three capacity unit sizes in DynamoDB?

One read capacity unit represents one strongly consistent read per second, for items up to 4 KB in size.
One read capacity unit represents two eventually consistent reads per second, for items up to 4 KB in size.
One write capacity unit represents one wri

Using the AWS portal, you are trying to scale DynamoDB past preconfigured maximums. Which service can be increased through AWS support?

Provisioned throughput limits

What are the steps for calculating write throughput?

Write capacity units are 1 KB per write.
Calculate items per second.
Multiply items per second by writes per item.

You have a motion sensor which writes 600 items of data every minute. Each item is 5 KB. What should write throughput be?

Calculate items per second.
Multiply items per second by write capacity units per item.
Answer: 50 provisioned write capacity units

What is the api call to receive multiple items from a DynamoDB table?


You have a motion sensor which writes 600 items of data every minute. Each item consists of 5 KB. Your application uses Strongly consistent reads. What should you set read throughput to?

Calculate items per second.
Calculate read capacity units per item.
Strongly consistent reads are up to 4 KB per read.
Multiply items per second by read capacity units per item.
Answer: 20 provisioned read capacity units

You have a motion sensor which writes 600 items of data every minute. Each item consists of 5 KB. Your application uses eventually consistent reads. What should you set the read throughput to?

Calculate items per second.
Calculate read capacity units per item.
Eventually consistent reads give 2 reads for items up to 4 KB.
Answer: 10 provisioned read capacity units

Steps for calculating read throughput?

Calculate items per second.
Calculate read capacity units per item (4 KB).
Multiply items per second by read capacity units per item.
If eventually consistent, divide by two.

A scan is more efficient than query in terms of performance? (T/F)

False, a query is more efficient that a scan in terms of performance.

What does the error "ProvisionedThroughputExceededException" mean?

You have exceeded your maximum allowed provisioned throughput

A scan reads every item in a table or secondary index?


What does OLTP stand for?

Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)

What does OLAP stand for?

Online analytics processing (OLAP)

Is RDS an OLAP? (T/F)

False, RDS is Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)

Is Redshift OLAP? (T/F)


Is DynamoDB NoSQL?


Is ElastiCache in memory?


What is more frequent Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) or Online Analytics Processing (OLAP)?

Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) because it is similar to a traditional query. Online Analytics Processing (OLAP) is more of a management tool used at the end of a day.

NoSQL Notes:
collection: table
document: row
key value pair: fields
_id is required
can embed key value pairs (KVP)
embedded data = nested KVP

Not a question

Does DynamoDB allow embedded data structures?

No, DynamoDB allow embedded data structures; however, MongoDB does.

What is AWS proprietary database?


Developers store session data in Elasticache?

Yes, developers store session data in Elasticache.

What are the two Elasticache engines offered?

Memcached and Redis

What is AWS in memory cache?


Are newly created S3 buckets public by default?

No, they are not public by default

Is 1 TB the largest size file you can transfer to S3 using a PUT?

No, the largest is 5GB. After 5 GB you must use multipart upload

What is the maximum size on S3?


Does S3 provide unlimited storage?


What is CORS?

Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Which region is Sydney, Australia in?


What does "ap" stand for in AWS regions?

Asian Pacific

Which region is Singapore in?


Which region is Japan in?


An s3 endpoint always contains?

Tee phrase "s3-website" followed by the region name

What is the link to an S3 bucket created in Japan?

Do static hosted websites on S3 have www in their names?

No, static hosted websites on S3 do NOT have www in their names

Create a static hosting website in a bucket called "eric" in japan using s3. What is the new url?

What encryption does AWS use on s3 buckets?

Advanced encryption standard (AES) 256

What is the minimum file size on s3?

1 byte

Are autoscaling, Elastic Beanstalk, and Cloud formation chargeable?

No, the resources they use are.

Is Elastic Load Balancer Service chargeable?

Yes, ELB is chargeable because it is a service

Can you have multiple certs on an elastic load balancer?

Yes, you can have multiple certs on an elastic load balancer

Must you use the appropriate OS when encrypting an EBS volume?

No, used to be the case, but now you can encrypt upon creation

To enable encryption at rest using ec2 and elastic block store, you need to?

Configure encryption when creating the EBS volume

Which command line command will tell you the internal ip address?

ipconfig (windows)
ifconfig (linux)

An EC2 which needs its private and public ip address should Retrieve the instance metadata from (T/F)

True, An EC2 which needs its private and public ip address should Retrieve the instance metadata from

What does a 2xx code mean?

The request was successful.

What does a 5xx error mean?

There has been a server side error

What does a 404 error mean?

The resource being accessed is not available on the server

which languages are supported by the aws sdk?

python, ruby, nodejs, php, java

What is the default region for an sdk?


What is amazons data warehouse called?


When using Web Identity Federation to allow a user to access AWS, what is the correct order of the steps?

1) user auths with facebook first. Theyt are given an id token by facebook
2) an api call to AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity is then used in conjunction with the ID token
3) the user gains temporary credentials

The AWS sign in endpoint is ? (T/F)

True, The AWS sign in endpoint is

When using AD to authenticate to AWS, what steps are performed?

1) User navigates to Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS)
2) user enters Single Sign On (SSO) credentials
3) user's web browser receives SAML assertion from the AD server
4) user's web browser receives Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) asse

What API call requests temporary security credentials from the AWS platform when federating with Active Directory

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

What API call is used to gain temporary security credentials when authenticating using WebIdentityFederation?


Name of service allowing users to use social media account to gain temporary access to AWS platform?

Web Identity Ferderation

AWS recommends storing credentials on Ec2 over using IAM roles? (T/F)

False, use IAM roles

IAM allows:
1) centralized control of account?
2) integrates with active directory?
3) Fine grained access control to AWS resources?
4) Biometric Auth?

IAM allows centralized control of account
IAM integrates with active directory
IAM give Fine grained access control to AWS resources
IAM, does NOT do Biometric Auth

IAM allows you to manage these 3 things: Users, Groups, Roles? (t/f)

True, IAM allows you to manage these 3 things: Users, Groups, Roles

What service allows you to manage users, groups, roles, and their access to the AWS platform?


What service offers object (file) based storage?


Does EBS use object (file) based storage?

No, EBS uses block storage

What does EBS stand for?

Elastic Block Storage

Object Based storage is synonymous with?

File based storage

Why is Route53 named as such?

DNS port is 53

Amazon's scalable DNS is called?


There are more regions than edge locations?

False, there are more edge locations than regions

Do Availability Zones (AZ) automatically sync data between them?

No, not in terms of EBS and EC2

Distinct locations within an AWS region that are isolated from failure are called?

Availability Zones (AZ)

How many regions are the on AWS at present?

us-east-1 US East (N. Virginia)
us-west-2 US West (Oregon)
us-west-1 US West (N. California)
eu-west-1 EU (Ireland)
eu-central-1 EU (Frankfurt)
ap-southeast-1 Asia Pacific (Singapore)
ap-northeast-1 Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
ap-southeast-2 Asia Pacific (Syd

What is AWS Business Intelligence (BI) tool?


What services does AWS offer for Real Time Big Data analytics?

Kinesis firehose
Kinesis streams
Kinesis analysis

What are the AWS big data analytics frameworks?

Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) (Hadoop and spark)
Elasticsearch service

What allows organizations to do complex analysis on large volumes of data?

Elastic Map reduce (EMR)

What are the services offered by AWS? (high level)

Compute and Networking
Storage and Content delivery
Security and Identity
Management tools

VPC is a component of which AWS Service?

Networking Service

What is AWS's content distribution network (CDN) ?


AWS console that provides a quick global picture of your cloud computing environment?


A distinct location within a geographic area designed to provide high availability to a specific geography is called?

An Availability Zone (AZ)

An independent collection of AWS computing resources in a defined geography is called?

An AWS region

What's the difference between an AWS region and an availability zone?

Region is a geographic area.
Availability Zone is an isolated area inside of a region
Regions have multiple Availability Zones

You have a motion sensor which writes 300 items every 30 seconds. Each item consists of 5 kb. Your app uses eventually consistent reads. What should read throughput be set to?

10 items per seconds.
2 reads per item (8 kb).
Eventually consistent, so divide by 2.
Read throughput = 10

What is the largest file size you can transfer to S3 using a PUT request?

5 GB

There is a hard limit on how much data you can store on s3?

False, there is no hard limit on how much data you can store on s3.

You are hosting a static website in an s3 bucket which uses javascript to reference assets in another S3 bucket. For some reason, these assets are not displaying. What could be the problem?

Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is not enabled

You create a static hosting website in a bucket called 'eric' in sydney using S3. What would the new URL endpoint be?

You have added a NAT (Network address translator) ec2 instance to your vpc, but your ec2 instances in the private subnet still cannot access the internet. What should you do with the NAT?

Disable the source/destination checks on the NAT

You have 2 ec2 instances which sit in a custom VPC in a public subnet. You add a 3rd instance to the subnet, but it cannot access the internet. What should you do?

Add an elastic ip address to the new instance

How many internet gateways can I attach to a custom VPC?


You are designing an application which needs to locate the public ip address on the ec2 instance on which it is stored. What do you do?

Get the instance metedata by visiting

With ec2 you can have 2 types of storage. EBS storage or Instance store. EBS is persistent and if an ec2 instance is stopped with an ebs volume attached, there will be no data lost. instance store is ephemeral and if the ec2 is stopped, all data will be l

EBS is persistent and if an ec2 instance is stopped with an ebs volume attached, there will be no data lost.
Instance store is ephemeral and if the ec2 is stopped, all data will be lost.

If you make an ami public, this AMI is immediately available across all regions by default (t/f)

False, If you make an ami public, the AMI is NOT immediately available across all regions by default (t/f)

in the shared responsibility model, what is aws's responsibility?

restricting access to data centers
proper destruction of decommissioned disks
patching of firmware

what is the default encryption used on s3?

advanced encryption standard (AES) 256

after successfully uploading a file to s3, what http response code is expected?


which of these aws services do not use key value pairs?


which of the following languages is not supported by the aws sdk? (bad question)


what is the default region for all SDKs


you can have multiple ssl certs (for multiple domain names) on a single ELB?

true, you can have multiple ssl certs (for multiple domain names) on a single ELB

you run a website which hosts videos and you have 2 types of members, premium and free.
all videos uploaded by both types are processed by a fleet of ec2 instances which will poll sqs as videos are uploaded; however, you need to ensure that premium member

Create two queues.
program ec2 to poll the premium queue first.

you can select a specific availability zone in which to place your dynamo DB table (t/f)

false, you can NOT select a specific availability zone in which to place your dynamo DB table

in order to enable encryption at rest using ec2 and elastic block store (EBS) you need to?

Configure encryption when creating the ebs volume

Amazon s3 provides unlimited file size for objects

False, it provides unlimited storage, but there is a maximum file size

amazon s3 buckets in all other regions (other than us standard) do NOT provide eventual consistency for overwrite PUTS and DELETES (t/f)

False, amazon s3 buckets in all other regions (other than us standard) DO provide eventual consistency for overwrite PUTS and DELETES (t/f)

amazon s3 buckets in all other regions (other than us standard) provide read after write consistency for PUTS of new objects (t/f)

false, amazon s3 buckets in all other regions (other than us standard) do NOT provide read after write consistency for PUTS of new objects (t/f)

to retrieve instance metadata of userdata you will need to use the following ip address

you have an ec2 instance which needs to find out both its private ip address and its public ip address

retrieve instance metadata from

it is possible to transfer a reserved instasnce from one availability zone to another

true, it is possible to transfer a reserved instasnce from one availability zone to another

when you create new subnets within a custom virtual private cloud (vpc), by default, they can communicate with each other, across availability zone

true, every subnet created is automatically associated with the VPCs default network ACL

You can have 1 subnet attached across multiple availability zones (t/f)

False, You can have more than 1 subnet attached across multiple availability zones

In identity access management (IAM), using security access markup language (SAML) 2.0, you can give federated users single sing on (SSO) access to the aws console. (t/f)

True, In identity access management (IAM), using security access markup language (SAML) 2.0, you can give federated users single sing on (SSO) access to the aws console.

Amazon S3 buckets in the US standard region do NOT provide eventual consistency

False, Amazon S3 buckets in the US standard region do provide eventual consistency

In the shared responsibility model, what is AWS's responsibility?

Restricting access to datacenters
Proper destruction of decommisioned disks
Patching of firmware for the hardware on which your AWS resources reside

Amazon RDS stands for?

Amazon Relational Database Services (RDS)

You are required to patch the operating system (OS) and application in Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)?

False, You are NOT required to patch the operating system (OS) and application in Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

Network ACL stands for?

Network Access Control List

A VPC can have 3 internet gateways attached to it?

False, A VPC can only have one internet gateway attached to it

How many internet gateways (IG) can be attached to a custom VPC?


How many virtual private clouds (VPCs) can be had in each AWS region by default?


The default number of VPCs allowed in an AWS region is 4?

false, 5 is the default number of VPCs allowed in each AWS region

You may only have 1 internet gateway per virtual private cloud (VPC)

False, you may have more than one internet gateway (IG) per Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

It is possible to have private subnets in VPC?

True, it is possible to have private subnets in VPC

An instance does NOT retain its private IP address in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)?

False, it retains its IP address (weird question)

A subnet can only be associated with one Access Cotnrol List (ACL)

True, You can associate a network ACL with multiple subnets; however, a subnet can be associated with only one network ACL at a time. When you associate a network ACL with a subnet, the previous association is removed.

A subnet can only be associated with MULTIPLE Access Cotnrol List (ACL)

False, a subnet can be associated with only one network ACL at a time.

Security groups act like a firewall at the instance level where as ________ are an additional layer of security that act at the subnet level

Access Conrtol List (ACL)

Network ACLs are an additional layer of security that act at the subnet level?

True, Network ACLs are an additional layer of security that act at the subnet level?

Security groups act like a firewall at the instance level?

True, Security groups act like a firewall at the instance level

VPC Stands for?

Virtual Private Cloud

Unlike Cloud formation, Elastic Beanstalk itself is not free AND you must pay for the resource it provisions?

False, both Elastic Beanstalk and Cloud Formation are free, but you must pay for the underlying resources.

What languages and development stacks are not supported by the AWS elastic beanstalk?

Jetty for JBoss application (weird question)
AWS Elastic Beanstalk supports Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Go, and Docker web applications.

Elastic beanstalk is object based storage?

An application version points to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) object that contains the deployable code such as a Java WAR file.

What language are cloud formation templates written in?


You are creating a virtual data center using cloud formation and you need to output the DNS name of your load balancer. What command would you use to achieve this?


Fn::GetAZs returns a list of regions? (t/f)

False, The intrinsic function Fn::GetAZs returns an array that lists Availability Zones for a specified region. Because customers have access to different Availability Zones, the intrinsic function Fn::GetAZs enables template authors to write templates th

What happens if cloud formation encounters and error by default?

It will terminate and rollback all resources created on failure.

Cloud formation is free; however, the resources it provisioned will be charged at the usual rates

True, Cloud formation is free; however, the resources it provisioned will be charged at the usual rates

THe default scripting language for cloud formation is?


In Amazon Simple Workflow Services (SWF), what is a decider?

The decider is a program that controls the coordination of tasks, i.e. their ordering, concurrency, and scheduling according to the application logic.

In amazon Simple Workflow Service (SWF), what is a worker?

Workers are programs that interact with amazon SWF to get tasks, process received tasks, and return the results.

Amazon Simple Workflow Service (SWF) is sueful for automating workflows that include long running human tasks (e.g. approvals, reviews, investigations, etc). Amazon SWF reliably tracks the status of processing steps that run up to several days or months.


Maintaining your applications execution state (e.g. which steps have completed, which ones are running) is a perfect use case for SWF?


SWF consists of a domain, worker, and decider?


Messages CAN be customized for each protocol used in SNS?

True, Messages CAN be customized for each protocol used in SNS.

SNS is push based?

True, SNS is push based.

You can use SNS in conjunction iwth SQS to fan a single message out to multiple SQS Queries?

True, You can use SNS in conjunction iwth SQS to fan a single message out to multiple SQS Queries

You have a list of subscribers email addresses that you need to push emails out to on a periodic basis. What do you subscribe them to?

A topic.

Messages can NOT be customized for each protocol used in SNS?

False, Messages can NOT be customized for each protocol used in SNS.

Name a protocol not supported by SNS.

SNS supported protocols are: Amazon SQS, HTTP/S, email, SMS, Lambda

Which protocols are supported by SNS?

Amazon SQS, HTTP/S, email, SMS, Lambda

SNS is PULL based rather than PUSH based?

False, SNS is PUSH based.

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) was the 3rd service on AWS (t/f) ?

False, SQS was the first.

B. S3 manages encryption and decryption automatically
If the user is using the server-side encryption feature, Amazon S3 encrypts the object data before saving it on disks in its data centres and decrypts it when the user downloads the objects. Thus, the

A user has enabled serverside encryption with S3. The user downloads the encrypted object from S3. How can the user decrypt it?
A. The user needs to decrypt the object using their own private key
B. S3 manages encryption and decryption automatically
C. S3

D. Vault Inventory Retrieval Job Complete
From AWS console the user can configure to have notifications sent to Amazon Simple Notifications Service (SNS). The user can select specific jobs that, on completion, will trigger the notifications such as Vault

A user is trying to create a vault in AWS Glacier. The user wants to enable notifications. In which of the below mentioned options can the user enable the notifications from the AWS console?
A. Glacier does not support the AWS console
B. Archival Upload C

B. 35 days
Amazon RDS provides two different methods for backing up and restoring the Amazon DB instances: automated backups and DB snapshots. Automated backups automatically back up the DB instance during a specific, user-definable backup window, and kee

A user has enabled automated backup for an RDS instance. What is the longest duration for which the user can retain the automated backup?
A. 15 days
B. 35 days
C. 25 days
D. 45 days

B. Use dedicated instances

How can a user have complete separation of the physical hardware for the virtual machines from the other tenants in EC2?
A. Use single tenant option
B. Use dedicated instances
C. Use enhanced EC2 instances
D. It is not possible to have hardware separation

B. Markers
In Amazon SWF, at times you might want to record information in the workflow history of a workflow execution that is specific to your use case. Markers enable you to record information in the workflow execution history that you can use for any

Regarding Amazon SWF, at times you might want to record information in the workflow history of a workflow execution that is specific to your use case. _________ enable you to record information in the workflow execution history that you can use for any cu

D. Checksum
Amazon S3 regularly verifies the integrity of the data stored using checksums. If Amazon S3 detects data corruption, it is repaired using redundant data. In addition, Amazon S3 calculates checksums on all network traffic to detect corruption o

A user has uploaded an object on S3. Which of the below mentioned methodologies should be implemented by S3 to ensure the integrity of the data?
A. Encryption
B. Archival
C. Intrinsic replication
D. Checksum

C. $1.00 to send on million
In Amazon SNS, It costs $1.00 to send one million mobile push notifications ($0.50 per million publishes, plus $0.50 per million mobile push notification deliveries).

Amazon SNS has no upfront costs and you can pay as you go. It costs _________mobile push notifications.
A. $0.01 to send thousand
B. $0.10 to send thousand
C. $1.00 to send one million
D. $0.10 to send one million

A. Amazon SWF
In Amazon SWF, the progress of every workflow execution is recorded in its workflow history, which Amazon SWF maintains. The workflow history is a detailed, complete, and consistent record of every event that occurred since the workflow exec

Regarding Amazon SWF, the progress of every workflow execution is recorded in its workflow history, which _________ maintains.
A. Amazon DynamoDB
B. Amazon SWF
C. Amazon EC2
D. Amazon CloudWatch

A. RDS Cloudwatch metrics
RDS charges the user on a pay as you go basis. It charges the user based on the instance type, number of hours that the instance is running, data transfer, storage cost as well for the I/O requests. The monitoring is free of cost

A user is planning to use the AWS RDS with MySQL. Which of the below mentioned services the user is not going to pay?
A. RDS Cloudwatch metrics
B. I/O requests per month
C. Data transfer
D. Data storage

A. X-Forwarded-Port
The X-Forwarded-Port request header helps the user identify the port used by the client while sending a request to ELB.

Which header received at the EC2 instance identifies the port used by the client while requesting ELB?
A. X-Forwarded-Port
B. X-Forwarded-Proto
C. X-Requested-Port
D. X-Requested-Proto

A. Attach an ephemeral storage
In Amazon Web Services, when a user is launching an EC2 instance under the free usage tier it is required to be of a micro size. The micro instance is launched with an EBS backed AMI. During instance launch, the user can eit

A user is trying to launch an instance with a free usage tier. Which of the below mentioned options is not possible?
A. Attach an ephemeral storage.
B. Attach an EBS volume of 1 GB.
C. Launch with RHEL OS.
D. Enable termination protection.

AWS RDS is a managed database server offered by AWS, which makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database or structured data in cloud.

