Biology 17 Practice Test

Which of the following was NOT a challenge for survival of the first land plants?
a) sources of water
b) sperm transfer
d) desiccation
e) animal predation
f) lack of sunlight


The following are all adaptations in plants to life on land except...
a) tracheids
b) reduced gametophyte generation
c) rings of cellulose-synthesizing complexes
d) cuticles
e) multicellular, dependent embryos


Which of the following is a true statement about plant reproduction?
a) eggs and sperm of byrophytes swim toward one another
b) bryophytes are limited to asexual reproduction
c) embryophytes are small because they are in an early developmental stage
d) bo


The functional role of sporopollenin is primarily to...
a) provide nutrients to spores
b) make spores less dense and able to disperse more readily
c) reduce dehydration
d) repel toxic chemicals


Which taxon is essentially equivalent to the "embryophytes?"
a) Charophycea
b) Bryophyta
c) Viridiplantae
d) Plantae
e) Pterophyta


Which of the following traits was most important to enabling the first plants to move onto land?
a) the development of sporopollenin to prevent the desiccation of zygotes
b) peroxisome enzymes that minimize losses from photorespiration
c) apical meristems


The diploid generation of the plant life cycle always ______.
a) is larger and more conspicuous than the haploid stage
b) develops from a spore
c) produces eggs and sperm
d) produces spores
e) is called the gametophyte


Which of the following is true to the life cycle of mosses?
a) the growing embryo gives rise to the gametophyte
b) the haploid generation grows on the sporophyte generation
c) the sporophyte generation is dominant
d) spores are primarily distributed by wa


In which of the following taxa does the mature sporophyte depend completely on the gametophyte for nutrition?
a) Bryophyta
b) Pterophyta and Bryophyta
c) Pterophyta, Bryophyta, and horsetail
d) horsetail (Equisetum)
e) Pterophyta


Mitotic activity by the apical meristem of a root makes which of the following more possible?
a) increase of the aboveground stem
b) effective lateral growth of the stem
c) increased number of chloroplasts in roots
d) decreased absorption of mineral nutri


Which event during the evolution of land plants probably made the synthesis of secondary compounds most beneficial?
a) the reverse-greenhouse effect during the Carboniferous period
b) the rise of wind pollination
c) the association of the roots of land pl


Arrange the following terms from most inclusive to least inclusive...
1. Embryophytes
2. green plants
3. seedless vascular plants
4. ferns
5. tracheophytes
a) 2,1,5,3,4
b) 1,2,5,3,4
c) 2,1,5,4,3
d) 1,4,2,5,3



An alignment of cytoskeletal elements and Golgi-derived vesicles across the midline of a dividing plant cell.


a durable polymer that covers exposed zygotes of charophyte algae and forms the walls of plant spores, preventing them from drying out.

alternation of generations

A life cycle that alternates between a sexual stage (gametophyte) and an asexual stage (sporophyte)


Haploid, or gamete-producing, phase of an organism


Diploid, or spore-producing, phase of an organism

placental transfer cells

A plant cell that enhances the transfer of nutrients from parent to embryo


alternate name for land plants that refers to their shared derived trait of multicellular, dependent embryos.


multicellular organs that produce spores


diploid cells that undergo meiosis to generate haploid spores


The reproductive organ of bryophytes, consisting of the male antheridium and female archegonium; a multichambered jacket of sterile cells in which gametes are formed.


female reproductive part of a nonvascular plant


male gametangia. produce and release sperm into the environment.

apical meristems

Embryonic plant tissue in the tips of roots and in the buds of shoots that supplies cells for the plant to grow in length.


A waxy covering on the surface of stems and leaves that acts as an adaptation to prevent desiccation in terrestrial plants.