A user is planning to create a structured database in the cloud. Which of the below mentioned AWS offerings help the user achieve the goal?
A. AWS SimpleDB
B. AWS DynamoDB

C. Yes
Amazon DynamoDB supports increment or decrement atomic operations.

Does Amazon DynamoDB support increment or decrement atomic operations?
A. Only increment, since decrement are inherently impossible with DynamoDB's data model.
B. Only decrement, since increment are inherently impossible with DynamoDB's data model.
C. Yes

A. Create the access key and secret access key for each user and provide access to AWS using the console
If an organization has created the IAM users, the users can access AWS services either with an IAM specific login/password or console. The organizatio

An organization has created 10 IAM users. The organization wants those users to work independently and access AWS. Which of the below mentioned options is not a possible solution?
A. Create the access key and secret access key for each user and provide ac

C. 74
AutoScaling rounds off the values returned by the PercentChangeInCapacity to the lower number if the value is positive. If the current count is 68 and the policy gets executed, the total number of instances to be added will be calculated as 6.8 (10%

A user has configured AutoScaling with policy based scaling. The user has 68 instances running right now. The policy states that the count should be increased by 10%. How many instances will be running after the scaling activity is complete?
A. 75
B. 76

A. An Item can have more than one attributes.
In Amazon DynamoDB, a database is a collection of tables. A table is a collection of items and each item is a collection of attributes.

In regard to DynamoDB, which of the following statements is correct?
A. An Item can have more than one attributes.
B. An Item should have at least two value sets, a primary key and another attribute.
C. An attribute can have one or several other attribute

A. A. https://
When an organization is using AWS IAM for creating various users and manage their access rights, the IAM user can not use the login URL to access AWS management conso

Cloudacademy (with AWS account ID 111122223333) has created 50 IAM users for its organization's employees. What will be the AWS console URL for these associates?
A. https://
B. https://

D. D. ELB will stick a request to a new healthy instance by routing a request to it
If an application server fails or is removed, the Elastic Load Balancer will try to route the sticky session to another healthy application server. The load balancer will

A user has enabled session stickiness with application controlled stickiness. If the instance with which the user's session was bound becomes unhealthy, what will ELB do?
A. ELB will try for a while to send to the same instance before giving session timeo

C. The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure.
In DynamoDB, there are several actions which have HTTP status codes that help developers to understand errors and status of each action. for example: the "InternalFail

In regard to DynamoDB actions, which one of the following statements explains the meaning of "HTTP Status Code: 500" ?
A. The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server.
B. The X.509 certificate or AWS access key ID provided does not exis

A. Scaling with schedule is not supported with the AWS console
If the user wants to setup scaling with Schedule for AutoScaling, the user has to use CLI or Web Services. The AWS console does not support scaling with a schedule.

A user is trying to setup the schedule for AutoScaling. Where does he set the schedule in the AWS console?
A. Scaling with schedule is not supported with the AWS console
B. In AutoScaling group creation
C. In AutoScaling policy configuration
D. In AutoSca

C. as-describe-launch-configs --show-long
As-describe-launch-configs describes all the launch config parameters created by the AWS account in the specified region. Generally it returns values, such as Launch Config name, Instance Type and AMI ID. If the u

How can a user list the IAM Role configured as a part of the launch config?
A. as-describe-launch-configs --iam-profile
B. as-describe-launch-configs -iam-role
C. as-describe-launch-configs --show-long
D. as-describe-launch-configs -role

B. Launch instances in the same placement group
A placement group is a logical grouping of EC2 instances within a single Availability Zone. Using placement groups enables applications to participate in a low-latency, 10 Gbps network. Placement groups are

How can a user get the benefits of low latency network and achieve high throughput among multiple EC2 instances?
A. Launch instances with VPC
B. Launch instances in the same placement group
C. Launch instances with IOPS
D. Use ELB to distribute the load

B. Randomly selects the AZ and then terminates the oldest instance
Even though the user has configured the termination policy, before AutoScaling selects an instance to terminate, it first identifies the Availability Zone that has more instances than the

A user has defined an AutoScaling termination policy to first delete the oldest instance. AutoScaling has launched 2 instances in the US-East-1A region and 2 instances in the US-East-1B region. One of the instances in the US-East-1B region is running near

C. Yes, by installing the SSL certificate on ELB
AWS ELB supports the HTTPS termination at the ELB level as well as the instance level. The user can upload SSL certificate on ELB to configure the SSL/TLS with ELB.

Can a user configure TLS with AWS ELB?
A. Yes, by enabling the HTTPS listener
B. Yes, but only at the EC2 instance level
C. Yes, by installing the SSL certificate on ELB
D. No

C. AWS S3 will verify proper rights given by the owner of Account A, the bucket owner as well as by the IAM user B to the object
If a IAM user is trying to perform some action on an object belonging to another AWS user's bucket, S3 will verify whether the

A bucket owner has allowed another account's IAM users to upload or access objects in his bucket. The IAM user of Account A is trying to access an object created by the IAM user of account B. What will happen in this scenario?
A. The bucket policy may not

C. A workflow
The fundamental concept in Amazon SWF is the workflow. A workflow is a set of activities that carry out some objective, together with logic that coordinates the activities.

In Amazon SWF, _________ is a set of activities that carry out some objective, together with logic that coordinates the activities.
A. A schedule
B. A program
C. A workflow
D. A task

A. 256KB
By default, SQS queues allow you to send the largest supported payload size, currently 256KB. You can choose to specify a limit on how many bytes can be sent per payload, using the MaximumMessageSize attribute of the SetQueueAttributes method.

What is the maximum size for messages stored in SQS??
A. 256KB
B. 1024KB
C. 64KB
D. 128KB

C. 1000
In Amazon SWF, the maximum open activity tasks is up to 1,000 per workflow execution.

In Amazon SWF, the limit for open activity tasks is up to ______ per workflow execution.
A. 10,000
B. 5000
C. 1000
D. 100

B. Amazon SQS is a distributed queuing system that is optimized for horizontal scalability, not for single-threaded sending or receiving speeds.
Amazon SQS is a distributed queuing system that is optimized for horizontal scalability, not for single-thread

You have a number of image files to encode. In an Amazon SQS worker queue, you create an Amazon SQS message for each file specifying the command (jpeg-encode) and the location of the file in Amazon S3. Which of the following statements best describes the

B. Wait till next October / November and write a schedule for AutoScaling
In AutoScaling, scaling based on a schedule allows the user to scale an application in response to the predictable load changes. The user can schedule a scheduled action for up to a

A web application encountered a heavy load during the Thanksgiving sale. In December, the owners want to plan that next year the Thanksgiving sale should have more resources available beforehand. How can they plan this?
A. The website admin cannot schedul

D. Those who want to deploy and manage their applications within minutes in the AWS cloud
AWS Elastic Beanstalk is best suited for those groups who want to deploy and manage their applications within minutes in the AWS cloud. As a bonus, you don't even ne

Which of the following groups is AWS Elastic Beanstalk best suited for?
A. Those who want to privately store and manage Git repositories in the AWS cloud.
B. Those who want to automate the deployment of applications to instances and to update the applicat

B. A JSON-format
The template is a JSON-format, text-based file that describes all the AWS resources you need to deploy to run your application.

In regard to AWS CloudFormation, the template is _____, text-based file that describes all the AWS resources you need to deploy to run your application.
A. A CSV-format
B. A JSON-format
C. A HTML-format
D. A XML-format

A. Device token
To send push notifications to mobile devices using Amazon SNS and ADM, you need to obtain the following: Registration ID and Client secret.

In Amazon SNS, to send push notifications to mobile devices using Amazon SNS and ADM, you need to obtain the following, except:
A. Device token
B. Registration ID
C. Client secret
D. Client ID

B. The AutoScaling group average CPU utilization
The user can configure the AutoScaling group to automatically scale up and then scale down based on the various specified CloudWatch monitoring conditions. CloudWatch provides an average of the AutoScaling

A user has 10 instances registered with ELB configured through AutoScaling. The user has setup the policy to scale up when the CPU utilization is above 50%. Which CPU utilization should AWS consider here?
A. ELB CPU utilization metric monitored by AutoSca

B. 1000
If a user is trying to enable PIOPS with MySQL RDS, the minimum size of storage should be 100 GB and the minimum PIOPS should be 1000.

A user is configuring MySQL RDS with PIOPS. What should be the minimum PIOPS that the user should provision?
A. 500
B. 1000
C. 2000
D. 200

A. AWS CloudWatch + AWS SNS.
Amazon SNS makes it simple and cost-effective to push to mobile devices, such as iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle Fire, and internet connected smart devices, as well as pushing to other distributed services. In this case, the use

A user is running a webserver on EC2. The user wants to receive the SMS when the EC2 instance utilization is above the threshold limit. Which AWS services should the user configure in this case?
A. AWS CloudWatch + AWS SNS.
B. AWS CloudWatch + AWS SQS.

B. requests above your provisioned capacity will be throttled and you will receive 400 error codes.
Speaking about DynamoDB, if your application performs more reads/second or writes/second than your table's provisioned throughput capacity allows, requests

What happens if your application performs more reads or writes than your provisioned capacity?
A. requests above your provisioned capacity will be performed but you will receive 400 error codes.
B. requests above your provisioned capacity will be throttle

B. Detach the volume first and attach to new instance
If an EBS volume is attached to a running EC2 instance, the user needs to detach the volume from the original instance and then attach it to a new running instance. The user doesn't need to stop / term

An EC2 instance has one additional EBS volume attached to it. How can a user attach the same volume to another running instance in the same AZ?
A. Attach the volume as read only to the second instance
B. Detach the volume first and attach to new instance

C. No, provided the total snapshot size is less than 20 GB
RDS backup storage is the storage that is associated with automated database backups and any active database snapshots that the user has taken. Amazon RDS provides backup storage up to 100% of the

A user has launched RDS with the Oracle DB. The instance size is 20 GB. The user has taken 2 snapshots of that DB. Will RDS charge the user for the snapshot?
A. Yes
B. No, provided the snapshot storage is less than 40 GB
C. No, provided the total snapshot

D. The placement group does not support instances of a medium size
AWS EC2 placement group is a logical grouping of instances within a single Availability Zone. Placement groups are recommended for applications that benefit from low network latency, high

A user has launched 5 medium instances in a placement group. Which of the below mentioned statements is true?
A. All instances will get the benefit of low latency and higher throughput
B. All instances must be running in the same AZ
C. All instances must

D. In the security group, open port 22 for IP
In AWS EC2, while configuring a security group, the user needs to specify the IP address in CIDR notation. The CIDR IP range says it is for a single IP If the user sp

A user is accessing an EC2 instance on the SSH port for IP Which one is a secure way to configure that the instance can be accessed only from this IP?
A. In the security group, open port 22 for IP
B. In the security group, open po

D. Grant least privileges to the individual user
It is a recommended rule that the root user should grant the least privileges to the IAM user or the group. The higher the privileges, the more problems it can create.

A user is creating multiple IAM users. What advice should be given to him to enhance the security?
A. Grant all higher privileges to the group
B. Grant less privileges for user, but higher privileges for the group
C. Grant more privileges to the user, but

C. Hash secondary index
In DynamoDB, a secondary index is a data structure that contains a subset of attributes from a table, along with an alternate key to support Query operations. DynamoDB supports the following two types of secondary indexes:
-Local s

Which of the following solutions is not supported by DynamoDB:
A. Hash Primary Key
B. Global secondary index
C. Hash secondary index
D. Local secondary index

C. NoSQL Database
DynamoDB is a fast, fully managed NoSQL database service.

What kind of service is provided by AWS DynamoDB?
A. Relational Database
B. Dynamic Database
C. NoSQL Database
D. Document Database

D. It will return "colour=red"
The AWS S3 EU region supports read-after-write consistency for PUTS of new objects in the Amazon S3 bucket and eventual consistency for overwrite PUTS and DELETES. In this case since it is a new request, the object will be a

A user is creating an object in the EU region. The content of the object is the value "colour=red". If the user tries to read the value of the object 1 minute after it was uploaded, what will S3 return?
A. It may return an error or return the value "colou

D. Amazon SWF
Amazon Simple Workflow (Amazon SWF) is a task coordination and state management service for cloud applications. With Amazon SWF, you can stop writing complex glue-code and state machinery and invest more in the business logic that makes your

___________ is a task coordination and state management service for cloud applications.
A. Amazon SES
B. Amazon FPS
C. Amazon SNS
D. Amazon SWF

A. From Disk management, remove the mount point
To detach an Amazon EBS volume using the console the user must unmount it. To unmount the device in Windows, the user should open Disk Management, right-click the volume to unmount, and select Change Drive L

A user has mounted an EBS volume to a Windows instance. Which of the below mentioned options allows the user to unmount the volume from that instance?
A. From Disk management, remove the mount point
B. From Disk management, delete the external drive
C. Fr

D. Allow the EC2 security group within the RDS security group to allow access from EC2
Each RDS DB security group rule enables a specific source to access a DB instance that is associated with that DB security group. If the user specifies an EC2 security

A user has hosted an application on EC2. The application makes a call to RDS. How can the user ensure that access to the RDS DB is secure?
A. Create an IAM user with RDS access and use its own credentials
B. Access between RDS and EC2 is always secure

D. Launch an instance in the AZ with the fewest instances
AutoScaling attempts to distribute instances evenly between the Availability Zones that are enabled for the user's AutoScaling group. Auto Scaling does this by attempting to launch new instances in

When AutoScaling is launching a new instance based on condition, which of the below mentioned policies will it follow?
A. Launch an instance which has the highest load distribution
B. Launch an instance in the AZ which has the highest instances
C. Based o

C. Archive ID
AWS Glacier has four resources. Vault and Archives are core data model concepts. Job is required to initiate download of archive. The notification configuration is required to send user notification when archive is available for download.

A user is uploading archives to Glacier. The user is trying to understand key Glacier resources. Which of the below mentioned options is not a Glacier resource?
A. Archive
B. Notification configuration
C. Archive ID
D. Job

A. All the other answers
Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon CloudWatch are integrated, so you can gather and analyze performance metrics. You can monitor these metrics using the CloudWatch console, CloudWatch's own command-line interface, or programmatically usin

To analyze performance metrics of Amazon DynamoDB by using _______.
A. All the other answers
B. Programmatically using the CloudWatch API
C. CloudWatch's own command-line interface
D. The CloudWatch console

B. The user can communicate using the private IP across regions.
In Amazon Web Services, when a user has launched an EC2 instance, it will have a public / private DNS and IP assigned using DHCP. The public and private DNS are mapped using NAT. The private

A user has launched an EC2 instance. Which of the below mentioned statements is not true with respect to instance addressing?
A. The private IP address and public IP address for an instance are directly mapped to each other using NAT.
B. The user can comm

A. No
An EIP that has been allocated on EC2-Classic can't be used in EC2-VPC or vice versa.

Will your EC2-Classic Elastic IP addresses work with EC2-VPC instances ?
A. No
B. Only EIP's associated with RDS instances
C. Depends on how they are configured at launch
D. Yes

D. ELB will try to route the sticky session to another healthy application server
If an application server fails or is removed, the Elastic Load Balancer will try to route the sticky session to another healthy application server. The load balancer will tr

A user has enabled Application-Controlled Session Stickiness. The instance the user's session was bound to becomes unhealthy for 10 minutes. The unhealthy instance becomes healthy again after 10 minutes. What will ELB do in this case?
A. The unhealthy ins

B. An activity worker
In Amazon SWF, an activity worker is a program that receives activity tasks, performs them, and provides results back. Note that the task itself might actually be performed by a person, in which case the person would use the activity

Regarding Amazon SWF, __________ is a program that receives activity tasks, performs them, and provides results back.
A. A role handler
B. An activity worker
C. A task worker
D. A coordinator

D. The user can host a dynamic website with Cloudfront
A user can create an S3 bucket which maps to his domain name as well as store a static website on S3. The user can upload a php file to S3, but it will not be processed as S3 cannot host a dynamic web

A user is exploring options to work with AWS S3. Which of the below mentioned statements does not help user with respect to AWS S3?
A. The user can create a bucket with the same name as the user domain on S3
B. The user can store a php file in AWS S3
C. T

B. Amazon SES
File change notifications can be sent via email to users following the resource with Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES), an easy-to-use, cost-effective email solution.

Your supervisor has asked you to build a simple file synchronization service for your department. He doesn't want to spend too much money and he wants to be notified of any changes to files by email. What do you think would be the best Amazon service to u

B. Yes, but only if you have direct connect or vpn
The instances that reside in the private subnets of your VPC are not reachable from the Internet, meaning that is not possible to ssh into them. To interact with them you can use a bastion server, located

Can you SSH to your private machines that reside in a VPC from outside without elastic IP?
A. Only if you are using a non-US region
B. Yes, but only if you have direct connect or vpn
C. No
D. Only if you are using a US region

B. False, it is optional
When you create a table with a hash-and-range key in DynamoDB, you can also define one or more secondary indexes on that table.

When you create a table with a hash-and-range key, you must define one or more secondary indexes on that table.
A. True
B. False, it is optional
C. False, when you have Hash-Range key you cannot define Secondary index
D. False, hash-range key is another n

C. 100 GB
If the user is trying to enable PIOPS with MySQL RDS, the minimum size of storage should be 100 GB.

A user is configuring MySQL RDS with PIOPS. What should be the minimum size of DB storage provided by the user?
A. 5 GB
B. 1 TB
C. 100 GB
D. 50 GB

A. Data checksum
The user can enable logging, versioning as well as change the S3 storage class from the AWS console. The user can encrypt the data using the console, but cannot enable or disable the checksum as it is internally managed by AWS S3.

Which of the below mentioned functionalities cannot be enabled or disabled by a user from the AWS S3 console?
A. Data checksum
B. Encryption
C. Versioning
D. Logging

B. AWS will throw an error saying that the AMI is deregistered
If the user has deregistered the AMI of an EC2 instance and is trying to launch a similar instance with the option "Launch more like this", AWS will throw an error saying that the AMI is dereg

A user is trying to launch a similar EC2 instance from an existing instance with the option "Launch More like this". The AMI of the selected instance is deleted. What will happen in this case?
A. AWS will create a new AMI and launch the instance
B. AWS wi

D. AutoScaling will not allow to create the policy since it conflicts in time
For AutoScaling, scaling based on a schedule allows the user to scale an application in response to the predictable load changes. A scheduled action must have a unique time valu

A user is configuring AutoScaling to scale up at 9 AM every day. The user has another policy which scales up the instance on the 1st of every month at 9 AM. What will AutoScaling do in this scenario?
A. AutoScaling will allow the policy but will give an e

B. It is not possible to connect to the instance without a key-pair
If a user has lost the key-pair file and it is a Linux EC2 instance the user can never connect to the instance. The only option is that the user must stop the instance, detach its root vo

A user has lost a key-pair file for the Instance store backed Linux instance. If the user wants to connect to it, how can he connect?
A. Download the key-pair again from the AWS console and connect to the instance
B. It is not possible to connect to the i

A. An index with a hash and range key that can be different from those on the table.
Global secondary index � an index with a hash and range key that can be different from those on the table.

In regard to DynamoDB, what is the Global secondary index?
A. An index with a hash and range key that can be different from those on the table.
B. An index that has the same range key as the table, but a different hash key
C. An index that has the same ha

A. The set of AWS resources that are created and managed as a single unit
A stack is the set of AWS resources that are created and managed as a single unit when AWS CloudFormation initiates a template.

In regard to AWS CloudFormation, what is a stack?
A. The set of AWS resources that are created and managed as a single unit
B. The set of AWS templates that are created and managed as a single unit
C. The set of AWS templates that are created and managed

C. EBS optimized instance
An Amazon EBS-optimized instance uses an optimized configuration stack and provides additional, dedicated capacity for the Amazon EBS I/O. This optimization provides the best performance for the user's Amazon EBS volumes by minim

Which of the below mentioned instance types provides a better dedicated IO with EBS?
A. EBS dedicated instance
B. EBS enhanced instance
C. EBS optimized instance

A. Storing image thumbnails
AWS RRS provides the same functionality as AWS S3, but at a cheaper rate. It is ideally suited for non-mission, critical applications, such as files which can be reproduced.

Which of the below mentioned options can be a good use case for storing content in AWS RRS?
A. Storing image thumbnails
B. Storing a video file which is not reproducible
C. Storing mission critical data Files
D. Storing infrequently used log files

C. db.m1.large
If the user is trying to enable PIOPS with MySQL RDS, the minimum size of storage should be 100 GB and the minimum PIOPS should be 1000. In this case, RDS recommends having an m1.large instance for optimal performance.
LEARN MORE: http://do

A user is trying to provision IOPS for a MySQL RDS instance. What should be the minimum instance size recommended by AWS for the 100 GB storage and 1000 IOPS to achieve optimal performance?
A. db.m1.medium
B. db.m3.2xlarge
C. db.m1.large
D. db.m1.xlarge

C. 1 year
In Amazon SWF, workflow execution time is up to maximum 1 year.

In Amazon SWF, workflow execution time is up to ______ .
A. 90 days
B. 5 years
C. 1 year
D. 30 days

B. The user can login if the Windows Admin password is known
If a user has launched a Windows EC2 instance without attaching a key-pair he can still connect to that instance if the login ID and password are known to him. For Windows, a user key-pair is re

A user has launched a Windows instance. The user did not attach the key-pair with the instance while launching. How can the user connect to the same instance?
A. Login with the Administrator and generate a key-pair using RDP
B. The user can login if the W

B. Automated backup
Comparing with on-premises or EC2 based MS SQL, RDS provides an automated backup feature. PIOPS is available with both RDS and EBS. However, HA is not available with MS SQL.