Nonvascular plants - examples are liverworms, hornworts, and mosses.


mass of tangled green filaments in mosses that forms during germination


Thread like structures that anchor non vascular plants to the ground (mosses and liverworts)


absorbs nutrients from the gametophyte


stalk of a moss capsule


A ring of interlocking, tooth-like structures on the upper part of a moss capsule (sporangium), often specialized for gradual spore discharge.


the small openings on the undersides of most leaves through which oxygen and carbon dioxide can move


Extensive deposits of undecayed organic material formed primarily from the wetland moss Sphagnum.

Most bryophytes, such as mosses, differ from all other plants in that they _____.
a) have cones but no seeds
b) do not produce flowers
c) have flagellated sperm
d) lack true leaves and roots
e) produce spores


In contrast to bryophytes, in vascular plants the dominant stage of the life cycle is the _____.
a) sporophyte
b) gametophyte
c) archegonium
d) spore
e) antheridium


What evolutionary development allowed plants to grow tall?
a) lignified vascular tissue
b) the waxy cuticle
c) leaves
d) rhizoids
e) sporophylls


During the Carboniferous period, forests consisting mainly of _____ produced vast quantities of organic matter, which was buried and later became coal.
a) giant mosses
b) gymnosperms
c) ferns and other seedless plants
d) gymnosperms and early angiosperms


Which of the following characteristics helped seedless plants better adapt to life on land?
a) photosystem II
b) a chitinous cuticle
c) an unbranched sporophyte
d) a dominant gametophyte
e) stomata


Which of the following is true of seedless vascular plants?
a) Extant seedless vascular plants are larger than the extinct varieties.
b) They produce many spores, which are really the same as seeds.
c)Whole forests were dominated by large, seedless vascul


If humans had been present to build log structures during the Carboniferous period (they weren't), which plant types would have been suitable sources of logs?
a) horsetails and bryophytes
b) whisk ferns and epiphytes
c) lycophytes and bryophytes
d) ferns,


In plants, which of the following are produced by meiosis?
a) diploid spores
b) haploid spores
c) haploid gametes
d) diploid gametes
e) haploid sporophytes


Microphylls are found in which plant group?
a) ferns
b) liverworts
c) mosses
d) lycophytes
e) hornworts


Which of the following is a land plant that has flagellated sperm and a sporophyte-dominated life cycle?
a) charophyte
b) moss
c) fern
d) liverwort
e) hornwort


Suppose an efficient conducting system evolved in a moss that could transport water and other materials as high as a tall tree. Which of the following statements about "trees" of such a species would not be true?
a) Individuals would probably compete more


Select the correct statement about charophytes, a taxon of green algae.
a) Living charophytes are the algal ancestors of land plants.
b) Charophytes and land plants share four distinctive traits.
c) Charophytes are embryophytes.


Select the correct statement about plant life cycles.
a) Meiosis in plant life cycles is a sexual process, producing gametes.
b) Over evolutionary time, the sporophyte has replaced the gametophyte in plant life cycles.
c) At some point in the life cycle o


Select the correct statement contrasting gametophytes and sporophytes.
a) Sporophytes are larger than gametophytes.
b) Sporophytes are vascular, whereas gametophytes are nonvascular.
c) Sporophytes are diploid, whereas gametophytes are haploid.


Select the correct statement about the life cycle of a fern.
a) Plant sporophytes grow from haploid spores.
b) In ferns, meiosis results in the formation of egg and sperm cells.
c) Plant gametophytes are haploid multicellular bodies.


When you look at a pine or maple tree, the plant you see is a _____.
a) diploid gametophyte
b) diploid sporophyte
c) haploid gametophyte
d) triploid endosperm
e) haploid sporophyte


All seed plants _____.
a) are heterosporous
b) produce flowers
c) are nonvascular
d) produce antheridia and archegonia on the same gametophyte
e) exhibit a dominant gametophyte generation


The adaptation that made possible the colonization of dry land environments by seed plants is most likely the result of the evolution of _____.
a) heterospory
b) ovules
c) cones
d) pollen
e) sporophylls


Which group is noted for the independence of gametophyte and sporophyte generations from each other?
a) angiosperms
b) gymnosperms
c) ferns
d) mosses, hornworts, and liverworts
e) charophytes


The seed coat's most important function is to provide
a) protection for the embryo.
b) the means for dispersal.
c) a nutrient supply for the embryo.
d) dormancy.
e) a nonstressful environment for the megasporangium.