A user is planning to host MS SQL on an EBS volume. It was recommended to use the AWS RDS. What advantages will the user have if he uses RDS in comparison to an EBS based DB?
A. High availability with multi AZs
B. Automated backup
C. MS SQL is not support

D. Enabled connection drainage with ELB
Connection draining causes the ELB load balancer to stop sending new requests to a deregistered instance or an unhealthy instance, while keeping the existing connections open. This allows the load balancer to comple

A user has 5 instances registered with ELB. One of the instances is being deregistered by Auto Scaling. How can the user configure the deregistered instance so that it does not receive new requests?
A. Remove session stickiness of ELB
B. Enable session de

A. "Table", a collection of Items; "Items", with Keys and one or more Attribute; and "Attribute", with Name and Value.
The data model of DynamoDB is:
"Table", a collection of Items;
"Items", with Keys and one or more Attribute;
"Attribute", with Name and

What is the data model of DynamoDB?
A. "Table", a collection of Items; "Items", with Keys and one or more Attribute; and "Attribute", with Name and Value.
B. "Database", a collection of Tables; "Tables", with Keys and one or more Attribute; and "Attribute

C. only one Auto Scaling group
In AWS Elastic Beanstalk, one environment cannot support two different environment tiers because each requires its own set of resources; a worker environment tier and a web server environment tier each require an Auto Scalin

AWS Elastic Beanstalk supports _________ per environment.
A. only five Auto Scaling groups
B. only three Auto Scaling groups
C. only one Auto Scaling group
D. only two Auto Scaling groups

D. Verifies if the parent of the IAM user has granted sufficient permission
If the IAM user is trying to perform a bucket operation, S3 will first verify whether the IAM user belongs to the same root account or another account. If it belongs to another AW

An IAM user is performing an operation on some other user's S3 bucket. What will S3 first check in this context?
A. Verifies that the bucket has the required policy defined for access the IAM user
B. Verifies if the IAM policy is available for the root ac

D. Take a snapshot of the volume. Create a new volume in the USEast-1a and attach that to the instance
If an EBS volume is not in the same AZ of an EC2 instance, it cannot be attached to the instance. The only option is to take a snapshot of the volume an

A user has created an EBS instance in the US-East-1a AZ. The user has a volume of 30 GB in the US-East-1b zone. How can the user attach the volume to an instance?
A. Since both the volume and the instance are in the same region, the user can attach the vo

B. Provide the AMI ID and search for private images.
In Amazon Web Services, when an owner has shared an AMI with a selected user, the other user can find the AMI with the filter criteria as "AMI ID" + "Private AMIs".

An AMI owner has shared his AMI with another user. The other user wants to search the AMI from the AWS console. Which search criteria should the user apply in the console?
A. Provide the AMI ID and search for community images.
B. Provide the AMI ID and se

C. Use an Amazon SQS queue as the notification endpoint for SNS
AWS Config uses Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) to send you notifications every time a supported AWS resource is created, updated, or otherwise modified as a result of user API activ

AWS Config uses Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) to send you notifications every time a supported AWS resource is created, updated, or otherwise modified as a result of user API activity. However, you might be interested in only certain resource c

A. Configure the Private IP of the Instance in RDS security group

A user wants to access RDS from an EC2 instance using IP addresses. Both RDS and EC2 are in the same region, but different AZs. Which of the below mentioned options help configure that the instance is accessed faster?
A. Configure the Private IP of the In

B. 90 days
In Amazon SWF, Workflow retention time is up to 90 days.

In Amazon SWF, Workflow retention time is up to ________.
A. 14 days
B. 90 days
C. 30 days
D. 1 year

A. Buckets
When creating an S3 bucket policy, the user needs to define the resource (which will have the bucket or the object), actions, effect and principal.
They are explained as below
Resources - Buckets and objects are the Amazon S3 resources for whic

A user is creating an S3 bucket policy. Which of the below mentioned elements the user will not include as part of it?
A. Buckets
B. Principal
C. Actions
D. Resource

C. Key: "aws:name" Value: "instance@aws"
In Amazon Web Services, to help manage EC2 instances as well their usage in a better way, the user can tag the instances. The tags are metadata assigned by the user which consists of a key and value. The tag key ca

While assigning a tag to an instance, which of the below mentioned options is not a valid tag key/value pair?
A. Key : "aws" Value:"aws"
B. Key: "Name :aws" Value: "instance@aws"
C. Key: "aws:name" Value: "instance@aws"
D. Key : "name@aws" Value:"aws:inst

A. "Version":"2012-10-17"
When defining an IAM Policy, the version element specifies the policy language version. Only the following values are allowed:
2012-10-17. This is the current version of the policy language, and the user should use this version n

A user is defining a policy for an IAM user. Which of the below mentioned options is a valid version defined for the policy?
A. "Version":"2012-10-17"
B. "Version":"2014-01-01"
C. "Version":"2011-10-17"
D. "Version":"2013-10-17

C. OutOfService: Instance is not currently registered with the load balancer
Connection draining causes the ELB load balancer to stop sending new requests to a deregistered instance or an unhealthy instance, while keeping the existing connections open. Th

When connection draining is enabled for an ELB, what will be the status of a deregistering instance when ELB has completed all inflight requests?
A. Deregistering: Instance deregistration currently in progress
B. InService: Instance deregistration current

D. Use policy simulator to create policy
When a user is trying to create a policy from the AWS console, it will have options such as create policy from templates or use a policy generator. The user can also define a custom policy or chose the option to ha

A user is trying to create a policy for an IAM user from the AWS console. Which of the below mentioned options is not available to the user while configuring policy?
A. Assign No permission
B. Use custom policy to create policy
C. Use policy generator to

C. Import Data from other databases or from files.
The AWS console for DynamoDB enables you to do all the above operation but not Importing Data from other databases or from files and it is not possible to do it.

The AWS console for DynamoDB enables you to do all the following operations, except:
A. View your table's top monitoring metrics on real-time graphs from CloudWatch.
B. Set up alarms to monitor your table's capacity usage.
C. Import Data from other databa

B. You can optionally define one or more secondary indexes on that table
When you create a table with a hash-and-range key, you can optionally define one or more secondary indexes on that table. A secondary index lets you query the data in the table using

In regard to DynamoDB, when you create a table with a hash-and-range key _________________
A. You must define one or more Global secondary indexes on that table
B. You can optionally define one or more secondary indexes on that table
C. You must define on

C. Amazon SNS
AWS Elastic Beanstalk can use the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) to notify you of important events affecting your application.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk can use the __________ to notify you of important events affecting your application.
A. Amazon Cloud Watch
B. Amazon SQS
C. Amazon SNS
D. Amazon SES

C. Provide ACL for the logging group
The only recommended use case for the S3 bucket ACL is to grant the write permission to the Amazon S3 Log Delivery group to write access log objects to the user's bucket.

A user is enabling logging on a particular bucket. Which of the below mentioned options may be best suitable to allow access to the log bucket?
A. Create an IAM Role which has access to the log bucket
B. Create an IAM policy and allow log access
C. Provid

C. Log the message ID and the receipt handle for your messages and correlate them to confirm when a message has been received and deleted
With version 2008-01-01, the PeekMessage action has been removed from Amazon SQS. This functionality was used mainly

How can you peek at a message in Amazon SQS?
A. You can't
B. Set up a CloudWatch alarm to auto send you the message
C. Log the message ID and the receipt handle for your messages and correlate them to confirm when a message has been received and deleted

C. Yes, all these resources can be created using a CloudFormation template
With AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), you can create IAM users to control who has access to which resources in your AWS account. You can use IAM with AWS CloudFormation to

Is it possible to create an S3 bucket accessible only by a certain IAM user, using policies in a CloudFormation template?
A. No, you can only create the S3 bucket but not the IAM user.
B. S3 is not supported by CloudFormation.
C. Yes, all these resources

D. Not on the same tenant hardware
The dedicated instances are Amazon EC2 instances that run in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) on hardware that is dedicated to a single customer. When a user launches an Amazon EBS-backed dedicated instance, the EBS volume

A user has launched a dedicated EBS backed instance with EC2. Where will the EBS of the instance be created?
A. The user can specify where the EBS will be created
B. AWS does not allow a dedicated EBS backed instance launch
C. On the same tenant hardware

B. Microsoft Windows Mobile Messaging (MWMM)
In Amazon SNS, you have the ability to send notification messages directly to apps on mobile devices. Notification messages sent to a mobile endpoint can appear in the mobile app as message alerts, badge update

Regarding Amazon SNS, you can send notification messages to mobile devices through any of the following supported push notification services, EXCEPT:
A. Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM)
B. Microsoft Windows Mobile Messaging (MWMM)
C. Amazon Device

A. Amazon SQS queue has a configurable visibility timeout.
Every Amazon SQS queue has a configurable visibility timeout. For the designated amount of time after a message is read from a queue, it will not be visible to any other reader. As long as the amo

How does Amazon SQS allow multiple readers to access the same message queue without losing messages or processing them many times?
A. Amazon SQS queue has a configurable visibility timeout.
B. Multiple readers can't access the same message queue
C. By usi

C. Session affinity
Generally an Elastic Load Balancer routes each request independently to the application instance with the smallest load. However, the user can enable the sticky session feature (also known as session affinity) which enables the load ba

Which of the below mentioned options ensures that the user requests are always attached to a single instance?
A. Session cookie
B. Connection drainage
C. Session affinity
D. Cross zone load balancing

A. All running instances will still be a part of the same placement group
A placement group is a logical grouping of EC2 instances within a single Availability Zone. Placement groups are recommended for applications that benefit from low network latency,

A user has launched 5 EC2 instances inside a placement group. The user first stopped three instances and then started them after 60 minutes. Which of the below mentioned statements is true?
A. All running instances will still be a part of the same placeme

A. It is stored in the same AZ as the volume
The EBS snapshots are a point in time backup of the EBS volume. It is an incremental snapshot, but is always specific to the region and never specific to a single AZ.
Hence the statement "It is stored in the sa

A user is creating a snapshot of an EBS volume. Which of the below statements is incorrect in relation to the creation of an EBS snapshot?
A. It is stored in the same AZ as the volume
B. It can be used to launch a new instance
C. It is a point in time bac

B. It is not possible to move instances across placement groups
AWS EC2 placement group is a logical grouping of instances within a single Availability Zone. Placement groups are recommended for applications that benefit from low network latency, high net

A user has launched 5 EBS backed instances as part of the placement group. The user wants to move one instance out of the placement group and move it to another placement group. How can he achieve this?
A. Stop the instance and then change the instance pl

D. Yes, provided the owner has given the create volume permission.
In Amazon Web Services, when a user is sharing an AMI with another user, the owner needs to give explicit permission to other users to create a volume from the snapshot. Otherwise the othe

A user is sharing the AWS AMI with selected users. Will the new user be able to create a volume from the shared AMI?
A. No, never.
B. Yes, always.
C. Yes, provided the owner has given the launch instance permission.
D. Yes, provided the owner has given th

B. Availability Zone
If the user is launching RDS with Multi AZ the user cannot provision the Availability Zone. RDS is launched automatically instead

A user is launching an AWS RDS instance with MySQL. The user wants to enable the Multi AZ feature. Which of the below mentioned parameters will not be allowed to configure by RDS?
A. Database port
B. Availability Zone
C. DB subnet group
D. Region

C. It is not possible to have the same IAM account login URL for separate AWS accounts
If a user wants the URL of the AWS IAM sign-in page to have a company name instead of the AWS account ID, he can create an alias for his AWS account ID. The alias shoul

Cloud Academy has three AWS accounts. They have created separate IAM users within each account. Cloud Academy wants a single IAM console URL such as for all account users. How can this be achieved?
A. Cr

C. It will provide the region specific website endpoin
To host a static website, the user needs to configure an Amazon S3 bucket for website hosting and then upload the website contents to the bucket. The website is then available at the region-specific w

A user has configured a bucket S3 to host a static website. What difference will there be when static website hosting is enabled?
A. It will help the user identify this bucket as the website root to map with the domain
B. It will create a new version of t

A. Signature Version 4
Signature Version 4 contains the parameters:
Endpoint, Action, Required & optimal parameters, Date and Authorization parameters

Which signature version contains the following parameters?
Endpoint, Action, Required & optimal parameters, Date and Authorization parameters.
A. Signature Version 4
B. Signature Version 3
C. Signature Version 1
D. Signature Version 2

A. Consist of a single .war file
When you use the AWS Elastic Beanstalk console to deploy a new application or an application version, you'll need to upload a source bundle. Your source bundle must meet the following requirements:
Consist of a single .zip

When you use the AWS Elastic Beanstalk console to deploy a new application you'll need to upload a source bundle and it should ___________________________.
A. Consist of a single .war file
B. Consist of a folder with all files
C. Consist of a single .zip

A. DesiredCapacity
A user can configure the AutoScaling group to automatically scale up and then scale down based on the various specified CloudWatch monitoring conditions. The user needs to provide the adjustment value and the adjustment type. The user c

A user is configuring AutoScaling with CLI. Which of the below mentioned adjustment types is not supported by the AutoScaling policy as a part of the command? (e.g. adjustment=50 Type=???)
A. DesiredCapacity
B. ChangeInCapacity
C. PercentChangeInCapacity

B. All of the options
An ELB performs a health check on its instances to ensure that it diverts traffic only to healthy instances. The ELB can perform a health check on HTTP, HTTPS, TCP and SSL protocols.

A user has configured ELB. Which of the below mentioned protocols the user can configure for ELB health checks while setting up ELB?
B. All of the options

D. the environment is still in the process of being launched.
While AWS Elastic Beanstalk creates your AWS resources and launches your application, the environment will be in a Launching (gray) state. Status messages about launch events are displayed in t

Regarding AWS Elastic Beanstalk, if the environment health is gray, __________________.
A. the environment is terminated and application should be reinstalled.
B. the environment is ready but it should be activated by user.
C. the environment is active an

C. Arrays
Amazon DynamoDB supports the following data types:
Scalar data types (like Number, String, and Binary)
Multi-valued types (like String Set, Number Set, and Binary Set).

Which one of the following data types does Amazon DynamoDB not support?
A. String
B. Binary
C. Arrays
D. Number Set

D. No, it does not copy or cache data from external stores
In Amazon SWF, depending on the size and sensitivity of the data, you can pass data directly or pass a pointer to data stored on another system or service (such as Amazon S3 or Amazon DynamoDB). B

Does Amazon SWF copy or cache any of the data from external stores as part of the history?
A. No, It just caches data from external stores
B. Yes, it copies any necessary data from external stores
C. Yes, you can assign Amazon DynamoDB or Amazon S3 to sto

A. Statement
The statement is the main element of the IAM policy and it is a must for a policy. Elements such as condition, version and ID are not required.

Which of the below mentioned options is a must to have an element as a part of the IAM policy?
A. Statement
B. Condition
D. Version

B. 100
In DynamoDB, if your items are 512 bytes and you want to write 100 items per second to your table, then you would need to provision 100 write capacity units.

In DynamoDB, If your items are 512 bytes and you want to write 100 items per second to your table, then you would need to provision _____ write capacity units.
A. 300
B. 100
C. 200
D. 150

C. Randomly select the instance for termination
Before Auto Scaling selects an instance to terminate, it first identifies the Availability Zone that has more instances than the other Availability Zones used by the group. If all the Availability Zones have

AutoScaling is configured with 3 AZs. Each zone has 5 instances running. If AutoScaling wants to terminate an instance based on the policy action, which instance will it terminate first?
A. Terminate the instance from the AZ which does not have a high AWS

A. The user might not have attached the key-pair with the EC2 instance
If the user has launched an EC2 Linux instance without attaching a key-pair he will be unable to connect to that instance and will receive the "No supported Authentication Method" erro

A user has launched an EC2 micro instance from the AWS Linux image. When the user is trying to SSH the instance, it gives a message "No supported Authentication Method" after the user enters the user ID ec2-user. Which of the below mentioned options is a

C. You must create a new set on DHCP options and associate them with your VPC.
The values of a DHCP option set cannot be modified after being created. Instead, new sets of DHCP options can be created to replace those currently associated with your VPC.

If you want your VPC to use a different set of DHCP options, ______ .
A. You have to make a copy of the existing DHCP options and modify it.
B. None of these.
C. You must create a new set on DHCP options and associate them with your VPC.
D. You must modif

B. DynamoDB
When you load your table directly from an Amazon DynamoDB table, you have the option to control the amount of Amazon DynamoDB provisioned throughput you consume.

Complete this statemente: "When you load your table directly from an Amazon ___________ table, you have the option to control the amount of provisioned throughput you consume."
A. S3
B. DynamoDB
D. DataPipeline

B. Subscribers
In Amazon SNS, subscribers (i.e., web servers, email addresses, Amazon SQS queues) consume or receive the message or notification over one of the supported protocols (i.e., Amazon SQS, HTTP/S, email, SMS) when they are subscribed to the top

Regarding Amazon SNS , _________ consume or receive the message or notification over one of the supported protocols when they are subscribed to the topic.
B. Subscribers
C. AWS services
D. Publishers

B. IP address
The EC2 instances are registered with the load balancer using the IP addresses associated with the instances. When an instance is stopped and then started, the IP address associated with the instance changes. This prevents the load balancer

A user is setting up an Elastic Load Balancer(ELB). Which of the below parameters should the user consider so as the instance gets registered with the ELB?
B. IP address
C. Security group

B. It will throw an error saying the requested bucket name is not available
S3 bucket names must be unique through all AWS regions.

A user has created an bucket with the name "cloudacademy" in the US East region. Another AWS account user is trying to create a bucket with the same name in the EU region. What will S3 do?
A. It will throw an error saying naming criteria not met for EU re

D. the LastEvaluatedKey is null.
In DynamoDB, when the entire result set from a Query or Scan has been processed, the LastEvaluatedKey is null. This indicates that the result set is complete (i.e. the operation processed the "last page" of data).

In DynamoDB, when the entire result set from a query or scan has been processed, _____.
A. the ExclusiveStartKey is null.
B. the LastEvaluatedKey and ExclusiveStartKey are null.
C. the ExclusiveStartKey is equal to LastEvaluatedKey.
D. the LastEvaluatedKe

A. AWS cannot guarantee that you will receive messages in the exact order you sent them
Amazon SQS makes a best effort to preserve order in messages, but due to the distributed nature of the queue, AWS cannot guarantee that you will receive messages in th

In relation to Amazon SQS, how can you ensure that messages are delivered in order?
A. AWS cannot guarantee that you will receive messages in the exact order you sent them
B. Send them with a timestamp
C. Give each message a unique id.
D. Increase the siz

A. 256 KB
IOPS are input/output operations per second. Amazon EBS measures each I/O operation per second (that is 256 KB or smaller) as one IOPS.

The user has provisioned the PIOPS volume with an EBS optimized instance. Generally speaking, in which I/O chunk should the bandwidth experienced by the user be measured by AWS?
A. 256 KB
B. 64 KB
C. 128 KB
D. 32 KB

A. It is linked with the user AWS account.
When a user has launched an EC2 instance, AWS assigns a public and a private DNS to the instance. Both the private and public DNS are mapped using NAT. The EBS backed instance, if started / stopped, will always h

Which of the below mentioned statements is false with respect to the public DNS of an EC2 instance?
A. It is linked with the user AWS account.
B. It is mapped to the primary network interface.
C. The public DNS cannot be changed by the user.
D. It can be

B. Yes, by creating a CNAME with the existing domain name provider
The AWS ELB allows mapping a custom domain name with ELB. The user can map ELB with DNS in two ways: 1) By creating CNAME with the existing domain name service provider or 2) By creating a

Can a user associate and use his own DNS with ELB instead of the DNS provided by AWS ELB?
A. Yes, by configuring DNS in the AWS Console
B. Yes, by creating a CNAME with the existing domain name provider
C. No
D. Yes, only through Route 53 by mapping ELB a

B. Conditional error on object name
To host a static website, the user needs to configure an Amazon S3 bucket for website hosting and then upload the website contents to the bucket. The user can configure the index, error document as well as configure the

A user is enabling a static website hosting on an S3 bucket. Which of the below mentioned parameters cannot be configured by the user?
A. Error document
B. Conditional error on object name
C. Conditional redirection on object name
D. Index document

C. 405 Method Not Allowed error
If an object in reduced redundancy storage has been lost, Amazon S3 will return a 405 error on requests made to that object.

A user has stored an object in RRS. The object is lost due to an internal AWS failure. What will AWS return when someone queries the object?
A. AWS will serve the object from backup
B. The object cannot be lost as RRS is highly durable
C. 405 Method Not A

D. Configure the IP range of the US West region instance as the ingress security rule of RDS
The user cannot authorize an Amazon EC2 security group if it is in a different AWS Region than the RDS DB instance. The user can authorize an IP range or specify

A user has launched one EC2 instance in the US West region. The user wants to access the RDS instance launched in the US East region from that EC2 instance. How can the user configure the access for that EC2 instance?
A. Open the security group of the US

D. It is not possible to configure the outbound port for RDS
When the user specifies an EC2 security group as the source, he is allowing incoming traffic from all the EC2 instances that use that particular EC2 security group. The DB security group rules a

A user has hosted an application on EC2. The user wants to configure EC2 to send requests for DB to the MySQL RDS on port 3306. However, RDS returns the response on port 3372. How can the user configure this?
A. Configure outbound port for RDS as 3372 usi

A. The new snapshot will only have the original volume content
When a user creates an EBS volume from a snapshot it will have all the contents of the original volume. When the volume is attached but not mounted the user cannot write on that volume. In thi

A user has attached an EBS volume created from an existing snapshot to a running instance. The volume is not mounted on the instance yet. If the user takes a snapshot of the attached volume, what will happen?
A. The new snapshot will only have the origina

B. Launch using the ELB console with the selected AMI.
The user can launch an instance using the EC2 console, SDK, CLI or Webservice. The ELB console does not allow launching an instance, but only allows adding / removing an instance from ELB.

A user is planning to launch an instance from AWS EC2. Which of the below mentioned options is not a possible scenario?
A. Launch an instance using the EC2 CLI.
B. Launch using the ELB console with the selected AMI.
C. Launch an instance using the Amazon

B. Proxy Protocol
The Proxy Protocol header helps you identify the IP address of a client when the user is using a load balancer configured for the TCP/SSL connections.The load balancers intercept traffic between clients and back-end instances since they

A user has enabled the TCP/SSL listener for an ELB. Which protocol header helps identify the IP address of the client?
A. Client IP
B. Proxy Protocol
C. X-Forwarded-For
D. TCP-Client-IP

B. The instance launched from an instance store backed AMI will always have a fixed public DNS for the life of the instance.
When a user has launched an EC2 instance, AWS assigns a public and a private DNS to the instance. Both the private and public DNS

Which of the below mentioned statements is true with respect to the AWS EC2?
A. The user has to use only the Elastic IP with an instance store backed AMI instance.
B. The instance launched from an instance store backed AMI will always have a fixed public

B. Select from the Trusted AWS partners.
When launching an EC2 instance, the user needs to select either an own AMI or an AMI from the AWS marketplace. The other option is to select Community public AMIs shared by the AWS community members. There is no op

When selecting an AMI to launch the EC2 instance, which of the below mentioned options is not available to the user?
A. Select My AMIs.
B. Select from the Trusted AWS partners.
C. Select Community AMIs.
D. Select from the AWS marketplace .

D. AWS Elastic Beanstalk
AWS Elastic Beanstalk is an easy way for you to quickly deploy and manage applications in the AWS cloud. You simply upload your application, and Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles the deployment details of capacity provisioni

By using __________, you simply upload your application, and it automatically handles the deployment details of capacity provisioning, load balancing, auto-scaling, and application health monitoring.
A. AWS CloudFormation
B. AWS OpsWorks
C. Amazon CloudFr

A. Change the shutdown behaviour of the instance from stop to terminate.
In Amazon Web Services, each EBS backed instance has the instance shutdown behaviour attribute. It allows the instance to terminate / stop when the instance is stopped. By default it

A user is using an EBS backed Windows instance. The user wants the instance to terminate when he stops the instance. How can the user achieve this?
A. Change the shutdown behaviour of the instance from stop to terminate.
B. Update the instance termination

C. Nothing. Everything is disabled by default
Newly created IAM users have no password and no access key (access key ID and secret access key). If the user needs to administer your AWS resources using the AWS Management Console, you can create a password

A user is trying to create a list of IAM users with the AWS console. When the IAM users are created which of the below mentioned credentials will be enabled by default for the user?
A. IAM passwords
B. IAM X.509 certificates
C. Nothing. Everything is disa

A. The instance may not be able to flush the file system and may result in a corrupted file system of the volume
If the EBS volume stays in the detaching state, the user can force the detachment by clicking Force Detach. Forcing the detachment can lead to

An EBS volume was unable to detach from an instance. Thus, the user used the Force Detach option. Which of the below mentioned options can happen after the volume has been Forcibly detached?
A. The instance may not be able to flush the file system and may

D. 0
When a user is creating a new launch configuration from the existing instance, AS will take all the parameters except the instance ID and config name from the existing instance. The launch config though, will not take the new block device mapping int

A user has launched an instance with an EBS backed root device and then attached two additional EBS volumes to it. The user is trying to create the AutoScaling Launch configuration using this instance as a reference.
How many additional block devices will

C. Yes, provided the user configured to have ephemeral storage during the AMI creation
When a user is creating an AMI from an EBS backed instance, the user can configure to have ephemeral storage attached to future instances from the new AMI. This ephemer

A user has launched an EC2 instance under the free usage tier. The user wants to create 2 large instances by creating the AMI from the same instance. Can the large instances automatically have ephemeral storage attached with them?
A. Yes, but while creati

C. MS SQL does not support Multi AZ
The Multi AZ feature allows the user to achieve High Availability. MS SQL does not support Multi AZ.

A user has setup Multi AZ with the MS SQL RDS instance. Which of the below mentioned functionalities can be achieved by the user?
A. Scalability
B. High availability
C. MS SQL does not support Multi AZ
D. Disaster recovery

B. Create an IAM policy and define the region in the condition
The IAM policy is never region specific. If the user wants to configure the region specific setting, he needs to provide conditions as part of the policy.

An account owner has created an IAM user with the name cloudacademy. The account owner wants to give EC2 access of only the US West region to that IAM user. How can the owner configure this?
A. It is not possible to provide access based on the region
B. C

A. EBS volume size
If the user is not experiencing the expected IOPS or throughput that is provisioned, ensure that the EC2 bandwidth is not the limiting factor, the instance is EBS-optimized (or include 10 Gigabit network connectivity) and the instance t

A user has configured EBS volume with PIOPS. The user is not experiencing the optimal throughput. Which of the following could not be factor affecting I/O performance of that EBS volume?
A. EBS volume size
B. Instance type is not EBS optimized
C. EC2 band

C. True. For all regions
You can configure your load balancer in ELB (Elastic Load Balancing) to use a SSL certificate in order to improve your system security.The load balancer uses the certificate to terminate and then decrypt requests before sending th

AWS Elastic Load Balancer supports SSL termination.
A. False
B. True. For specific availability zones only.
C. True. For all regions
D. True. For specific regions only

A. The total instance storage size cannot be more than 3 TB
The AWS RDS DB instance is an isolated DB environment provided by AWS in which the user can create more than 1 database. The maximum size of the instance should be between 5 GB and 3 TB. The size

A user has launched an RDS instance. The user has created 3 databases on the same server. What can the maximum size be for each database?
A. The total instance storage size cannot be more than 3 TB
B. The size of each DB cannot be more than 1 TB
C. It is

D. Use the paths to separate the users of the same group
The path functionality within an IAM group and user allows them to delineate by further levels. In this case the user needs to use the path with each user or group so that the ARN of the user will l

A root owner is trying to create an IAM user of the various departments. The owner has created groups for each department, but wants to still delineate the user based on the sub division level. E.g. The two users from different sub departments should be i

C. Up to 256KB of text data, including XML, JSON and unformatted text
Amazon SQS messages can contain up to 256KB of text data, including XML, JSON and unformatted text. The following Unicode characters are accepted:
#x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20 to #xD7FF] | [

What kind of data can go in an Amazon SQS message?
A. Up to 256KB of text data, including XML, JSON but not unformatted text
B. Up to 256KB of any data type
C. Up to 256KB of text data, including XML, JSON and unformatted text
D. Up to 256KB of any numeri

A. arn:aws:s3:us-west-1::*
The resource section of an S3 bucket policy accepts ARN. The ARN will have the following format: arn:partition:service:region:namespace:relative-id
Here, "aws" is a common partition name. (If the user's resources are in the Chin

You are creating a bucket policy to allow access to some user. Which of the below mentioned options is not a valid resource name as a part of the bucket policy?
A. arn:aws:s3:us-west-1::*
B. arn:aws:s3:::cloudacademy*
C. arn:aws:s3:::cloudacademy/user/${a

A. The message ID is a unique identifier for the message, whereas a receipt handle is an identifier associated with the act of receiving the message
The message ID is a unique identifier for the message, whereas a receipt handle is an identifier associate

In relation to Amazon SQS, what is the difference between the message ID and the receipt handle?
A. The message ID is a unique identifier for the message, whereas a receipt handle is an identifier associated with the act of receiving the message
B. A mess

D. Mongo DB
Provisioned IOPS volumes are designed to meet the needs of I/O-intensive workloads, particularly database workloads that are sensitive to storage performance and consistency in random access I/O throughput. Provisioned IOPS volumes are designe

A user is thinking to use EBS PIOPS volume. Which of the below mentioned options is a right use case for the PIOPS EBS volume?
A. Analytics
B. Log processing
C. System boot volume
D. Mongo DB

A. Create IAM groups based on the permission and assign IAM users to the groups
An IAM group is a collection of IAM users. Groups let the user specify permissions for a collection of users, which can make it easier to manage the permissions for those user

An organization has 500 employees. The organization wants to set up AWS access for each department. Which of the below mentioned options is a possible solution?
A. Create IAM groups based on the permission and assign IAM users to the groups
B. Create IAM

B. "adjustment=-8" (type is ExactCapacity)
The user can configure the AutoScaling group to automatically scale up and then scale down based on the various specified CloudWatch monitoring conditions. The user needs to provide the adjustment value and the a

The user has configured AutoScaling based on the dynamic policy. Which of the following is not the right command to specify a change in capacity as a part of the policy?
A. "adjustment=-1" (type is ChangeInCapacity)
B. "adjustment=-8" (type is ExactCapaci

A. Yes, AWS CloudFormation supports Amazon EC2 tagging
In AWS CloudFormation, Amazon EC2 resources that support the tagging feature can also be tagged in an AWS template. The tag values can refer to template parameters, other resource names, resource attr

Does AWS CloudFormation support Amazon EC2 tagging?
A. Yes, AWS CloudFormation supports Amazon EC2 tagging
B. No, CloudFormation doesn't support any tagging
C. It depends if the Amazon EC2 tagging has been defined in the template.
D. No, it doesn't suppor

B. 20
In DynamoDB, if your items are larger than 1 KB in size, you will need to round the item size up to the next 1 KB boundary. For example, if your items are 1.5 KB and you want to do 10 writes per second, then you would need to provision 10 (writes pe

In DynamoDB, if your items are 1.5 KB and you want to do 10 writes per second, then you would need to provision _____ write capacity units.
A. 30
B. 20
C. 25
D. 10

B. Snapshot size
Several factors can affect the performance of Amazon EBS volumes, such as the instance configuration, I/O characteristics, workload demand, and storage configuration.

A user is creating an EBS volume. Which of the below mentioned parameters does not need to be considered by the user to improve the performance of an EBS volume?
A. Workload demand
B. Snapshot size
C. Storage configuration
D. Instance configuration're

B. 80, 40
If your items are 3 KB and you want to read 80 items per second from your table, then you need to provision 80 (reads per second) � 4 KB (rounded up to the next 4 KB boundary) = 80 read capacity units for strong consistency. For eventual consist

In DynamoDB, if your items are 3 KB and you want to read 80 items per second from your table, then you need to provision _____ read capacity units for strong consistency. For eventual consistency, you need to provision _____ read capacity units.
A. 80, 80

C. AWS will create a snapshot of only blocks which are written on the volume
When a user creates a snapshot it asynchronously copies the data modified on the EBS volume. It does not copy the whole volume or all the data written to it, but just the modifie

A user has created an EBS volume of 10 GB. The user takes the first snapshot of that volume. What will happen when the snapshot is taken?
A. The I/O on the volume will be frozen while a snapshot is being taken
B. AWS will create a snapshot of the modified

A. All the other options.
Regarding Amazon EC2, when launching an instance, the user needs to select the region the instance would be launched from. While launching, the user needs to plan for the instance type and the OS of the instance.

A user is launching an instance with EC2. Which of the below mentioned options does the user needs to consider before launching an instance?
A. All the other options.
B. Select the instance type.
C. Select the region where the instance is being launched.

C. S3 will throw an error saying naming criteria not met
As per the S3 naming guidelines capital letters are not supported in the EU regions.
Comparing other regions, the US Standard Region currently allows more relaxed standards to bucket naming, which c

A user is trying to create an S3 bucket named Cloudacademy in the Europe region. What will be the public URL of that bucket?
B. Cloudacademy/
C. S3 will throw an error s

C. Authorizing
When the user makes any changes to the RDS security group the rule status will be authorizing for some time until the changes are applied to all instances that the group is connected with. Once the changes are propagated the rule status wil

A user has attached one RDS security group with 5 RDS instances. The user has changed the ingress rule for the security group. What will be the initial status of the ingress rule?
A Approving
B. It is not possible to assign a single group to multiple DB i

A. 20
The AWS account comes with the default limits on the resources for AutoScaling and other Amazon Web Services. Unless otherwise noted, each limit is per region. There is a default limit of 20 AutoScaling groups and 100 launch configurations per regio

A user is providing a SaaS which is hosted on AWS. The SaaS is having multiple customers and the owner wants to setup AutoScaling for each customer based on their requirement. What is the maximum number of AutoScaling groups that the owner can configure i

D. The security group of the instance is not configured properly.
In Amazon Web Services, when a user has configured an instance with Apache, the user needs to ensure that the ports in the security group are opened as configured in Apache config. E.g. If

A user has launched an EC2 instance and installed a website with the Apache webserver. The webserver is running but the user is not able to access the website from the internet. What can be the possible reason for this failure?
A. The instance is not conf

C. It is not possible to configure requestor pays when S3 static website hosting is enabled
With regard to S3, it is not possible for the user to configure the Devpay or requestor pays option when the bucket is enabled for static website hosting.

A user has hosted a static website with the AWS S3 bucket. The user wants all the requestors to pay while they view the website. How can the user configure this?
A. It is not possible to configure requestor pays for AWS S3
B. The user should enable Devpay

C. Coordinate synchronous and asynchronous tasks which are distributed and fault tolerant
Amazon Simple workflow Service (SWF) is a service aimed to provide support for complex distributed tasks with tight requirements regarding aspects like scalability,

Amazon SWF is designed to help users _______.
A. Manage user identification and authorisation
B. Store Web content
C. Coordinate synchronous and asynchronous tasks which are distributed and fault tolerant
D. Design graphical user interfaces

A Yes, provided Admin has given Bob access to change his password
The IAM users by default cannot change their password. The root owner or IAM administrator needs to set the policy in the password policy page, which should allow the user to change their p

Bob is an IAM user who has access to the EC2 services. Admin is an IAM user who has access to all the AWS services including IAM. Can Bob change his password?
A Yes, provided Admin has given Bob access to change his password
B. Yes, only from the AWS cons

A. It will show photo.jpg
Amazon S3 supports virtual-hosted-style and path-style access in all regions. So the object can be accessed both as and as The

A user has created an S3 bucket named The user is trying to access the publicly shared object photo.jpg using the URL: http:// What will S3 return?
A. It will show photo.jpg
B. It will return

C. a read request immediately after a write operation might not show the latest change.
In DynamoDB, it takes time for the update to propagate to all copies. The data is eventually consistent, meaning that a read request immediately after a write operatio

In DynamoDB, "The data is eventually consistent" means that ____________.
A. a read request immediately after a write operation might cause data loss.
B. a read request immediately after a write operation shows the latest change.
C. a read request immedia

In Amazon SNS, to send messages to a queue through a topic, you must subscribe the queue to the Amazon SNS topic. You specify the queue by its ARN.

Regarding Amazon SNS, to send messages to a queue through a topic, you must subscribe the queue to the Amazon SNS topic. You specify the queue by its _______.
A. Token
C. Registration ID

C. Configure the security group of the US East region to allow traffic from the US West region's instance and configure the RDS security group's ingress rule for the US East EC2 group
The user cannot authorize an Amazon EC2 security group if it is in a di

A user has launched one EC2 instance in the US East region and one in the US West region. The user has launched an RDS instance in the US East region. How can the user configure access from both the EC2 instances to RDS?
A. It is not possible to access RD

B. It copies only the modified data block of volume to S3
When a user creates a snapshot of an EBS volume which is not the first, it asynchronously copies the modified data only. It does not copy the whole volume or all the data written to it, but just th

What happens when a user takes a snapshot of an EBS volume which is not the first snapshot taken of the volume?
A. It synchronously copies incremental data to S3
B. It copies only the modified data block of volume to S3
C. It copies all the written blocks

C. It will delete the queue
SQS allows the user to move data between distributed components of applications so they can perform different tasks without losing messages or requiring each component to be always available. The user can delete a queue at any

A user has created a queue named "myqueue" with SQS. There are four messages published to queue which are not received by the consumer yet. If the user tries to delete the queue, what will happen?
A. It will ask user to delete the messages first
B. It wil

A. Amazon SQS uses either your Access Key ID or an X.509 certificate to authenticate your identity
Authentication mechanisms are provided to ensure that messages stored in Amazon SQS queues are secured against unauthorized access. Only the AWS account own

In regards to Amazon SQS how can you secure the messages in your queues?
A. Amazon SQS uses either your Access Key ID or an X.509 certificate to authenticate your identity
B. Don't use root access
C. You can't
D. Through your IAM access keys

D. First 950 versions of logo.jog and first 50 versions of picture.jpg
To list all the versions of all the objects in a S3 bucket, the user must use the versions sub-resource in a GET Bucket request. Amazon S3 can only retrieve a maximum of 1000 objects,

A user has enabled versioning on AWS S3 bucket. Inside the bucket, the user creates 950 versions of logo.jpg and 1050 versions of picture.jpg. If the user makes a call to get all the objects. How many objects will AWS S3 return?
A. Single version of each

A. 20
CloudFormation Limits
Maximum number of AWS CloudFormation stacks that you can create is 20 stacks.

When working with AWS CloudFormation Templates what is the maximum number of stacks that you can create?
A. 20
B. 100
C. 50
D. 500

C. Yes, provided the future instances are not micro size
In Amazon Web Services, when a user is creating an AMI from an EBS backed instance, the user can configure to have ephemeral storage attached to future instances from the new AMI. This ephemeral sto

A user has launched an EBS backed instance. Can the user configure the instance, so that future instances will have ephemeral storage while creating the AMI?
A. No
B. Yes, always
C. Yes, provided the future instances are not micro size
D. Yes, provided th

D. If the volume is stuck in a detaching state
If an EBS volume stays in the detaching state, the user can force the detachment by clicking Force Detach. Forcing the detachment can lead to either data loss or a corrupted file system. The user should use t

When should a user try to Force Detach an EBS volume?
A. If the volume is not unmounted and the user still wants to detach
B. If the volume is not accessible from the instance
C. If the volume is a root volume
D. If the volume is stuck in a detaching stat

A. 3000
Amazon SNS currently supports up to 3,000 topics per AWS Account. To request a higher limit it is possible to contact Amazon.

In Amazon SNS, you can have up to _____ topics.
A. 3000
B. 5000
C. 1000
D. 10,000

B. AWS Simple Queue Service.
Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a highly reliable distributed messaging system for storing messages as they travel between computers. By using Amazon SQS, developers can simply move data between distributed application co

A user is making a scalable web application with compartmentalization. The user wants to achieve that the log module will be accessed by all the application functionalities in an asynchronous way. Each module of the application sends data to the log modul

C. PutItem or DeleteItem
In DynamoDB API, the "BatchWriteItem" operation can handle up to 25 PutItem or DeleteItem operations, with the request size not exceeding 1 MB.

In DynamoDB API, the BatchWriteItem operation can handle up to 25 _____ operations.
A. PutItem
B. DeleteItem
C. PutItem or DeleteItem
D. updateItem

D. Take a snapshot from standby
During RDS automated backup window, the storage I/O may be suspended while the data is being backed up and the user may experience elevated latency. This I/O suspension typically lasts for the duration of the snapshot. This

A user has enabled Multi AZ deployment with MySQL RDS. The user has enabled the automated backup at 3 AM. Which of the below mentioned statements is true with respect to the RDS automated backup?
A. Take a snapshot from the master or replica based on the

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) is a web service that makes it easier to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. AWS RDS supports popular DBs, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL and Oracle. This means that th

A user is planning to host data with RDS. Which of the below mentioned databases is not supported by RDS?
A. PostgreSQL
D. Oracle

A. Cloud Formation is much more powerful than Elastic Beanstalk, because you can actually design and script custom resources
These services are designed to complement each other. AWS Elastic Beanstalk provides an environment to easily develop and run appl

You need to develop and run some new applications on AWS and you know that Elastic Beanstalk and Cloudformation can both help as a deployment mechanism for a broad range of AWS resources. Which of the following statements best describes the differences be

C. It may return either "colour=red" or "colour=white" i.e. any of the value
The AWS S3 Singapore region supports read-after-write consistency for PUTS of new objects in the Amazon S3 bucket and eventual consistency for overwrite PUTS and DELETES. In this

A user is updating an object in the Singapore region. The original content has the value "colour=red". The user updates the object with the content as "colour=white". If the user tries to read the value of the object 1 minute after it was uploaded, what w

A. Create IAM users for each employee as it does not cost
IAM is a free service. You can create as many IAM users or groups as desired free of cost.

An organization is hosting an application as part of the free usage tier. The organization wants to create IAM users for each of its 150 employees and they may access AWS as part of free usage tier. What will you advise the organization?
A. Create IAM use

C. From 60 secs up to 2 weeks
The SQS message retention period is configurable and can be set anywhere from 1 minute to 2 weeks. The default is 4 days and once the message retention limit is reached your messages will be automatically deleted. The option

How long can you keep your Amazon SQS messages in Amazon SQS queues?
A. From 10 secs up to 7 days
B. From 120 secs up to 4 weeks
C. From 60 secs up to 2 weeks
D. From 30 secs up to 1 week

B. No
In DynamoDB, an index cannot be modified once it is created.

In regard to DynamoDB, can I delete local secondary indexes?
A. Yes, if it is a primary hash key index
B. No
C. Yes, if it is a Global secondary indexes
D. Yes, if it is a local secondary indexes

C. Define the policy for the object
Amazon S3 offers access policy options broadly categorized as resource-based policies and user policies. Access policies, such as ACL and resource policy can be attached to the bucket. With the object the user can only

A user is trying to configure access with S3. Which of the following options is not possible to provide access to the S3 bucket / object?
A. Define the ACL for the object
B. Define the policy for the IAM user
C. Define the policy for the object
D. Define

C. Allows the user test of the AWS account ID 12112112 to perform GetBucketLocation, ListBucket and
The IAM policy allows to test a user in the account 12112112 to perform:
Amazon S3 permissions on the cloud

A user had defined an IAM policy similar to the one given below on a bucket:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::12112112:user/test"
"Action": [

B. The user will be charged for the volume even if the instance is stopped
If a user has launched an EBS backed instance, the user will be charged for the EBS volume even though the instance is in a stopped state. The instance will be charged for the EC2

A user is using an EBS backed instance. Which of the below mentioned statements is true?
A. The user will not be charged for the volume if the instance is stopped
B. The user will be charged for the volume even if the instance is stopped
C. The user will

B. you'll need to upload a source bundle
When you use the AWS Elastic Beanstalk console to deploy a new application or an application version, you'll need to upload a source bundle.