In addition to seeds, which of the following characteristics is unique to the seed-producing plants?
a) sporopollenin
b) pollen
c) use of air currents as a dispersal agent
d) megaphylls
e) lignin present in cell walls


Arrange the following in the correct sequence, from earliest to most recent, in which these plant traits originated.
1. sporophyte dominance, gametophyte independence
2. sporophyte dominance, gametophyte dependence
3. gametophyte dominance, sporophyte dep


In terms of alternation of generations, the internal parts of the pollen grains of seed-producing plants are most similar to a
a) fern sporophyte.
b) moss sporophyte.
c) fern gametophyte bearing only antheridia.
d) hermaphroditic fern gametophyte.
e) moss


Which of the following is most important in making the typical seed more resistant to adverse conditions than the typical spore?
a) waxy cuticle
b) ability to be dispersed
c) integument(s)
d) an internal reservoir of liquid water
e) a different type of sp


A researcher has developed two stains for use with seed plants. One stains sporophyte tissue blue; the other stains gametophyte tissue red. If the researcher exposes pollen grains to both stains, and then rinses away the excess stain, what should occur?


In gymnosperms megaspores develop into _____ .
a) female gametophytes
b) ovulate cones
c) pollen grains
d) male gametophytes
e) female sporophytes


In pine, the embryo develops within the _____.
a) female gametophyte
b) staminate cone
c) male gametophyte
d) macrogametophyte
e) microsporophyll


Gymnosperms differ from both extinct and extant (living) ferns because they
a) are woody.
b) have macrophylls.
e) have spores.
d) have pollen.
e) have sporophylls.


Which of the following statements is true of the pine life cycle?
a) Conifer pollen grains contain male gametophytes.
b) Double fertilization is a relatively common phenomenon.
c) The pine tree is a gametophyte.
d) Male and female gametophytes are in clos


Within a gymnosperm megasporangium, what is the correct sequence in which the following should appear during development, assuming that fertilization occurs?
1. sporophyte embryo
2. female gametophyte
3. egg cell
4. megaspore
a) 1 ? 4 ? 3 ? 2
b) 1 ? 4 ? 2


Which of the following can be found in gymnosperms?
a) fruits
b) pollen
c) triploid endosperm
d) nonfertile flower parts
e) carpels


Reptilian embryos are protected from desiccation by a leathery shell. Similarly, which pair of structures protects seed plants' embryos and male gametophytes, respectively, from desiccation?
a) ovules-waxy cuticle
b) integuments-sporopollenin
c) ovaries-f



consists of an embryo and its food supply, surrounded by a protective coating


Layer of sporophyte tissue that contributes to the structure of an ovule of a seed plant.


A structure that develops within the ovary of a seed plant and contains the female gametophyte.

pollen grain

male gametophyte in seed plants


transfer of pollen from the male reproductive structure to the female reproductive structure


an ancestral fossil type from which modern gymnosperms are thought to have derived


gymnosperm; cone-bearing plants; most are evergreen

The major difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms comes from the _____.
a) presence or absence of vascular structures
b) dominance or lack of dominance of the sporophyte generation
c) production of microspores versus megaspores
d) presence or absen


Angiosperms are different from all other plants because only they have _____.
a) a vascular system
b) flowers
c) a life cycle that involves alternation of generations
d) seeds
e) a sporophyte phase


Unlike most angiosperms, grasses are pollinated by wind. As a consequence, some unnecessary parts of grass flowers have almost disappeared. Which of the following parts would you expect to be most reduced in a grass flower?
a) anthers
b) petals
c) carpels


Which of the following is a characteristic of all angiosperms?
a) double internal fertilization
b) ovules that are not contained within ovaries
c) free-living gametophytes
d) carpels that contain microsporangia
e) complete reliance on wind as the pollinat


Which of the following is true concerning flowering plants?
a) The gametophyte generation is dominant.
b) The flower includes sporophyte tissue.
c) The sporophyte generation consists of relatively few cells within the flower.
d) The sporophyte generation


Carpels and stamens are
a) spores.
b) modified sporophylls.
c) gametes.
d) sporophyte plants in their own right.
e) gametophyte plants in their own right.