When you use the AWS Elastic Beanstalk console to deploy a new application _________________.
A. you'll need to upload each file separately
B. you'll need to upload a source bundle
C. you'll need to create each file
D. you'll need to create each file and

C. Set the instance attribute deleteontermination value to "false".
In Amazon Web Services, when a user launches an EC2 instance, the user can set it up so that the root EBS volume does not get deleted when the instance is terminated. This can be achieved

A user is launching a new EBS backed instance. How can the user set it up so that the root EBS volume mounted to the instance does not get deleted when the instance is terminated?
A. Enable the termination protection on the instance with modify-instance-a

C. It will return an error
The S3 bucket name "" has a capital letter. When the user tries to access it with, the browser will change it to Since a bucket with a small name does not ex

A user has created a bucket named The user is trying to access the bucket with the URL: What will it return?
A. If the bucket is public then it will show the list of all the objects of the bucket
B. I

C. It doesn't support any of them.
Amazon VPC does not support multicast nor broadcast

Does Amazon VPC support multicast or broadcast?
A. Multicast no, Broadcast yes.
B. Multicast yes, Broadcast no.
C. It doesn't support any of them.
D. Both, but only outside Amazon VPC.

Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a fast, flexible, and fully managed push messaging service. Amazon SNS can deliver notifications by SMS text message or email to the Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queues or to any HTTP endp

A user is trying to understand AWS SNS. To which of the below mentioned end points is SNS unable to send a notification?
D. Email JSON

If the user is connectting to ELB with IPv6, the address of the proxy in the header will be the public IPv6 address of the load balancer. This IPv6 address matches the IP address that is resolved f

A client is connecting to ELB using IPV6 on TCP. Which of the below mentioned ELB DNS is a valid DNS supported by ELB for identifying the client IP with a proxy header?
B. ELB does not support IPV6

B. The volume is not mounted
When a user creates an EBS volume and attaches it as a device, it is required to mount the device. If the device/volume is not mounted it will not be available in the listing.

A user has attached an EBS volume to a running Linux instance as a "/dev/sdf" device. The user is unable to see the attached device when he runs the command "df -h". What is the possible reason for this?
A. The volume is not formatted
B. The volume is not

A. You can use sequencing information on each message
Amazon SQS is engineered to always be available and deliver messages. One of the resulting tradeoffs is that SQS does not guarantee first in, first out delivery of messages. For many distributed applic

You are building an online store on AWS that uses SQS to process your customer orders. Your backend system needs those messages in the same sequence the customer orders have been put in. How can you achieve that?
A. You can use sequencing information on e

C. Yes. Queue names are limited to 80 characters and queue names must be unique within an AWS account
Queue names are limited to 80 characters. Alphanumeric characters plus hyphens (-) and underscores (_) are allowed. Queue names must be unique within an

Regarding Amazon SQS, are there restrictions on the names of Amazon SQS queues?
A. No
B. Yes. Queue names must be unique within an AWS account and you cannot use hyphens (-) and underscores (_)
C. Yes. Queue names are limited to 80 characters and queue na

C. Create strong access key and secret access key and attach to the root account
It is a recommended approach to avoid using the access and secret access keys of the root account. Thus, do not download or delete it. Instead make the IAM user as powerful a

Which of the below mentioned options is not a best practice to securely manage the AWS access credentials?
A. Keep rotating your secure access credentials at regular intervals
B. If you have the root account keys, delete them
C. Create strong access key a

A. No, but If you wish to exceed throughput rates of 10,000 writes/second or 10,000 reads/second, you must first contact AWS.
In DynamoDB, you can increase the throughput you have provisioned for your table using UpdateTable API or in the AWS Management C

Is there a limit to how much throughput you can get out of a single table in DynamoDB?
A. No, but If you wish to exceed throughput rates of 10,000 writes/second or 10,000 reads/second, you must first contact AWS.
B. Yes, not more than 10,000 writes/second

C. Desired capacity
The Manual Scaling as part of Auto Scaling allows the user to change the capacity of Auto Scaling group. The user can add / remove EC2 instances on the fly. To execute manual scaling, the user should modify the desired capacity. AutoSc

To scale up the AWS resources using manual AutoScaling, which of the below mentioned parameters should the user change?
A. Current capacity
B. Maximum capacity
C. Desired capacity
D. Preferred capacity

AWS RRS provides the same functionality as AWS S3, but at a cheaper rate. It is ideally suited for non mission critical applications. It provides less durability than S3, but is a cheaper option.

A user is trying to share a video file with all his friends. Which of the below mentioned AWS services will be cheapest and easy to use?
C. AWS Glacier

D. Configure the DB instance security group where it will allow traffic on the DB port from the webserver instance security group
When a user is configuring the security group, the user can either specify the CIDR based IP or a security group in the sourc

A user has launched a website on an EC2-Classic instance with Apache. If the user wants to access a DB hosted on another instance how will he allow traffic to access the DB securely from the source webserver instance?
A. Open port in the DB inst

B. EBS volume size
If the user is not experiencing the expected IOPS or throughput that is provisioned, ensure that the EC2 bandwidth is not the limiting factor, the instance is EBS-optimized (or include 10 Gigabit network connectivity) and the instance t

A user has configured EBS volume with PIOPS. The user is not experiencing the optimal throughput. Which of the following could not be factor affecting I/O performance of that EBS volume?
A. EBS bandwidth of dedicated instance exceeding the PIOPS
B. EBS vo

A. At least once
Amazon SQS is engineered to provide "at least once" delivery of all messages in its queues. Although most of the time, each message will be delivered to your application exactly once, you should design your system so that processing a mes

In regards to Amazon SQS how many times will you receive each message?
A. At least once
B. As many times as you want
C. At least twice
D. Exactly once

A. By default all inbound traffic is disabled and all outbound traffic is enabled
When a user has created a security group with EC2-CLASSIC, by default all inbound is disabled and outbound is enabled for that group.

A user has configured a security group with EC2-CLASSIC. Which of the below mentioned statements is true?
A. By default all inbound traffic is disabled and all outbound traffic is enabled
B. By default all inbound and outbound traffic is enabled
C. By def

A. Allow inbound traffic on port 53 from the Amazon DNS server.
In Amazon Web Services, if a user is creating a custom firewall configuration in EC2-Classic, the user must allow inbound traffic from port 53 (with a destination port from the ephemeral rang

A user is creating a custom firewall configuration in EC2-Classic. How will the user ensure that the internal DNS resolution of the instance does not fail?
A. Allow inbound traffic on port 53 from the Amazon DNS server.
B. The custom firewall should map t

B. User data
The Amazon EC2 console provides a "Launch more like this" wizard option that enables the user to use a current instance as a template for launching other instances. This option automatically populates the Amazon EC2 launch wizard with certain

A user is planning to launch multiple EC2 instance same as current running instance. Which of the below mentioned parameters is not copied by AWS EC2 in the launch wizard when the user has selected the option "Launch more like this"?
A. Security group

C. It returns an XML-formatted error response
To host a static website, the user needs to configure an Amazon S3 bucket for website hosting and then upload the website content to the bucket. The website endpoint is optimized for access from a web browser.

A user has enabled static website hosting for the AWS S3 bucket. Which of the below mentioned statements is not true?
A. It does not support SSL connections
B. It supports Get and HEAD requests
C. It returns an XML-formatted error response
D. It supports

B. No
When a request is made, the AWS IAM policy decides whether a given request should be allowed or denied. The evaluation logic follows these rules:
By default, all requests are denied. (In general, requests made using the account credentials for resou

An IAM user has two conflicting policies as part of two separate groups. One policy allows him to access an S3 bucket, while another policy denies him the access. Can the user access that bucket?
A. Yes, provided he accesses with the group which has S3 ac

A. 10
To help manage EC2 instances as well as their usage in a better way, the user can tag the instances. The tags are metadata assigned by the user which consists of a key and a value. One resource can have a maximum of 10 tags.
LEARN MORE: http://docs.

What is the maximum number of tags that a user can assign to an EC2 instance?
A. 10
B. 50
C. 5
D. 25

C. Take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.
In general in DynamoDB, decreases in throughput will take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes, while increases in throughput will typically take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.

With regard to DynamoDB, increases in throughput level of a table will typically ____________.
A. Take around a few seconds
B. Be immediate.
C. Take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.
D. Take 24 hours.

D. Use dynamic AutoScaling with a policy
The user can configure the AutoScaling group to automatically scale up and then scale down based on the specified conditions. To configure this, the user must setup policies which will get triggered by the CloudWat

A user wants to configure AutoScaling which scales up when the CPU utilization is above 70% and scales down when the CPU utilization is below 30%. How can the user configure AutoScaling for the above mentioned condition?
A. Use AutoScaling by manually mod

A. Yes
In DynamoDB, Scan operations are always eventually consistent.

True or False: In DynamoDB, Scan operations are always eventually consistent.
A. Yes
B. No, you can optionally request strongly consistent scan.
C. No, scan is like Query operation
D. No, scan is strongly consistent by default

A. Supported Data Types
A user can define various elements for an IAM policy. The elements include Version, ID, Statement, Sid, Effect, Principal, NotPrincipal, Action, NotAction, Resource, NotResource, Condition, and Supported Data Types

A user is defining a policy for the IAM user. Which of the below mentioned elements will be used as a part of the policy?
A. Supported Data Types
B. NotEffect
C. PrincipalResource
D. VersionManagement

A. It may return either "colour=red" or "colour=white" i.e. any of the value
AWS S3 follows the eventual consistent model in the US Standard Region. Once the object is updated it may return the new value or the old value based on whether all the content i

A user has an S3 object in the US Standard region with the content "colour=red". The user updates the object with the content as "colour="white". If the user tries to read the value 1 minute after it was uploaded, what will S3 return?
A. It may return eit

C. Automated scaling to manage a higher load
AWS RDS provides a managed DB platform, which offers features, such as automated backup, patch management, automated failure detection and recovery. The scaling is not automated and the user needs to plan it wi

A user plans to use RDS as a managed DB platform. Which of the below mentioned features is not supported by RDS?
A. Automated failure detection and recovery
B. Automated software patching
C. Automated scaling to manage a higher load
D. Automated backup

C. It is not possible to connect to the instance without a key-pair
If a user has lost the key-pair file and it is a Linux EC2 instance he can never connect to the instance. The only option is that the user must stop the instance, detach its root volume a

A user has lost a key-pair file for the EBS backed Linux instance. If the user wants to connect to it, how can he connect?
A. Connect as root user
B. Download the key-pair again from the AWS console and connect to the instance
C. It is not possible to con

A. Multi AZ instances will provide HA with ELB
If a user is running two instances in separate AZs, it will provide HA with ELB since ELB will automatically stop routing the traffic to unhealthy instances and send it to healthy instances only.

A user has configured ELB with two instances running in separate AZs of the same region? Which of the below mentioned statements is true?
A. Multi AZ instances will provide HA with ELB
B. Multi AZ instances are not possible with a single ELB
C. Multi AZ i

B. 25
You can create up to 25 applications and 500 application versions in Beanstalk. By default, you can run up to 10 environments across all of your applications.

In AWS Elastic Beanstalk, you can have up to _____ applications.
A. 15
B. 25
C. 10
D. 50

B. high I/O performance of WebApp on EC2 instance
In DynamoDB, SSDs help achieve design goals of predictable low-latency response times for storing and accessing data at any scale. The high I/O performance of SSDs also enables to serve high-scale request

Which one of the following statements is NOT an advantage of DyanamoDB being built on Solid State Drives:
A. serve high-scale request workloads
B. high I/O performance of WebApp on EC2 instance
C. low-latency response times
D. low request pricing

A. There is no order followed by the IAM policy for elements
When defining IAM policy, the elements are listed in a general order and are not following any particular order. The user can use them in a policy in any order.

A user is defining an IAM policy for the IAM user. Which order should the user follow in the policy statement for the elements?
A. There is no order followed by the IAM policy for elements
B. Resource after action statement
C. Condition should always be l

D. Enable MFA for all IAM users
Multi-Factor Authentication adds an extra level of security for all the users. The user can enable MFA for all IAM users which ensures that each user has to provide an extra six digit code for authentication.

A root account owner is trying to setup an additional level of security for all his IAM users. Which of the below mentioned options is a recommended solution for the account owner?
A. Enable the password for all the IAM users
B Enable MFA for the root acc

B. The volume will survive instance termination.
In Amazon Web Services, if the EC2 instance is not mounted as the root device (root device is by default /dev/sda1) the instance is an additional volume mounted. All the additional volumes will survive inst

A user has launched an EC2 instance and mounted a 20 GB volume on /dev/sdf. What will happen to the volume when the instance is terminated?
A. The volume will be terminated only if the user has marked the flag of deleteontermination false.
B. The volume w

C. It uses optimized EBS volumes and optimized configuration stacks
RDS DB instance storage comes in two types: standard and provisioned IOPS. Standard storage is allocated on the Amazon EBS volumes and connected to the user's DB instance. Provisioned IOP

A user has created a MySQL RDS instance with PIOPS. Which of the below mentioned statements will help user understand the advantage of PIOPS?
A. It uses a standard EBS volume with optimized configuration the stacks
B. It provides a dedicated network bandw

B. 30
Provisioned IOPS volumes are designed to meet the needs of I/O-intensive workloads, particularly database workloads that are sensitive to storage performance and consistency in random access I/O throughput. A provisioned IOPS volume can range in siz

A user is creating a PIOPS volume. What is the maximum ratio the user should configure between PIOPS and the volume size?
A. 20
B. 30
C. 5
D. 10

A. BatchDeleteItem
In DynamoDB, DeleteItem deletes a single item in a table by primary key, but BatchDeleteItem doesn't exist.

Which one of the following operations is NOT a DynamoDB operation?
A. BatchDeleteItem
B. DescribeTable
C. BatchGetItem
D. BatchWriteItem

B. 1
The queue length is the number of pending I/O requests for a device. The optimal average queue length will vary for every customer workload, and this value depends on a particular application's sensitivity to IOPS and latency. If the workload is not

What is the average queue length recommended by AWS to achieve a lower latency for the 200 PIOPS EBS volume?
A. 4
B. 1
C. 5
D. 2

A. Cluster placement group
The Amazon EC2 cluster placement group functionality allows users to group cluster compute instances in clusters.

Which EC2 functionality allows the user to place the Cluster Compute instances in clusters?
A. Cluster placement group
B. Cluster security group
C. GPU units
D. Cluster group

C. Terminate the instance from the AZ with most number of instances
Before AutoScaling selects an instance to terminate, it first identifies the Availability Zone that has more instances than the other Availability Zones used by the group. If all the Avai

A user has configured AutoScaling with a scalable web application. When the scaling policy gets executed to decrease the instance count, which of the below mentioned criteria will AutoScaling consider by default?
A. Terminate the instance which is nearest

B. NewestLaunchConfiguration
Auto Scaling provides a list of termination policies to choose from, in case the default termination policy does not satisfy user requirements. If the user specifes termination policy, Auto Scaling will use it instead of the d

A user is configuring an AutoScaling termination policy.
Which of the below mentioned policies can the user not configure as a termination policy?
A. OldestInstance
B. NewestLaunchConfiguration
C. OldestLaunchConfiguration
D. NewestInstance

C. the AWS CloudFormation console, the aws cloudformation update-stack CLI command or the UpdateStack API.
To update an existing stack, you must submit a template that specifies updates for the properties of resources in the stack. This can be done by usi

To update an existing stack in AWS CloudFormation, you can use__________.
A. only the AWS CloudFormation console.
B. only the AWS CloudFormation console and aws cloudformation update-stack CLI command.
C. the AWS CloudFormation console, the aws cloudforma

B. It supports the redirect request
There is a difference between the S3 REST API end point and the S3 website hosting enabled end point: the REST API end point does not support redirect requests.

A user has created a bucket and is trying to access the object using the public URL of the object. Which of the below mentioned statements is false for accessing the object using the REST API endpoint?
A. It returns the response in an XML format
B. It sup

A. as-set-desired-capacity
To execute manual scaling in AutoScaling, the user should modify the desired capacity. AutoScaling will adjust instances as per the requirements. The command as-set-desired-capacity is used to change the size of the AutoScaling

Which of the below mentioned commands allows the user to modify the desired capacity for the AutoScaling group?
A. as-set-desired-capacity
B. as-change-desired-capacity
C. as-modify-desired-capacity
D. as-update-desired-capacity

A. Pre-warm the EBS volumes as per the requirement
There is a 5 to 50 percent reduction in IOPS when the user first accesses each block of data on a newly created or restored EBS volume. The user can avoid this performance hit by accessing each block in a

When a user is accessing an EBS for the first time there can be a huge reduction in the I/O. How can the user avoid this?
A. Pre-warm the EBS volumes as per the requirement
B. There is no decrease in the I/O performance the first time and the user can use

A. It will result in a conflict and not allow to launch the instance
The Amazon RDS system performs maintenance on the DB instance during a user-definable maintenance. It is not possible to have it performed during the same time window of an automated bac

A user has configured RDS with MySQL. The user has setup the maintenance window of 12:00 AM with the duration as 30 minutes on every Sunday. The user has configured to have an automated backup at 12:30 AM every day for 30 minutes. What will AWS RDS do in

C. ec2-modify-image-attribute
A user can share an AMI with another user / peer using the command: ec2-modify-image-attribute <AMI-ID> -l -a <AWS Account ID>

Which of the below mentioned commands allows the user to share the AMI with his peers using the AWS EC2 CLI?
A. ec2-share-image
B. ec2-share-image-account
C. ec2-modify-image-attribute
D. ec2-share-image-public

A. 48
AutoScaling rounds off the values returned by the PercentChangeInCapacity to the higher number if value is negative. If the current count is 53 and the policy gets executed, the total number of instances to be decreased will be calculated as 5.3 (10

A user has configured AutoScaling with policy based scaling. The user has 53 instances running right now. The policy states that the count should decrease by 10%. How many instances will be running after the scaling activity is complete?
A. 48
B. 52
C. 50

A. Arbitrary key-value pairs
In AWS CloudFormation, tags are arbitrary key-value pairs that can be used to identify your stack for purposes such as cost allocation. A Key consists of any alphanumeric characters but must not contain any spaces. Tag keys ca

In CloudFormation stack options, Tags are __________ that can be used to identify your stack for purposes such as cost allocation.
A. Arbitrary key-value pairs
B. Arbitrary integer ID
C. Mandatory key-value pairs
D. Mandatory String value

B. $20/hour
To understand the DynamoDB pricing, consider the following example.
If your throughput needs to be changed and you increased your reserved throughput requirement to 10,000 units of write capacity and 50,000 units of read capacity, your bill wo

In DynamoDB, if your throughput needs to be changed and you increased your reserved throughput requirement to 10,000 units of write capacity and 50,000 units of read capacity, your bill would then change to:
A. $10/hour
B. $20/hour
C. $5/hour
D. $30/hour

B. JSON document
In Amazon SNS, when you want to write a policy, each
policy is a JSON document.

Regarding Amazon SNS, when you want to write a policy, each policy is a _________.
A. XML document
B. JSON document
C. AWS Command
D. TXT document

D. Parameters
Optional parameters are listed in the Parameters section. Parameters enable you to pass values to your template at runtime, and can be dereferenced in the Resources and Outputs sections of the template.

In regard to AWS CloudFormation, to pass values to your template at runtime you should use ____________
A. Conditions
B. Mapping
C. JSON file
D. Parameters

B. Do not allow the user to use the password from the last three passwords
AWS IAM allows an organization to create multiple users and provide them access to various AWS services. By default when the user is created, he does not have password enabled and

An organization has enabled a strict password policy for its IAM users. The organization is taking help from the IAM console to set the password policy. Which of the below mentioned rules cannot be specified by the user as a part of the policy?
A. Allow a

C. Allow inbound on port 0-65535 in each instance security group for the security group of the other instance
When a user wants EC2 instances in the same region to collaborate, the user should open the security group of each instance in the other instance

A user has launched two EC2 instances in the same region with separate security groups. How can the user define that he wants both instances to communicate internally on any port in the security group?
A. In the second instance allow inbound on port 0-655

C. Provide ACL on the object
An S3 object ACL is the only way to manage access to objects which are not owned by the bucket owner. An AWS account that owns the bucket can grant another AWS account permission to upload objects. The bucket owner does not ow

A user is having access to objects of an S3 bucket which is not owned by him. If he is trying to set the objects of that bucket public, which of the below mentioned options may be a right fit for this action?
A. Make the bucket public with full access

A. Set the MessageRetentionPeriod attribute using the SetQueueAttributes method
To configure the message retention period, set the MessageRetentionPeriod attribute using the SetQueueAttributes method. This attribute is used to specify the number of second

How do you configure SQS to support longer message retention?
A. Set the MessageRetentionPeriod attribute using the SetQueueAttributes method
B. Using a Lambda function
C. You can't. It is set to 14 days and cannot be changed
D. You need to request it fro

A. Publishers
In Amazon SNS, there are two types of clients�publishers and subscribers�also referred to as producers and consumers. Publishers communicate asynchronously with subscribers by producing and sending a message to a topic, which is a logical ac

Regarding Amazon SNS, ________ communicate asynchronously with subscribers by producing and sending a message to a topic, which is a logical access point and communication channel.
A. Publishers
B. Consumers
C. AWS Services
D. Subscribers

A. An asynchronous message queue service.
Amazon SQS stands for Simple Queue Services, and provides a cost-effective way to decouple the components of your application through an asynchronous message queue service

What does Amazon SQS provide?
A. An asynchronous message queue service.
B. A Simple Query Server, managed directly by Amazon Web Services.
C. A synchronous message queue service.
D. None of these.

B. You optionally can specify the limit parameter
The ListTables operation requires no parameters. However, you can specify optional parameters. For example, you can set the limit parameter if you want to use paging to limit the number of table names per

In DynamoDB when using the listTables method _____.
A. You must provide the limit parameter
B. You optionally can specify the limit parameter
C. None of the above
D. You shouldn't provide any parameter

D. x-amz-storage-class
The user can change the storage class of an object which is already stored in Amazon S3 by copying it to the same key name in the same bucket. The user is required to use the following request headers in a PUT Object copy request:

A user is performing a web request to change the storage class of an S3 object. Which request header should the user use?
A. x-amz-metadata-directive
B. x-amz-object-attribute
C. x-amz-object-class
D. x-amz-storage-class

C. It will not allow you to create this configuration
If a user is configuring HTTPS on the front end and TCP on the back end, ELB will not allow saving these listeners and will respond with the message.
"Load Balancer protocol is an application layer pro

A user is configuring the HTTPS protocol on a front end ELB and the SSL protocol for the back-end listener in ELB. What will ELB do?
A. It will allow you to create the configuration, but the instance will not pass the health check
B. Receives requests on


Can you terminate multiple SSL Certificates on an ELB?

No, you are charged by the hour and on a per GB basis of usage.

Are ELBs free?


On what ports can ELB distribute traffic?

200 - The request has succeeded
3xx - Redirection
4xx - Client Error (think 404 not found)
5xx - Server Error

What do the following HTTP codes refer to?

Andoid, IOS, JavaScript (Browser)

What are the available SDKs?


What is the default region for an SDK if you don't set it?

D. Use the option "Launch More like this" from the AWS console
The Amazon EC2 console provides a "Launch more like this" wizard option that enables the user to use a current instance as a template for launching other instances. This option automatically p

A user has launched an EC2 instance and wants to launch a similar instance with the same AMI ID, Instance Type and AZ with ease. What is the option provided by AWS?
A. Create the instance template and launch it
B. Create a new AMI template and launch it.

C. All instances must be in the same AZ
A placement group is a logical grouping of EC2 instances within a single Availability Zone. Using placement groups enables applications to participate in a low-latency, 10 Gbps network. Placement groups are recommen

A user has launched 10 EC2 instances inside a placement group. Which of the below mentioned statements is true with respect to the placement group?
A. All instances must be in the same region
B. All instances can be across multiple regions
C. All instance

A. Automated backup
Amazon RDS provides two different methods for backing up and restoring the Amazon DB instances: automated backups and DB snapshots. Automated backups automatically back up the DB instance during a specific, user-definable backup window

A user has launched a MySQL RDS. The user wants to plan for the DR and automate the snapshot. Which of the below mentioned functionality offers this option with RDS?
A. Automated backup
B. Automated synchronization
C. Snapshot
D. Copy snapshot

C. It is not possible to have ephemeral storage with free usage.
In Amazon Web Services, under a free usage tier the user has options only for an EC2 micro instance. The micro instance is launched from an EBS backed AMI and cannot have ephemeral storage.

A user has launched an EC2 instance under the free usage tier. The user wants to have some temporary storage attached to the instance. How can the user have ephemeral storage?
A. While launching an instance the user can attach ephemeral storage.
B. Launch

C. Yes
DynamoDB supports in-place atomic updates.

Does DynamoDB support in-place atomic updates?
A. It is not defined
B. It does support in-place non-atomic updates
C. Yes
D. No

C. The queue may be deleted
AWS reserve the right to delete a queue if none of the following requests have been issued against the queue for more than 30 consecutive days:

Regarding Amazon SQS, what happens if there is no activity against a queue for more than 30 consecutive days?
A. Nothing
B. The queue will be deleted
C. The queue may be deleted
D. Your account will be suspended

A. Amazon DynamoDB
Amazon DynamoDB is ideal for database applications that require very low latency and predictable performance at any scale but don't need complex querying capabilities like joins or transactions. Amazon DynamoDB is a fully-managed NoSQL

An online gaming site asked you if you can deploy a database that is a fast, highly scalable NoSQL database service in AWS for a new site that he wants to build. Which database should you recommend?
A. Amazon DynamoDB
B. Amazon SimpleDB
C. Your choice of

C. Create a file system of the volume
When a user is trying to mount a blank EBS volume, it is required that the user first creates a file system within the volume.

A user has created a new raw EBS volume. The user mounts the volume on the instance to which it is attached. Which of the below mentioned options is a required step before the user can mount the volume?
A. Resize the volume as per the original snapshot si

B. Cross zone load balancing
Elastic Load Balancing provides the option to either enable or disable cross-zone load balancing for the load balancer. With cross-zone load balancing, the load balancer nodes route traffic to the back-end instances across all

A user is configuring ELB. Which of the below mentioned options allows the user to route traffic to all instances irrespective of the AZ instance count?
A. Multi zone routing
B. Cross zone load balancing
C. Across zone load balancing
D. Round Robin

C. There is no table size
DynamoDB has seamless scalability with no table size limits and unlimited storage, so you shouldn't be worried about managing storage on the host or to provisioning more drive, as your data requirement changes.
LEARN MORE: http:/

In DynamoDB, the default table size is:
A. 5 GB
B. 10 GB
C. There is no table size
D. 1 GB

A. You didn't provide the most recent receipt handle for the message
This might happen if you don't provide the most recent receipt handle for the message, in which case the request will still succeed, but the message might not be deleted. It is also poss

In Amazon SQS you deleted a message but you received it again later. What is a possible reason for this?
A. You didn't provide the most recent receipt handle for the message
B. The message queue was restarted
C. It was sent by another user
D. It was sent

D. Yes, if configured with the Auto Scaling group
The user can get notifications using SNS if he has configured the notifications while creating the Auto Scaling group.

Can a user get a notification of each instance start / terminate configured with Auto Scaling?
A. Yes, if configured with the Launch Config
B. No
C. Yes, always
D. Yes, if configured with the Auto Scaling group

C. your application files and server log files
AWS Elastic Beanstalk stores your application files and optionally server log files in Amazon S3. If you are using the AWS Management Console, Git, the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio, or AWS Toolkit for Eclips

What does AWS Elastic Beanstalk store in Amazon S3?
A. your server log files only
B. your application files only
C. your application files and server log files
D. it doesn't store anything in Amazon S3

C. True
AWS CloudFormation allows you to create Microsoft Windows stacks based on Amazon EC2 Windows Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) and provides you with the ability to install software, to use remote desktop to access your stack, and to update and configur

True or False: AWS CloudFormation allows you to create Microsoft Windows stacks.
A. False, Amazon doesn't support Microsoft Windows.
B. False, AWS CloudFormation does not support Microsoft Windows.
C. True
D. False, you cannot create Windows stacks.

A. Create two buckets with the name and and route requests of one bucket to another using S3 website hosting
If the root domain is and the user wants to serve requests for both

A user has a root domain as The user wants to serve all the requests for as well as for using AWS S3. How can the user achieve this?
A. Create two buckets with the name and c

C. DeleteMessageQueue
Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fast, reliable, scalable, and fully managed message queuing service. SQS provides a simple and cost-effective way to decouple the components of an application. The user can perform the following

A user is using the AWS SQS to decouple the services. Which of the below mentioned operations is not supported by SQS?
A. SendMessageBatch
B. DeleteMessageBatch
C. DeleteMessageQueue
D. CreateQueue

D. It s not possible to have this instance under the free usage tier.
When a user is launching an EC2 instance under a free usage tier, the user has to use a micro instance and within 30 GB of the EBS volume. Since the size of the AMI snapshot is 50 GB, i

A user is launching an EC2 instance under the free usage tier from the AMI with a snapshot size of 50 GB. How can the user launch the instance under the free usage tier?
A. Launch a micro instance, but do not store the data of more than 30 GB on the EBS s

A. You retain full control over the AWS resources powering your application and can access the underlying resources at any time.
The Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF) makes it easier to develop asynchronous and distributed applications by provid

Regarding Amazon SWF, which one of the following statements is incorrect?
A. You retain full control over the AWS resources powering your application and can access the underlying resources at any time.
B. Amazon SWF provides a programming model and infra

C. Create separate accounts for each department, but use consolidated billing for payment and tracking
The cost of an IAM user or groups can never be tracked separately for the purpose of billing. The best solution in this case is to create a separate acc

An organization has 10 departments. The organization wants to track the AWS usage of each department. Which of the below mentioned options meets the requirement?
A. Setup IAM groups for each department and track their usage
B. Setup IAM users for each dep

B. It will allow the user to launch the instance
The IAM group policy is always aggregated. In this case, if the user does not have permission for one group, but has permission for another group, he will have full access to EC2. Unless there is specific d

A user is part of a group which has a policy allowing him just read only access to EC2. The user is part of another group which has full access to EC2. What happens when the user tries to launch an instance?
A. It will fail since the user has just read on

C. ELB starts sending traffic to the instance once it is healthy
AWS Elastic Load Balancing continuously checks the health of an instance. If one of the instances is unhealthy it stops sending traffic to it and automatically reroutes the traffic to the re

An ELB is diverting traffic across 5 instances. One of the instances was unhealthy only for 20 minutes. What will happen after 20 minutes when the instance becomes healthy?
A. ELB will never divert traffic back to the same instance
B. ELB will not automat

A. If you delete a queue, you need to wait for at least 60 seconds before creating a queue with the same name
If you delete a queue, you need to wait for at least 60 seconds before creating a queue with the same name. Please note that when you delete a qu

You are using Amazon SQS and are getting a "Queue Deleted Recently" error. What is wrong?
A. If you delete a queue, you need to wait for at least 60 seconds before creating a queue with the same name
B. You have incorrect permissions
C. Another user has d

B. Your application's health status is unknown because status is reported when the application is not in the ready state.
AWS Elastic Beanstalk will change the health status of a web server environment tier to gray color when your application's health sta

AWS Elastic Beanstalk will change the health status of a web server environment tier to gray color when:
A. Your application hasn't responded to the application health check URL within the last one hour.
B. Your application's health status is unknown beca

C. RDS assigns a random time period based on the region
If the user does not specify a preferred backup window while enabling an automated backup, Amazon RDS assigns a default 30-minute backup window which is selected at random from an 8-hour block of tim

A user has enabled the automated backup, but not specified the backup window. What will RDS do in this case?
A. Will not allow to launch a DB instance
B. RDS will take 3 AM - 3:30 AM as the default window
C. RDS assigns a random time period based on the r

D. including the NoEcho property with a value of true.
In AWS CloudFormation, the default value is overridden if you specify a value for the parameter as part of the aws cloudformation create-stack --parameters option. Parameter values you override at run

AWS CloudFormation Parameter values that you override at runtime are returned as part of the "aws cloudformation describe-stacks" command, unless you suppress that in the parameter declaration by __________.
A. including the Echo property with a value of

C. AWS will take the default "Version":"2008-10-17"
The version element specifies the IAM policy language version. Only the following values are allowed:
2012-10-17. This is the current version of the policy language, and the user should use this version

A user is defining a policy for an IAM user. The user did not define the version as a part of the policy. What will happen now?
A. AWS will take the default "Version":"2012-10-17"
B. AWS will throw an error
C. AWS will take the default "Version":"2008-10-

C. Parameter groups
With regard to RDS, the user can manage the configuration of a DB engine by using a DB parameter group. A DB parameter group contains engine configuration values that can be applied to one or more DB instances of the same instance type

A user is launching an AWS RDS with MySQL. Which of the below mentioned options allows the user to configure the INNODB engine parameters?
A. Options group
B. DB parameters
C. Parameter groups
D. Engine parameters

B. Number, String, and Binary
Amazon DynamoDB supports three scalar data types: Number, String, and Binary. Additionally, Amazon DynamoDB supports multi-valued types: Number Set, String Set, and Binary Set.

Amazon DynamoDB supports these scalar data types: ______________.
A. Number and String
B. Number, String, and Binary
C. Number and Binary
D. Number, String, Binary and Datetime

B. Amazon Linux AMI or the Windows Server 2008 R2 AMI
The current version of AWS Elastic Beanstalk uses the Amazon Linux AMI or the Windows Server 2008 R2 AMI.

Which OS does the current version of AWS Elastic Beanstalk use?
A. Windows Server 2008 R2 AMI only
B. Amazon Linux AMI or the Windows Server 2008 R2 AMI
C. Amazon Linux AMI, Windows Server 2003 R2 AMI or the Windows Server 2008 R2 AMI
D. Amazon Linux AMI

A. Create an IAM user for each employee and provide access to them
AWS Identity and Access Management is a web service that enables the AWS customers to manage users and user permissions in AWS. The IAM is targeted at organizations with multiple users or

An organization has 20 employees. The organization wants to give all the users access to the organization AWS account. Which of the below mentioned options is the right solution?
A. Create an IAM user for each employee and provide access to them
B. It is

A. The volume downloads the data from S3 so that the user can access it
When the user creates a new Amazon EBS volume, he may create it based on an existing snapshot. The new volume will be created as an exact replica of the original volume that was used

A user has created an EBS volume from an existing snapshot. The data is being loaded lazily from S3 to the volume. If the user tries to access the data of the volume which is not yet loaded, what will happen?
A. The volume downloads the data from S3 so th

D. Yes, provided it is a single zone implementation
Amazon RDS provides two different methods for backing up and restoring the Amazon DB instances. A brief I/O freeze, typically lasting a few seconds, occurs during both automated backups and DB snapshot o

A user has configured an automated backup between 5 AM - 5:30 AM for the MySQL RDS DB. Will the performance of RDS get frozen momentarily during a backup?
A. No
B. Yes, always
C. Yes, only if the instance size is smaller than large size
D. Yes, provided i

B. It is not possible to skip the mandatory maintenance window
The Amazon RDS system performs maintenance on the DB instance during a user-definable maintenance. It is not possible to skip its configuration. If the user does not configure it, RDS will tak

A user is configuring an application with the PostgreSQL RDS instance. The user does not want a mandatory maintenance window. How can the user configure this?
A. The user should select the option as 'No' in the Management Options screen against the Mainte

A. Email
In Amazon SNS, when you want to subscribe to a topic and receive notifications to your email, select Email in the Protocol drop-down box. Enter an email address you can use to receive the notification in the Endpoint field.
LEARN MORE: http://doc

Regarding Amazon SNS, when you want to subscribe to a topic and receive notifications to your email, in the Protocol drop-down box, you should select _______.
A. Email
D. Message

D. $0.05 per hour
To understand pricing in DynamoDB, consider the following example. If you create a table and request 10 units of write capacity and 200 units of read capacity of provisioned throughput, you would be charged: $0.01 + (4 x $0.01) = $0.05 p

In DynamoDB, if you create a table and request 10 units of write capacity and 200 units of read capacity of provisioned throughput, how much would you be charged in US East (Northern Virginia) Region?
A. $0.15 per hour
B. $0.10 per hour
C. $0.03 per hour

D. I/O usage within the same Region
In DynamoDB, you will be charged for the storage and the throughput you use rather than for the I/O which has been used.

In regard to DynamoDB, for which one of the following parameters does Amazon not charge you?
A. Cost per provisioned read units
B. Storage cost
C. Cost per provisioned write units
D. I/O usage within the same Region

B. Decider
In Amazon SWF, the coordination logic in a workflow is contained in a software program called a decider. The decider schedules activity tasks, provides input data to the activity workers, processes events that arrive while the workflow is in pr

Regarding Amazon SWF, the coordination logic in a workflow is contained in a software program called a ________.
A. Worker
B. Decider
C. Cordinator
D. Handler

C. Use Identity federation with SSO
Identity federation enables users from an existing directory to access resources within your AWS account, making it easier to manage your users by maintaining their identities in a single place. In this case, the federa

An organization has 10000 employees. The organization wants to give restricted AWS access to each employee. How can the organization achieve this?
A. Use STS and create the users' run time
B. It is not recommended to support 10000 users with IAM
C. Use Id

D. Items
In Amazon DynamoDB, a database is a collection of tables. A table is a collection of items and each item is a collection of attributes.

In DynamoDB, a table is a collection of______.
A. Attributes
B. Values
C. Fields
D. Items

A. Create an AMI from the attached volume
When a user creates an EBS volume, the user can attach it to a running instance. The user can attach multiple volumes to the same instance and stripe them together to increase the I/O. The user can take a snapshot

A user is creating an EBS volume. He asks for your advice. Which advice mentioned below should you not give to the user for creating an EBS volume?
A. Create an AMI from the attached volume
B. Attach multiple volumes to the same instance
C. Take the snaps

C. Create an IAM AWS account alias with the name cloudacademy
If a user wants the URL of the AWS IAM sign-in page to have a company name instead of the AWS account ID, he can create an alias for his AWS account ID.

Cloud Academy (with AWS account ID 111122223333) has created 50 IAM users for its organization's employees. Cloud Academy wants to make the AWS console login URL for all IAM users like: How can this be

D. Enable the application generate cookie
The key to manage the sticky session is determining how long the load balancer should route the user's request to the same application instance. If the application has its own session cookie, then the user can set

A user has hosted a website on AWS and uses ELB to load balance the multiple instances. The user wants to bind the session of the requestor with a particular instance using sticky session. Which of the below mentioned options is a possible solution to bin

C. first in, first out delivery of messages is not guaranteed
Amazon SQS is engineered to always be available and deliver messages and because of this, one of the resulting tradeoffs is that SQS does not guarantee first in, first out delivery of messages.

Amazon SQS is engineered to always be available and deliver messages. However, because of this, what is one of the resulting tradeoffs?
A. more processor power is required
B. greater cost
C. first in, first out delivery of messages is not guaranteed
D. sl

A. 01:01 AM
The Amazon RDS system performs maintenance on the DB instance during a user-definable maintenance. It is not possible to have it performed during the same time window of an automated backup. The user can always specify the duration window for

A user has configured RDS with MySQL. The user has setup the maintenance window of 12:00 AM with the duration as 1 hour on every Sunday. The user wants to setup the automated backup for the same instance. What time should the user supply in this case?

D. It will delete the block which was referred as modified "B" of Day 2
Snapshot is an incremental concept and EBS takes a snapshot of only the modified blocks of volume. In this case Day-2 will have blocks of modified "B" and new "D". Since "D" is not mo

A user has created three EBS snapshots on 3 consecutive days. If the Day-1 snapshot refers to blocks "A-B-C", Day 2 has modified the "B" block as well a newly added "D" block while Day-3 has "modified "B" from the previous day and a newly added "E" block.

D. No
It is not possible to change the storage class of a specific version of an object in Amazon S3. When the user copies it, Amazon S3 gives it a new version ID.

A user has enabled versioning of a bucket. Is it possible to store all the versions of the objects in RRS and the current version of the object in S3?
A. Yes
B. No, but it is possible that the current version stays in RRS and the older version in S3
C. Ye

B. The request signature does not conform to AWS standards.
In DynamoDB, there are several actions which have HTTP status codes, and they help developers to understand errors and the status of each action.
For example: the "IncompleteSignature", which mea

In regard to DynamoDB actions, which of the following statements is NOT the meaning of "HTTP Status Code: 403" ?
A. The X.509 certificate or AWS access key ID provided does not exist in our records.
B. The request signature does not conform to AWS standar

B. Yes, when you create a new CloudFormation template
AWS CloudFormation gives developers and systems administrators an easy way to create and manage collections of AWS resources. You can now set Read Replicas for your databases with RDS when you create a

Can you configure an RDS Read Replica using CloudFormation templates?
A. Yes, provided that you have root access.
B. Yes, when you create a new CloudFormation template
C. Yes, but not for all Regions.
D. No, you can add the ReadReplica only when the resou

D. Yes
A user can always create a new EBS volume of a higher size than the original snapshot size. The user cannot create a volume of a lower size. When the new volume is created the size in the instance will be shown as the original size. The user needs

A user is creating a new EBS volume from an existing snapshot. The snapshot size shows 10 GB. Can the user create a volume of 30 GB from that snapshot?
A. Provided the snapshot has the modify size attribute set as true
B. Provided the original volume has

A. a task
In Amazon SWF, a task represents a logical unit of work that is performed by a component of your application. When using Amazon SWF, you implement workers to perform tasks.