Which of the following is a true statement about angiosperm carpels?
a) Carpels surround and nourish the female gametophyte.
b) Carpels consist of highly modified microsporangia.
c) Carpels are structures that directly produce male gametes.
d) Carpels are


Angiosperm double fertilization is so-called because it features the formation of
a) two embryos from one egg and two sperm cells.
b) one embryo from one egg fertilized by two sperm cells.
c) one embryo from two eggs fertilized by a single sperm cell.


Which of the following flower parts develops into a seed?
a) ovary
b) stamen
c) ovule
d) fruit


Human survival literally depends on the produce of _____.
a) gymnosperms
b) gnetophytes
c) cycads
d) ginkgoes
e) angiosperms


What is the greatest threat to plant diversity?
a) pathogenic fungi
b) insects
c) grazing and browsing by animals
d) competition with other plants
e) human population growth


Where in an angiosperm would you find a megasporangium?
a) packed into pollen sacs within the anthers found on a stamen
b) in the style of a flower
c) enclosed in the stigma of a flower
d) within an ovule contained within an ovary of a flower
e) inside th


A fruit is most commonly
a) a modified root.
b) a mature ovary.
c) a thickened style.
d) a mature female gametophyte.
e) an enlarged ovule.


Which of the following is not a characteristic that distinguishes gymnosperms and angiosperms from other plants?
a) pollen
b) ovules
c) dependent gametophytes
d) alternation of generations
e) integuments


Gymnosperms and angiosperms have the following in common except
a) seeds.
b) ovaries.
c) vascular tissue.
d) ovules.
e) pollen.


What are the products of meiosis in the life cycle of a seed plant?
a) Megaspores or microspores
b) Sperm or eggs
c) Male or female gametophytes


Select the correct statement describing the life cycle of angiosperms.
a) Double fertilization in the life cycle of seed plants results in the production of a diploid zygote and a triploid endosperm nucleus.
b) In angiosperm life cycles, the female gameto


Which of these structures is a separate generation from the plant sporophyte?
a) A male gametophyte within a pollen grain
b) The ovule
c) A seed


In which of the following pairs do the structures play comparable roles in the plant and animal life cycles?
a) A plant seed and a bird egg
b) A plant sporophyte and an adult animal
c) The male gametophyte of a plant and the testes of an animal


Which of the following was NOT a challenge for survival of the first land plants?
a) sources of water
b) sperm transfer
d) desiccation
e) animal predation
f) lack of sunlight


The following are all adaptations in plants to life on land except...
a) tracheids
b) reduced gametophyte generation
c) rings of cellulose-synthesizing complexes
d) cuticles
e) multicellular, dependent embryos


Which of the following is a true statement about plant reproduction?
a) eggs and sperm of byrophytes swim toward one another
b) bryophytes are limited to asexual reproduction
c) embryophytes are small because they are in an early developmental stage
d) bo


The functional role of sporopollenin is primarily to...
a) provide nutrients to spores
b) make spores less dense and able to disperse more readily
c) reduce dehydration
d) repel toxic chemicals


Which taxon is essentially equivalent to the "embryophytes?"
a) Charophycea
b) Bryophyta
c) Viridiplantae
d) Plantae
e) Pterophyta


Which of the following traits was most important to enabling the first plants to move onto land?
a) the development of sporopollenin to prevent the desiccation of zygotes
b) peroxisome enzymes that minimize losses from photorespiration
c) apical meristems