In Amazon SWF, ________ represents a logical unit of work that is performed by a component of your application.
A. a task
B. a method
C. a schedule
D. a worker

D. It will allow access
With regard to IAM, when a request is made, the AWS service decides whether a given request should be allowed or denied. The evaluation logic follows these rules:
By default, all requests are denied. (In general, requests made usin

A user has set an IAM policy where it allows all requests if a request from IP Another policy allows all the requests between 5 PM to 7 PM. What will happen when a user is requesting access from IP at 6 PM?
A. It will deny acc

C. the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse
In AWS Elastic Beanstalk, you can update your deployed application, even while it is part of a running environment. For a Java application, you can also use the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse to update your deployed application.

In AWS Elastic Beanstalk, you can update your deployed application even while it is part of a running environment. For a Java application, you can also use ___________ to update your deployed application.
A. the AWS Toolkit for Netbeans
B. the AWS Toolkit

D. After you launch an Amazon instance on EC2-Classic, you can't change which security groups the instance is associated with.
In VPC you are allowed to change the security groups an instance belongs to, even after have been launched. In contrast, in EC2

In regards to EC2-Classic, which statement is correct?
A. After you launch an Amazon instance on EC2-Classic, you can change which security groups the instance is associated with anytime.
B. After you launch an Amazon instance on EC2-Classic, you can chan

A. Amazon S3
AWS Elastic Beanstalk stores your application files and optionally server log files in Amazon S3. If you are using the AWS Management Console, Git, the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio, or AWS Toolkit for Eclipse, an Amazon S3 bucket will be cre

AWS Elastic Beanstalk stores your application files and optionally server log files in_________.
A. Amazon S3
B. Amazon Storage Gateway
C. Amazon Glacier
D. Amazon EC2

A. The security group is not configured to allow a request from the user's IP on port 3306
If the user needs to connect to RDS then he has to open port 3306 in the RDS security group for his IP address.

A user has created an RDS instance with MySQL. The user is using the HeidiSQL client to connect with the RDS DB. The client is unable to connect to DB from his home machine. What is a possible reason for the failure?
A. The security group is not configure

B. ec2-upload-keypair
The user can use commands, such as:
create-key-pair (AWS CLI)
ec2-create-keypair (Amazon EC2 CLI) or
New-EC2KeyPair (AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell)
to create a new key-pair. The user can use ec2-import-keypair to import an own key

Which of the below mentioned APIs is not available while creating a key-pair with AWS EC2?
A. ec2-create-keypair
B. ec2-upload-keypair
C. ec2-import-keypair
D. New-EC2KeyPair

B. The user should access all the blocks of data before the exam in advance
There is a 5 to 50 percent reduction in IOPS when the user first accesses each block of data on a newly created or restored EBS volume. The user can avoid this performance hit by

An online exam starts at 9 AM. All the participants will do an I/O on a standard EBS backed instance at 9 AM. How can the user initially achieve a higher I/O performance when the EBS is not pre-warmed?
A. The EBS will automatically scale up the I/O when t

Web Distributions - Typically used for Websites
RTMP - Used for Media Streaming

What are the two different CloudFront distribution types?

AES 256

What is the default encryption standard for S3?


Can you have embedded data structures (key/value pairs) in DynamoDB?

B. Outputs
You can use AWS CloudFormation's sample templates or create your own templates to describe the AWS resources, and any associated dependencies or runtime parameters, required to run your application.

You have written a CloudFormation template that creates 1 Elastic Load Balancer fronting 2 EC2 Instances. Which section of the template should you edit so that the DNS of the load balancer is returned upon creation of the stack?
A. Parameters
B. Outputs

A. No step is required. The user can directly mount the device
When a user is trying to mount a blank EBS volume, it is required that the user first creates a file system within the volume. If the volume is created from an existing snapshot then the user

A user has created a new EBS volume from an existing snapshot. The user mounts the volume on the instance to which it is attached. Which of the below mentioned options is a required step before the user can mount the volume?
A. No step is required. The us

D. It will deny access
When a request is made, the AWS IAM policy decides whether a given request should be allowed or denied. The evaluation logic follows these rules:
By default, all requests are denied. (In general, requests made using the account cred

A user has set the IAM policy where it denies all requests if a request is not from IP The other policy says allow all requests between 5 PM to 7 PM. What will happen when a user is requesting access from IP at 6 PM?
A. It wil

B. Permission provided by the parent of the IAM user on the bucket
If the IAM user is trying to perform some action on the object belonging to another AWS user's bucket, S3 will verify whether the owner of the IAM user has given sufficient permission to h

An IAM user is trying to perform an action on an object belonging to some other root account's bucket. Which of the below mentioned options will AWS S3 not verify?
A. The object owner has provided access to the IAM user
B. Permission provided by the paren

D. Yes. AWS Elastic Beanstalk is designed to support a number of multiple running environments
AWS Elastic Beanstalk is designed to support multiple running environments. As an example you could have one for integration testing, one for pre-production, an

You want to have multiple versions of your application running at the same time, with all versions launched via AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Is this possible?
A. Yes. However AWS Elastic Beanstalk is designed to support only 2 multiple running environments
B. N

B. The query string contains a syntax error.
In DynamoDB, there are several actions which have HTTP status codes that help developers to understand errors and status of each action. for example: the "MalformedQueryString", which means the query string con

In regard to DynamoDB actions, which one of the following statements explains the meaning of "HTTP Status Code: 404" ?
A. The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure.
B. The query string contains a syntax error.

C. 20
In AWS CloudFormation, each AWS CloudFormation account is limited to a maximum of 20 stacks.

Each AWS CloudFormation account is limited to a maximum of ____ stacks.
A. 10
B. 60
C. 20
D. 50

D. RDS will not allow to launch the instance
The Amazon RDS system performs maintenance on the DB instance during a user-definable maintenance. It is not possible to have it performed during the same time window of an automated backup. In case of a confli

A user has configured RDS with PostgreSQL. The user has setup the maintenance window at 12:00 AM with a duration of 30 minutes on every Sunday. The user has configured to have an automated backup at 12:00 AM every day. What will AWS RDS do in this case?

D. In the security group, open port 22 for IP
When configuring a security group within EC2, the user needs to specify the IP address in CIDR notation. The CIDR IP range says it is for a single IP If the user spec

A user is accessing an EC2 instance on the SSH port for IP Which is a secure way to configure that the instance can be accessed only from this IP?
A. In the security group, open port 22 for IP
B. In the security group, open port 2

C. InService: Instance deregistration currently in progress
Connection draining causes the ELB load balancer to stop sending new requests to a deregistered instance or an unhealthy instance, while keeping the existing connections open. While the in-flight

A user has configured ELB with connection drainage. An instance is deregistering with ELB. In this particular case what will be the status of a deregistered instance?
A. Deregistering: Instance deregistration currently in progress
B. OutofService: Instanc

A. The SSL based ELB does not support session stickiness with duration
Generally a load balancer routes each request independently to the application instance with the smallest load. However, the user can enable the sticky session feature (also known as s

A user has created an SSL based ELB. If the user wants to bind the requestor session with the instance how can he enable this?
A. The SSL based ELB does not support session stickiness with duration
B. Use session stickiness with the ELB duration based coo

C. The AWS access key ID needs a subscription for the service.
In DynamoDB, there are several actions which have HTTP status codes, and they help developers to undrestand errors and status of each action. for example: the "OptInRequired", which means the

In regard to DynamoDB actions, which of the following statements best describes the meaning of "HTTP Status Code: 403" ?
A. The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure.
B. The request was denied due to request throt

C. a domain
When designing an Amazon SWF workflow, you precisely define each of the required activities. You then register each activity with Amazon SWF as an activity type. When you register the activity, you provide information such as a name and versio

When you register an activity in Amazon SWF, you provide the following information, except:
A. version
B. a name
C. a domain
D. timeout values

C. An AWS CloudFormation stack
In AWS CloudFormation, CloudFormer is itself an AWS CloudFormation stack. You run CloudFormer by launching the stack from your AWS environment. It runs on a t1.micro Amazon EC2 instance and requires no other resources.

In regard to CloudFormation, CloudFormer is itself _____________.
A. An AWS CloudFormation template
B. An Amazon S3 bucket
C. An AWS CloudFormation stack
D. A JSON file

C. False, it is 5,000 write capacity units and 5,000 read capacity units.
The smallest Reserved Capacity offered in DynamoDB is 5,000 write capacity units and 5,000 read capacity units.

True or False: the smallest Reserved Capacity offered is 1,000 write capacity units and 1,000 read capacity units.
A. False, it is 7,000 write capacity units and 7,000 read capacity units.
B. True
C. False, it is 5,000 write capacity units and 5,000 read

C. S3
The user can achieve automated scaling by launching different EC2 instances and making them a part of an ELB. Cloudwatch will be used to monitor the resources and based on the scaling need it will trigger policies. AutoScaling is then used to scale

A user is planning to host a scalable dynamic web application on AWS. Which of the services may not be required by the user to achieve automated scalability?
A. CloudWatch
B. AWS EC2 instances
C. S3
D. AutoScaling

D. Amazon EMR
Elastic Beanstalk leverages AWS services such as Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (Amazon EC2), Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), Elastic Load Balancing and Auto Scaling to deliver the sa

Which Amazon service is not used by Elastic Beanstalk?
A. Amazon S3
B. Amazon ELB
C. Auto scaling
D. Amazon EMR

B. Upload a new key pair
While launching an EC2 instance, the user can create a new key pair, select an existing key pair or proceed without a key pair. The user cannot upload a new key pair in the EC2 instance launch console.

When a user is launching an instance with EC2, which of the below mentioned options is not available during the instance launch console for a key pair?
A. Select an existing key pair
B. Upload a new key pair
C. Create a new key pair
D. Proceed without the

B. I/O size
Provisioned IOPS EBS volumes deliver consistent performance whether an I/O operation is random or sequential, and also whether an I/O operation is to read or write the data. The I/O size, however, does make an impact on IOPS because of the way

Which of the following conditions affects the Provisioned IOPS performance of EBS Volume?
A. Sequential I/O
B. I/O size
C. Read / write I/O
D. Random I/O

B. Run the command: as-describe-account-limits
A user can see the number of AutoScaling resources currently allowed for the AWS account either by using the as-describe-account-limits command or by calling the DescribeAccountLimits action.

The user has created multiple AutoScaling groups. The user is trying to create a new AS group but it fails. How can the user know that he has reached the AS group limit specified by AutoScaling in that region?
A. Run the command: as-max-account-limits

D. It allows inbound traffic for everyone on both ports 22 and 80
A user can attach more than one security group to a single EC2 instance. In this case, the rules from each security group are effectively aggregated to create one set of rules. AWS uses thi

A user has configured two security groups which allow traffic as given below:
1: SecGrp1:
Inbound on port 80 for
Inbound on port 22 for
2: SecGrp2:
Inbound on port 22 for
If both the security groups are associated with th

C. Apache Tomcat for Node.js applications
AWS Elastic Beanstalk supports these languages and development stacks:
Nginx or Apache HTTP Server for Node.js applications
Passenger for Ruby applications
Microsoft IIS 7.5 for .NET applications
Apache Tomcat for

Which of the following languages and development stacks does AWS Elastic Beanstalk NOT support?
A. Nginx or Apache HTTP Server for Node.js applications
B. Apache Tomcat for Java applications
C. Apache Tomcat for Node.js applications
D. Apache HTTP Server

D. 8 KB
With Amazon SQS version 2008-01-01, the maximum message size for both SOAP and Query requests is 8KB.
If you need to send messages to the queue that are larger than 8 KB, AWS recommends that you split the information into separate messages. Altern

When using Amazon SQS how much data can you store in a message?
A. 16 KB
B. 2 KB
C. 4 KB
D. 8 KB

D. Analytics
AWS EBS has two types of volumes. Standard and PIOPS. Standard volumes offer cost effective storage that is ideal for applications with light or burst I/O requirements. These volumes deliver approximately 100 IOPS on average, with burst capab

A user is thinking to use EBS standard volume. Which of the below mentioned options is a right use case for that?
C. Business applications
D. Analytics

D. AWS will allow to create the IAM group with the name cloud as both the user and the group have separate ARNs
AWS resources are always identified by ARN. In this case the ARN for the group will be arn:aws:iam::<Account ID>:group/cloud. While for the use

An organization has created an IAM user named cloud. The organization is trying to create a new group with the same name as cloud. What will happen in this case?
A. AWS will not allow to create the IAM group with the name cloud as there will be a conflict

B. Stop the first instance and then attach instance's root volume as a new volume to the other instance
If an Amazon EBS volume is the root device of an instance, it cannot be detached unless the instance is in the stopped state.
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A user has launched an EBS backed Linux instance. How can a user detach the root device and attach it to another instance as a secondary volume?
A. Unmount the root volume first and then detach it
B. Stop the first instance and then attach instance's root

A. AWS CloudFormation
AWS CloudFormation can be used to bootstrap both the Chef Server and Chef Client software on your EC2 instances.

_____________ can be used to bootstrap both the Chef Server and Chef Client software on your EC2 instances.
A. AWS CloudFormation
B. Amazon Glacier
C. AWS Elastic Beanstalk
D. AWS OpsWorks

B. many versions, is unique
In AWS Elastic Beanstalk, applications can have many versions and each application version is unique. In a running environment, you can deploy any application version you already uploaded to the application or you can upload an

In AWS Elastic Beanstalk, applications can have _________ and each application version _________.
A. many versions, can refer to many applications
B. many versions, is unique
C. unique versions, can have the same name of before
D. unique versions, can ref

B. Distributing requests across all AZs equally irrespective of the instance count in each AZ
If the EC2 instances count is imbalanced across the AZ, the load balancer begins to route traffic equally amongst all the enabled Availability Zones irrespective

An ELB has 8 instances registered with it. 4 instances are running in one AZ, while 2 each are running in two separate AZs. By default, when a user request arrives how will ELB distribute the load?
A. Distributing requests across all instances equally

B. AWS Simple Queue Service
Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fast, reliable, scalable, and fully managed message queuing service. SQS provides a simple and cost-effective way to decouple the components of an application. The user can use SQS to tran

A user has created an application which sends data to a log file. The server hosting the log files can be unavailable due to any reason. The user wants to make it so that whenever the log server is up it should be receiving the messages. Which of the belo

D. versioned
S3 buckets can be in one of the three states: unversioned (the default), versioning-enabled or versioning-suspended. The bucket owner can configure the versioning state of a bucket. The versioning state applies to all (never some) of the obje

A user is trying to find the state of an S3 bucket with respect to versioning. Which of the below mentioned states AWS will not return when queried?
A. versioning-suspended
B. unversioned
C. versioning-enabled
D. versioned

D. Let ELB generate a cookie for a specified duration
The key to manage the sticky session is determining how long the load balancer should route the user's request to the same application instance. If the application has its own session cookie, then the

A user has hosted a website on AWS and uses ELB to load balance the multiple instances. The user application does not have any cookie management. How can the user bind the session of the requestor with a particular instance?
A. Create a cookie at the appl

D. S3 will overwrite the object with the ID as null, but the object with the ID as 111111 will stay intact
If versioning is suspended, then S3 will create a new object with the ID as null to every subsequent object stored thereafter. If the object with a

A user has enabled versioning and has two versions of an S3 object with the IDs as null and 111111. What will happen if the user suspends versioning and adds a new object?
A. S3 will overwrite the object with the ID as 111111, but the object with the ID a

B. 4 days
The SQS message retention period is configurable and can be set anywhere from 1 minute to 2 weeks. The default is 4 days and once the message retention limit is reached your messages will be automatically deleted. The option for longer message r

How long are the messages kept on an SQS queue by default?
A. If a message is not read, it is never deleted
B. 4 days
C. 1 day
D. 2 weeks

D. 5 GB
If the user is launching RDS without PIOPS for MySQL RDS, the minimum size of storage should be 5 GB.

A user is configuring MySQL RDS without PIOPS. What should be the minimum size of DB storage provided by the user?
A. 1 TB
B. 50 GB
C. 100 GB
D. 5 GB

C. an app for the mobile endpoints
In Amazon SNS, to begin using Amazon SNS mobile push notifications, you first need an app for the mobile endpoints that uses one of the supported push notification services: APNS, GCM, or ADM. After you've registered and

Regarding Amazon SNS, to begin using Amazon SNS mobile push notifications, you first need __________that uses one of the supported push notification services: APNS, GCM, or ADM.
A. to know the type of mobile device operating system
B. to active push notif


Regarding Amazon SNS, to begin using Amazon SNS mobile push notifications, you first need __________that uses one of the supported push notification services: APNS, GCM, or ADM.
A. to know the type of mobile device operating system
B. to active push notif

C. Amazon SQS
In Amazon SNS, besides pushing cloud notifications directly to mobile devices, Amazon SNS can also deliver notifications by SMS text message or email, to Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queues, or to any HTTP endpoint.
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Amazon SNS can also deliver notifications by SMS text message or email, to___________.
A. Amazon SES
B. Amazon Glacier
C. Amazon SQS
D. Amazon FPS

A. Disable the access keys for the IAM user
If the user wants to temporarily stop the access to S3 the best solution is to disable the keys. Deleting the user will result in a loss of all the credentials and the app will not be useful in the future. If th

A user has setup an application on EC2 which uses the IAM user access key and secret access key to make secure calls to S3. The user wants to temporarily stop the access to S3 for that IAM user. What should the root owner do?
A. Disable the access keys fo

B. Yes, always
Yes, it is possible to have one instance part of two separate ELBs, though both ELBs have different configurations. ELBs are never launched in specific zones.

Can one instance be registered with two ELBs in the same region?
A. Yes, provided both ELBs have the same health check configuration
B. Yes, always
C. Yes, provided both ELBs are in the same AZ
D. No

A. Query
In DynamoDB, a secondary index is a data structure that contains a subset of attributes from a table, along with an alternate key to support Query operations.

In DynamoDB, a secondary index is a data structure that contains a subset of attributes from a table, along with an alternate key to support ______ operations.
A. Query
B. None of the above
C. Scan
D. Both

C. The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server.
In DynamoDB, there are several actions which have HTTP status codes, and they help developers to undrestand errors and status of each action. for example: the "ServiceUnavailable", which

In regard to DynamoDB actions, which one of the following statements explains the meaning of " HTTP Status Code: 503" ?
A. The X.509 certificate or AWS access key ID provided does not exist in our records.
B. The query string contains a syntax error.
C. T

A. Termination protection
The Amazon EC2 console provides a "Launch more like this" wizard option that enables the user to use a current instance as a template for launching other instances. This option automatically populates the Amazon EC2 launch wizard

A user is planning to launch multiple EC2 instance same as current running instance. Which of the below mentioned parameters is not copied by AWS EC2 in the launch wizard when the user has selected the option "Launch more like this"?
A. Termination protec

D. The AZ for the instance and volume are different
An EBS volume provides persistent data storage. The user can attach a volume to any instance provided they are both in the same AZ. Even if they are in the same region but in a different AZ, it will not

A user has created a blank EBS volume in the US-East-1 region. The user is unable to attach the volume to a running instance in the same region. What could be the possible reason for this?
A. The instance has enabled the volume attach protection
B. The in

D. No
Currently, in DynamoDB, an index cannot be modified once it is created.

In regard to DynamoDB, can I modify the index once it is created?
A. Yes, if it is a Global secondary index
B. Yes, if it is a local secondary index
C. Yes, if it is a primary hash key index
D. No

A. AWS Simple Queue Service
Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fast, reliable, scalable, and fully managed message queuing service. SQS provides a simple and cost-effective way to decouple the components of an application. In this case, the user can u

A user has developed an application which is required to send the data to a NoSQL database. The user wants to decouple the data sending such that the application keeps processing and sending data but does not wait for an acknowledgement of DB. Which of th

B. Yes
Amazon DynamoDB integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). You can use AWS IAM to grant access to Amazon DynamoDB resources and API actions. To do this, you first write an AWS IAM policy, which is a document that explicitly lists the

In DynamoDB, could you use IAM to grant access to Amazon DynamoDB resources and API actions?
A. No
B. Yes
C. In DynamoDB there is no need to grant access
D. Depended to the type of access

A. It is not possible to have capital letters as a part of the alias name
If a user wants the URL of the AWS IAM sign-in page to have the company name instead of the AWS account ID, he can create an alias for his AWS account ID. The alias must be unique a

CloudAcademy (with AWS account ID 111122223333) has created 50 IAM users for its organization's employees. CloudAcademy wants to make the AWS console login URL for all IAM users as: https:// How can this be con

A. Define multiple policies in the ordered list
To configure the Auto Scaling termination policy, the user can either specify any one of the policies as a standalone policy or list multiple policies in an ordered list. The policies are executed in the ord

How can a user configure three termination policies for the AutoScaling group?
A. Define multiple policies in the ordered list
B. The user cannot specify more than two policies for AutoScaling
C. Define multiple policies in random order
D. Keep updating t

A. The Access Control List (ACL) of the queue
Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a highly reliable distributed messaging system that can serve as the backbone of your fault-tolerant application. Messages are stored in queues that you create - each queue

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a highly reliable distributed messaging system that can serve as the backbone of your fault-tolerant application. Messages are stored in queues that you create - each queue is defined as a URL, so it can be accessed by

D. Multi AZ
The Multi AZ feature allows the user to achieve High Availability. For Multi AZ, Amazon RDS automatically provisions and maintains a synchronous "standby" replica in a different Availability Zone.

A user wants to achieve High Availability with PostgreSQL DB. Which of the below mentioned functionalities helps achieve HA?
A. PostgreSQL does not support HA
B. Read Replica
C. Multi region
D. Multi AZ

C. AWS Simple Queue Service
Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fast, reliable, scalable, and fully managed message queuing service. SQS provides a simple and cost-effective way to decouple the components of an application. The user can configure SQS,

A user has created photo editing software and hosted it on EC2. The software accepts requests from the user about the photo format and resolution and sends a message to S3 to enhance the picture accordingly. Which of the below mentioned AWS services will

D. None
All automated backups are deleted and cannot be recovered when the user deletes an RDS DB instance. When the user deletes a DB instance, the user can create a final DB snapshot upon deletion; if it is done, the user can use this DB snapshot to res

A user has enabled automated backup retention for 3 days on a PostgreSQL DB instance of RDS. The user deleted the RDS after 5 days. How many days of backup will be available in the RDS?
A. 3 days
B. 1 day
C. 5 days
D. None

B. Provided Michael has added Bob to a group, which has permissions to modify the IAM passwords
Generally with IAM users, the password can be modified in two ways. The first option is to define the IAM level policy which allows each user to modify their o

A root AWS account owner has created three IAM users: Bob, John and Michael. Michael is the IAM administrator. Bob and John are not the superpower users, but users with some pre-defined policies. John does not have access to modify his password. Thus, he

C. AWS Simple Notification Service.
Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a fast, flexible, and fully managed push messaging service. Amazon SNS makes it simple and cost-effective to push to mobile devices, such as iPhone, iPad, Android, Kind

A user is planning to host a mobile game on EC2 which sends notifications to active users on either high score or the addition of new features. The user should get this notification, when he is online on the mobile. Which of the below mentioned AWS servic

B. You can associate multiple subnets with the same Route Table.
Every subnet in your VPC must be associated with exactly one Route Table. However, multiple subnets can be associated with the same Route Table.

In regards to VPC, select the correct statement:
A. You can't associate multiple subnets with the same Route Table.
B. You can associate multiple subnets with the same Route Table.
C. You can associate multiple subnets with the same Route Table, but you c

D. Share the AMI with a friend's AWS account ID.
In Amazon Web Services, If a user has created an AMI and wants to share with his friends and colleagues he can share the AMI with their AWS account ID. Once the AMI is shared the other user can access it fr

A user has created an AWS AMI. The user wants the AMI to be available only to his friend and not anyone else. How can the user manage this?
A. It is not possible to share the AMI with the selected user.
B. Share the AMI with a friend's AWS login ID.
C. Sh

C. Multi AZ deployment setup
When creating an RDS instance, the user needs to specify whether it is Multi AZ or not. If the user does not provide the value for the zone, the maintenance window or automated backup window, RDS will automatically select the

A user has created a MySQL RDS instance. Which of the below mentioned options is mandatory to configure while creating an instance?
A. Automated backup window
B. Availability Zone
C. Multi AZ deployment setup
D. Maintenance window

C. Decrease the volume size
The EBS snapshots are a point in time backup of the volume. It is helpful to move the volume from one AZ to another or launch a new instance. The user can increase the size of the volume but cannot decrease it less than the ori

A user has created a snapshot of an EBS volume. Which of the below mentioned usage cases is not possible with respect to a snapshot?
A. Launch an instance
B. Increase the size of the volume
C. Decrease the volume size
D. Mirroring the volume from one AZ t

C. Unlimited
Amazon SQS supports an unlimited number of queues and unlimited number of messages per queue for each user. Please be aware that Amazon SQS automatically deletes messages that have been in the queue for more than 4 days.
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In relation to Amazon SQS, how many queues and messages can you have per queue for each user?
A. 500
B. 100
C. Unlimited
D. 256

D. Create a policy which will allow each user to setup their smartphone for MFA.
The root owner should have physical access to the IAM user's MFA device (smartphone) to configure MFA. This is cumbersome and the better option is to let users configure and

A root owner wants to set up MFA with a smartphone for each of his IAM users. What should he do to achieve this?
A. The owner needs a setup for each user's smartphone
B. It is not possible to have MFA with a smartphone
C. Enable MFA for each user and AWS

A. Control incoming traffic only
Security Groups in VPC allow you to specify rules for both outgoing and incoming traffic. In contrast security groups in EC2-Classic allow you to specify rules for incoming traffic only

Security groups AWS EC2-Classic ______.
A. Control incoming traffic only
B. Control outgoing traffic only
C. Control both incoming and outgoing traffic
D. Control neither incoming nor outgoing traffic

B. Unmount the volume first
When a user is trying to detach an EBS volume, the user can either terminate the instance or explicitly remove the volume. It is a recommended practice to unmount the volume first to avoid any file system damage.

When a user is detaching an EBS volume from a running instance and attaching it to a new instance, which of the below mentioned options should be followed to avoid file system damage?
A. Take a snapshot of the volume before detaching
B. Unmount the volume

B. Launching an instance
AutoScaling always attempts to launch a new instance before terminating old ones. When attempting to balance across multiple zones, being at or near the specified maximum capacity could impede or completely halt the rebalancing ac

A user has setup AutoScaling, where number of instances in different availability zones is not balanced. Autoscaling is now performing balancing activity. Which activity is performed first by AutoScaling to balance instances across zones?
A. AutoScaling c

C. DescribeTable
In DynamoDB, DescribeTable returns information about the table, including the current status of the table, when it was created, the primary key schema, and any indexes on the table.

In DynamoDB, to get a detailed listing of secondary indexes on a table, you can use the _____ action.
A. TableName
B. BatchGetItem
C. DescribeTable
D. GetItem

B. A piece of software that implements tasks
In relation to Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF), an activity worker is a program that receives activity tasks, performs them, and provides results back. Which translates to a piece of software that i

In relation to Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF),what is an "Activity Worker"?
A. The automation of a business process
B. A piece of software that implements tasks
C. An individual task undertaken by a workflow
D. All answers listed are correct

C. Null
S3 objects stored in the bucket before the user has set the versioning state have a version ID of null. When the user enables versioning, the objects in the bucket do not change and their ID remains null.

A user has not enabled versioning on an S3 bucket. What will be the version ID of the object inside that bucket?
A. 0
B. There will be no version attached
C. Null
D. Blank

D. Setup the advanced redirection rule within a bucket
In AWS S3, the user can conditionally route requests according to specific object key names, prefixes in the request or the response code. In this case when the user renames an object (with the folder

A user has hosted a static website on the AWS S3 bucket with URL as: The user has renamed the folder from test to quiz. The above link is referenced in 20 pages. How ca

D. Create a snapshot of RDS to launch in the future and terminate the instance now
The RDS instances unlike the AWS EBS backed instances cannot be stopped or paused. The user needs to take the final snapshot, terminate the instance and launch a new instan

A user is running a MySQL RDS instance. The user will not use the DB for the next 3 months. How can the user save costs?
A. Stop the RDS instance
B. Change the instance size to micro
C. Pause the RDS activities from CLI until it is required in the future

D. NotEffect
The user can define various elements for IAM policy. The elements include Version, ID, Statement, Sid, Effect, Principal, NotPrincipal, Action, NotAction, Resource, NotResource, Condition, and Supported Data Types.

A user is defining a policy for the IAM user. Which of the below mentioned elements will not be used as a part of the policy?
A. NotPrincipal
B. NotResource
C. NotAction
D. NotEffect

C. SQS once again makes the message visible in the queue and available for another attempt at processing
In AWS Elastic Beanstalk, if the application returns any response other than 200, OK or there is no response within the configured InactivityTimeout p

In AWS Elastic Beanstalk, if the application returns any response other than 200 ,OK or there is no response within the configured InactivityTimeout period, __________________.
A. SQS waits for another timeout
B. SQS run DeleteMessagecall and deletes the

C. The object from RRS can be moved to S3 or Glacier
The objects in RRS and S3 provide the same latency and throughput, but S3 has higher durability while RRS is cheaper. The user can configure the rules to move objects from RRS to Glacier or change the s

A user is planning to use RRS. Which of the below mentioned statements will help him with respect to AWS RRS?
A. S3 and RRS cost the same
B. Latency and throughput of RRS and S3 are not the same
C. The object from RRS can be moved to S3 or Glacier
D. S3 a

C. Instance with the nearest billing hour in US-East-1A
Even though the user has configured the termination policy, before AutoScaling selects an instance to terminate, it first identifies the Availability Zone that has more instances than the other Avail

A user has defined an AutoScaling termination policy to first delete the instance with the nearest billing hour. AutoScaling has launched 3 instances in the US-East-1A region and 2 instances in the US-East-1B region. One of the instances in the US-East-1B

D. The user can directly access the website using the region specific endpoint
To host a static website, the user needs to configure an Amazon S3 bucket for website hosting and then upload the website contents to the bucket. The website is then available

A user has enabled a static website with AWS S3. The user already has index.html as a part of this bucket. What difference will be there for the user while using this hosting feature?
A. It helps the user to save some costs as it will not consider the I/O

A. 4 days
A message can be stored in the Simple Queue Service (SQS) from 1 minute up to a maximum of 14 days.

What is the maximum time messages can be stored in SQS?
A. 4 days
B. 14 days
C. one month
D. 7 days

A. 4000
IOPS are input/output operations per second. Amazon EBS measures these I/O operations in 16 KB chunks. When the user provisions a 4,000 IOPS volume and attaches it to an EBS-optimized instance that can provide the necessary bandwidth, he can trans

A user has attached an EBS volume with an EBS optimized instance. The volume performs at the 16KB I/O chunk, what is the maximum IOPS that a user can provision to get the optimum output?
A. 4000
B. 5000
C. 1000
D. 2000

C. The object from RRS can be moved to S3 or Glacier
The objects in RRS and S3 provide the same latency and throughput, but S3 has higher durability while RRS is cheaper. The user can configure the rules to move objects from RRS to Glacier or change the s

A user is planning to use RRS. Which of the below mentioned statements will help him with respect to AWS RRS?
A. S3 and RRS cost the same
B. Latency and throughput of RRS and S3 are not the same
C. The object from RRS can be moved to S3 or Glacier
D. S3 a


A user has defined an AutoScaling termination policy to first delete the instance with the nearest billing hour. AutoScaling has launched 3 instances in the US-East-1A region and 2 instances in the US-East-1B region. One of the instances in the US-East-1B


A user is planning to use RRS. Which of the below mentioned statements will help him with respect to AWS RRS?
A. S3 and RRS cost the same
B. Latency and throughput of RRS and S3 are not the same
C. The object from RRS can be moved to S3 or Glacier
D. S3 a

B. A piece of software that implements tasks
In relation to Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF), an activity worker is a program that receives activity tasks, performs them, and provides results back. Which translates to a piece of software that i

In relation to Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF),what is an "Activity Worker"?
A. The automation of a business process
B. A piece of software that implements tasks
C. An individual task undertaken by a workflow
D. All answers listed are correct

C. Null
S3 objects stored in the bucket before the user has set the versioning state have a version ID of null. When the user enables versioning, the objects in the bucket do not change and their ID remains null.

A user has not enabled versioning on an S3 bucket. What will be the version ID of the object inside that bucket?
A. 0
B. There will be no version attached
C. Null
D. Blank

D. Setup the advanced redirection rule within a bucket
In AWS S3, the user can conditionally route requests according to specific object key names, prefixes in the request or the response code. In this case when the user renames an object (with the folder

A user has hosted a static website on the AWS S3 bucket with URL as: The user has renamed the folder from test to quiz. The above link is referenced in 20 pages. How ca


A user is running a MySQL RDS instance. The user will not use the DB for the next 3 months. How can the user save costs?
A. Stop the RDS instance
B. Change the instance size to micro
C. Pause the RDS activities from CLI until it is required in the future

B. A piece of software that implements tasks
In relation to Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF), an activity worker is a program that receives activity tasks, performs them, and provides results back. Which translates to a piece of software that i

In relation to Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF),what is an "Activity Worker"?
A. The automation of a business process
B. A piece of software that implements tasks
C. An individual task undertaken by a workflow
D. All answers listed are correct

C. Null
S3 objects stored in the bucket before the user has set the versioning state have a version ID of null. When the user enables versioning, the objects in the bucket do not change and their ID remains null.

A user has not enabled versioning on an S3 bucket. What will be the version ID of the object inside that bucket?
A. 0
B. There will be no version attached
C. Null
D. Blank


A user has hosted a static website on the AWS S3 bucket with URL as: The user has renamed the folder from test to quiz. The above link is referenced in 20 pages. How ca

B. A piece of software that implements tasks
In relation to Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF), an activity worker is a program that receives activity tasks, performs them, and provides results back. Which translates to a piece of software that i

In relation to Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF),what is an "Activity Worker"?
A. The automation of a business process
B. A piece of software that implements tasks
C. An individual task undertaken by a workflow
D. All answers listed are correct


A user has not enabled versioning on an S3 bucket. What will be the version ID of the object inside that bucket?
A. 0
B. There will be no version attached
C. Null
D. Blank


In relation to Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF),what is an "Activity Worker"?
A. The automation of a business process
B. A piece of software that implements tasks
C. An individual task undertaken by a workflow
D. All answers listed are correct

A. Control incoming traffic only
Security Groups in VPC allow you to specify rules for both outgoing and incoming traffic. In contrast security groups in EC2-Classic allow you to specify rules for incoming traffic only

Security groups AWS EC2-Classic ______.
A. Control incoming traffic only
B. Control outgoing traffic only
C. Control both incoming and outgoing traffic
D. Control neither incoming nor outgoing traffic

B. Unmount the volume first
When a user is trying to detach an EBS volume, the user can either terminate the instance or explicitly remove the volume. It is a recommended practice to unmount the volume first to avoid any file system damage.

When a user is detaching an EBS volume from a running instance and attaching it to a new instance, which of the below mentioned options should be followed to avoid file system damage?
A. Take a snapshot of the volume before detaching
B. Unmount the volume

B. Launching an instance
AutoScaling always attempts to launch a new instance before terminating old ones. When attempting to balance across multiple zones, being at or near the specified maximum capacity could impede or completely halt the rebalancing ac

A user has setup AutoScaling, where number of instances in different availability zones is not balanced. Autoscaling is now performing balancing activity. Which activity is performed first by AutoScaling to balance instances across zones?
A. AutoScaling c

A. Control incoming traffic only
Security Groups in VPC allow you to specify rules for both outgoing and incoming traffic. In contrast security groups in EC2-Classic allow you to specify rules for incoming traffic only

Security groups AWS EC2-Classic ______.
A. Control incoming traffic only
B. Control outgoing traffic only
C. Control both incoming and outgoing traffic
D. Control neither incoming nor outgoing traffic

B. Unmount the volume first
When a user is trying to detach an EBS volume, the user can either terminate the instance or explicitly remove the volume. It is a recommended practice to unmount the volume first to avoid any file system damage.

When a user is detaching an EBS volume from a running instance and attaching it to a new instance, which of the below mentioned options should be followed to avoid file system damage?
A. Take a snapshot of the volume before detaching
B. Unmount the volume

A. Control incoming traffic only
Security Groups in VPC allow you to specify rules for both outgoing and incoming traffic. In contrast security groups in EC2-Classic allow you to specify rules for incoming traffic only

Security groups AWS EC2-Classic ______.
A. Control incoming traffic only
B. Control outgoing traffic only
C. Control both incoming and outgoing traffic
D. Control neither incoming nor outgoing traffic


When a user is detaching an EBS volume from a running instance and attaching it to a new instance, which of the below mentioned options should be followed to avoid file system damage?
A. Take a snapshot of the volume before detaching
B. Unmount the volume


Security groups AWS EC2-Classic ______.
A. Control incoming traffic only
B. Control outgoing traffic only
C. Control both incoming and outgoing traffic
D. Control neither incoming nor outgoing traffic

C. Decrease the volume size
The EBS snapshots are a point in time backup of the volume. It is helpful to move the volume from one AZ to another or launch a new instance. The user can increase the size of the volume but cannot decrease it less than the ori

A user has created a snapshot of an EBS volume. Which of the below mentioned usage cases is not possible with respect to a snapshot?
A. Launch an instance
B. Increase the size of the volume
C. Decrease the volume size
D. Mirroring the volume from one AZ t

C. Unlimited
Amazon SQS supports an unlimited number of queues and unlimited number of messages per queue for each user. Please be aware that Amazon SQS automatically deletes messages that have been in the queue for more than 4 days.
LEARN MORE: https://a

In relation to Amazon SQS, how many queues and messages can you have per queue for each user?
A. 500
B. 100
C. Unlimited
D. 256

C. Decrease the volume size
The EBS snapshots are a point in time backup of the volume. It is helpful to move the volume from one AZ to another or launch a new instance. The user can increase the size of the volume but cannot decrease it less than the ori

A user has created a snapshot of an EBS volume. Which of the below mentioned usage cases is not possible with respect to a snapshot?
A. Launch an instance
B. Increase the size of the volume
C. Decrease the volume size
D. Mirroring the volume from one AZ t


In relation to Amazon SQS, how many queues and messages can you have per queue for each user?
A. 500
B. 100
C. Unlimited
D. 256


A user has created a snapshot of an EBS volume. Which of the below mentioned usage cases is not possible with respect to a snapshot?
A. Launch an instance
B. Increase the size of the volume
C. Decrease the volume size
D. Mirroring the volume from one AZ t

B. Provided Michael has added Bob to a group, which has permissions to modify the IAM passwords
Generally with IAM users, the password can be modified in two ways. The first option is to define the IAM level policy which allows each user to modify their o

A root AWS account owner has created three IAM users: Bob, John and Michael. Michael is the IAM administrator. Bob and John are not the superpower users, but users with some pre-defined policies. John does not have access to modify his password. Thus, he

C. AWS Simple Notification Service.
Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a fast, flexible, and fully managed push messaging service. Amazon SNS makes it simple and cost-effective to push to mobile devices, such as iPhone, iPad, Android, Kind

A user is planning to host a mobile game on EC2 which sends notifications to active users on either high score or the addition of new features. The user should get this notification, when he is online on the mobile. Which of the below mentioned AWS servic

Every subnet in your VPC must be associated with exactly one Route Table. However, multiple subnets can be associated with the same Route Table.

In regards to VPC, select the correct statement:
A. You can't associate multiple subnets with the same Route Table.
B. You can associate multiple subnets with the same Route Table.
C. You can associate multiple subnets with the same Route Table, but you c

B. Provided Michael has added Bob to a group, which has permissions to modify the IAM passwords
Generally with IAM users, the password can be modified in two ways. The first option is to define the IAM level policy which allows each user to modify their o

A root AWS account owner has created three IAM users: Bob, John and Michael. Michael is the IAM administrator. Bob and John are not the superpower users, but users with some pre-defined policies. John does not have access to modify his password. Thus, he

C. AWS Simple Notification Service.
Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a fast, flexible, and fully managed push messaging service. Amazon SNS makes it simple and cost-effective to push to mobile devices, such as iPhone, iPad, Android, Kind

A user is planning to host a mobile game on EC2 which sends notifications to active users on either high score or the addition of new features. The user should get this notification, when he is online on the mobile. Which of the below mentioned AWS servic

B. Provided Michael has added Bob to a group, which has permissions to modify the IAM passwords
Generally with IAM users, the password can be modified in two ways. The first option is to define the IAM level policy which allows each user to modify their o

A root AWS account owner has created three IAM users: Bob, John and Michael. Michael is the IAM administrator. Bob and John are not the superpower users, but users with some pre-defined policies. John does not have access to modify his password. Thus, he


A root AWS account owner has created three IAM users: Bob, John and Michael. Michael is the IAM administrator. Bob and John are not the superpower users, but users with some pre-defined policies. John does not have access to modify his password. Thus, he

C. AWS Simple Queue Service
Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fast, reliable, scalable, and fully managed message queuing service. SQS provides a simple and cost-effective way to decouple the components of an application. The user can configure SQS,

A user has created photo editing software and hosted it on EC2. The software accepts requests from the user about the photo format and resolution and sends a message to S3 to enhance the picture accordingly. Which of the below mentioned AWS services will


A user has created photo editing software and hosted it on EC2. The software accepts requests from the user about the photo format and resolution and sends a message to S3 to enhance the picture accordingly. Which of the below mentioned AWS services will

DynamoDB is a fast and flexible fully managed NoSQL database service for all applications that need consistent, single-digit millisecond any scale.

What is DynamoDB?

No. Secondary indexes can only be created when creating a table. They cannot be removed or modified later.
You can add or create a 'Global Secondary Indexes after a table has been created.

Can you create a Local Secondary Index in DynamoDB after you have created a Table?

Local Secondary Index (can have 5 of these)
Global Secondary Index (can have 5 of these)

What are the two types of Secondary Indexes in DynamoDB?

Three primary metrics:
1. Read provisioned throughput
2. Write provisioned throughput
3. Storage

How is DynamoDB priced?

400 HTTP Status Code-

What error code is generated when you exceed your maximum allowed provisioned throughput for a table or for one or more global secondary indexes?

1. User authenticates with ID provider (such as Facebook)
2. User is passed a Token by their ID provider
3. Your code calls 'AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity' API and provides the provider's token and specifies the ARN for the IAM Role
4. App can now access Dyna

What are the steps in establishing access, via an Identity Provider, to DynamoDB?

No. Secondary indexes can only be created when creating a table. They cannot be removed or modified later.

Can you create a Local Secondary Index in DynamoDB after you have created a Table?

Local Secondary Index
Global Secondary Index

What are the two types of Secondary Indexes in DynamoDB?

No. Secondary indexes can only be created when creating a table. They cannot be removed or modified later.

Can you create a Secondary Index in DynamoDB after you have created a Table?


Can you create a Secondary Index in DynamoDB after you have created a Table?