The diploid generation of the plant life cycle always ______.
a) is larger and more conspicuous than the haploid stage
b) develops from a spore
c) produces eggs and sperm
d) produces spores
e) is called the gametophyte


Which of the following is true to the life cycle of mosses?
a) the growing embryo gives rise to the gametophyte
b) the haploid generation grows on the sporophyte generation
c) the sporophyte generation is dominant
d) spores are primarily distributed by wa


In which of the following taxa does the mature sporophyte depend completely on the gametophyte for nutrition?
a) Bryophyta
b) Pterophyta and Bryophyta
c) Pterophyta, Bryophyta, and horsetail
d) horsetail (Equisetum)
e) Pterophyta


Mitotic activity by the apical meristem of a root makes which of the following more possible?
a) increase of the aboveground stem
b) effective lateral growth of the stem
c) increased number of chloroplasts in roots
d) decreased absorption of mineral nutri


Which event during the evolution of land plants probably made the synthesis of secondary compounds most beneficial?
a) the reverse-greenhouse effect during the Carboniferous period
b) the rise of wind pollination
c) the association of the roots of land pl


Arrange the following terms from most inclusive to least inclusive...
1. Embryophytes
2. green plants
3. seedless vascular plants
4. ferns
5. tracheophytes
a) 2,1,5,3,4
b) 1,2,5,3,4
c) 2,1,5,4,3
d) 1,4,2,5,3



An alignment of cytoskeletal elements and Golgi-derived vesicles across the midline of a dividing plant cell.


a durable polymer that covers exposed zygotes of charophyte algae and forms the walls of plant spores, preventing them from drying out.

alternation of generations

A life cycle that alternates between a sexual stage (gametophyte) and an asexual stage (sporophyte)


Haploid, or gamete-producing, phase of an organism


Diploid, or spore-producing, phase of an organism

placental transfer cells

A plant cell that enhances the transfer of nutrients from parent to embryo


alternate name for land plants that refers to their shared derived trait of multicellular, dependent embryos.


multicellular organs that produce spores


diploid cells that undergo meiosis to generate haploid spores


The reproductive organ of bryophytes, consisting of the male antheridium and female archegonium; a multichambered jacket of sterile cells in which gametes are formed.


female reproductive part of a nonvascular plant


male gametangia. produce and release sperm into the environment.

apical meristems

Embryonic plant tissue in the tips of roots and in the buds of shoots that supplies cells for the plant to grow in length.


A waxy covering on the surface of stems and leaves that acts as an adaptation to prevent desiccation in terrestrial plants.


Nonvascular plants - examples are liverworms, hornworts, and mosses.


mass of tangled green filaments in mosses that forms during germination


Thread like structures that anchor non vascular plants to the ground (mosses and liverworts)


absorbs nutrients from the gametophyte


stalk of a moss capsule


A ring of interlocking, tooth-like structures on the upper part of a moss capsule (sporangium), often specialized for gradual spore discharge.


the small openings on the undersides of most leaves through which oxygen and carbon dioxide can move


Extensive deposits of undecayed organic material formed primarily from the wetland moss Sphagnum.

Most bryophytes, such as mosses, differ from all other plants in that they _____.
a) have cones but no seeds
b) do not produce flowers
c) have flagellated sperm
d) lack true leaves and roots
e) produce spores


In contrast to bryophytes, in vascular plants the dominant stage of the life cycle is the _____.
a) sporophyte
b) gametophyte
c) archegonium
d) spore
e) antheridium


What evolutionary development allowed plants to grow tall?
a) lignified vascular tissue
b) the waxy cuticle
c) leaves
d) rhizoids
e) sporophylls


During the Carboniferous period, forests consisting mainly of _____ produced vast quantities of organic matter, which was buried and later became coal.
a) giant mosses
b) gymnosperms
c) ferns and other seedless plants
d) gymnosperms and early angiosperms


Which of the following characteristics helped seedless plants better adapt to life on land?
a) photosystem II
b) a chitinous cuticle
c) an unbranched sporophyte
d) a dominant gametophyte
e) stomata


Which of the following is true of seedless vascular plants?
a) Extant seedless vascular plants are larger than the extinct varieties.
b) They produce many spores, which are really the same as seeds.
c)Whole forests were dominated by large, seedless vascul


If humans had been present to build log structures during the Carboniferous period (they weren't), which plant types would have been suitable sources of logs?
a) horsetails and bryophytes
b) whisk ferns and epiphytes
c) lycophytes and bryophytes
d) ferns,


In plants, which of the following are produced by meiosis?
a) diploid spores
b) haploid spores
c) haploid gametes
d) diploid gametes
e) haploid sporophytes


Microphylls are found in which plant group?
a) ferns
b) liverworts
c) mosses
d) lycophytes
e) hornworts


Which of the following is a land plant that has flagellated sperm and a sporophyte-dominated life cycle?
a) charophyte
b) moss
c) fern
d) liverwort
e) hornwort


Suppose an efficient conducting system evolved in a moss that could transport water and other materials as high as a tall tree. Which of the following statements about "trees" of such a species would not be true?
a) Individuals would probably compete more


Select the correct statement about charophytes, a taxon of green algae.
a) Living charophytes are the algal ancestors of land plants.
b) Charophytes and land plants share four distinctive traits.
c) Charophytes are embryophytes.


Select the correct statement about plant life cycles.
a) Meiosis in plant life cycles is a sexual process, producing gametes.
b) Over evolutionary time, the sporophyte has replaced the gametophyte in plant life cycles.
c) At some point in the life cycle o


Select the correct statement contrasting gametophytes and sporophytes.
a) Sporophytes are larger than gametophytes.
b) Sporophytes are vascular, whereas gametophytes are nonvascular.
c) Sporophytes are diploid, whereas gametophytes are haploid.


Select the correct statement about the life cycle of a fern.
a) Plant sporophytes grow from haploid spores.
b) In ferns, meiosis results in the formation of egg and sperm cells.
c) Plant gametophytes are haploid multicellular bodies.


When you look at a pine or maple tree, the plant you see is a _____.
a) diploid gametophyte
b) diploid sporophyte
c) haploid gametophyte
d) triploid endosperm
e) haploid sporophyte


All seed plants _____.
a) are heterosporous
b) produce flowers
c) are nonvascular
d) produce antheridia and archegonia on the same gametophyte
e) exhibit a dominant gametophyte generation


The adaptation that made possible the colonization of dry land environments by seed plants is most likely the result of the evolution of _____.
a) heterospory
b) ovules
c) cones
d) pollen
e) sporophylls


Which group is noted for the independence of gametophyte and sporophyte generations from each other?
a) angiosperms
b) gymnosperms
c) ferns
d) mosses, hornworts, and liverworts
e) charophytes


The seed coat's most important function is to provide
a) protection for the embryo.
b) the means for dispersal.
c) a nutrient supply for the embryo.
d) dormancy.
e) a nonstressful environment for the megasporangium.


In addition to seeds, which of the following characteristics is unique to the seed-producing plants?
a) sporopollenin
b) pollen
c) use of air currents as a dispersal agent
d) megaphylls
e) lignin present in cell walls


Arrange the following in the correct sequence, from earliest to most recent, in which these plant traits originated.
1. sporophyte dominance, gametophyte independence
2. sporophyte dominance, gametophyte dependence
3. gametophyte dominance, sporophyte dep


In terms of alternation of generations, the internal parts of the pollen grains of seed-producing plants are most similar to a
a) fern sporophyte.
b) moss sporophyte.
c) fern gametophyte bearing only antheridia.
d) hermaphroditic fern gametophyte.
e) moss


Which of the following is most important in making the typical seed more resistant to adverse conditions than the typical spore?
a) waxy cuticle
b) ability to be dispersed
c) integument(s)
d) an internal reservoir of liquid water
e) a different type of sp


A researcher has developed two stains for use with seed plants. One stains sporophyte tissue blue; the other stains gametophyte tissue red. If the researcher exposes pollen grains to both stains, and then rinses away the excess stain, what should occur?


In gymnosperms megaspores develop into _____ .
a) female gametophytes
b) ovulate cones
c) pollen grains
d) male gametophytes
e) female sporophytes


In pine, the embryo develops within the _____.
a) female gametophyte
b) staminate cone
c) male gametophyte
d) macrogametophyte
e) microsporophyll


Gymnosperms differ from both extinct and extant (living) ferns because they
a) are woody.
b) have macrophylls.
e) have spores.
d) have pollen.
e) have sporophylls.


Which of the following statements is true of the pine life cycle?
a) Conifer pollen grains contain male gametophytes.
b) Double fertilization is a relatively common phenomenon.
c) The pine tree is a gametophyte.
d) Male and female gametophytes are in clos


Within a gymnosperm megasporangium, what is the correct sequence in which the following should appear during development, assuming that fertilization occurs?
1. sporophyte embryo
2. female gametophyte
3. egg cell
4. megaspore
a) 1 ? 4 ? 3 ? 2
b) 1 ? 4 ? 2


Which of the following can be found in gymnosperms?
a) fruits
b) pollen
c) triploid endosperm
d) nonfertile flower parts
e) carpels


Reptilian embryos are protected from desiccation by a leathery shell. Similarly, which pair of structures protects seed plants' embryos and male gametophytes, respectively, from desiccation?
a) ovules-waxy cuticle
b) integuments-sporopollenin
c) ovaries-f



consists of an embryo and its food supply, surrounded by a protective coating


Layer of sporophyte tissue that contributes to the structure of an ovule of a seed plant.


A structure that develops within the ovary of a seed plant and contains the female gametophyte.

pollen grain

male gametophyte in seed plants


transfer of pollen from the male reproductive structure to the female reproductive structure


an ancestral fossil type from which modern gymnosperms are thought to have derived


gymnosperm; cone-bearing plants; most are evergreen

The major difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms comes from the _____.
a) presence or absence of vascular structures
b) dominance or lack of dominance of the sporophyte generation
c) production of microspores versus megaspores
d) presence or absen


Angiosperms are different from all other plants because only they have _____.
a) a vascular system
b) flowers
c) a life cycle that involves alternation of generations
d) seeds
e) a sporophyte phase


Unlike most angiosperms, grasses are pollinated by wind. As a consequence, some unnecessary parts of grass flowers have almost disappeared. Which of the following parts would you expect to be most reduced in a grass flower?
a) anthers
b) petals
c) carpels


Which of the following is a characteristic of all angiosperms?
a) double internal fertilization
b) ovules that are not contained within ovaries
c) free-living gametophytes
d) carpels that contain microsporangia
e) complete reliance on wind as the pollinat


Which of the following is true concerning flowering plants?
a) The gametophyte generation is dominant.
b) The flower includes sporophyte tissue.
c) The sporophyte generation consists of relatively few cells within the flower.
d) The sporophyte generation


Carpels and stamens are
a) spores.
b) modified sporophylls.
c) gametes.
d) sporophyte plants in their own right.
e) gametophyte plants in their own right.


Which of the following is a true statement about angiosperm carpels?
a) Carpels surround and nourish the female gametophyte.
b) Carpels consist of highly modified microsporangia.
c) Carpels are structures that directly produce male gametes.
d) Carpels are


Angiosperm double fertilization is so-called because it features the formation of
a) two embryos from one egg and two sperm cells.
b) one embryo from one egg fertilized by two sperm cells.
c) one embryo from two eggs fertilized by a single sperm cell.


Which of the following flower parts develops into a seed?
a) ovary
b) stamen
c) ovule
d) fruit


Human survival literally depends on the produce of _____.
a) gymnosperms
b) gnetophytes
c) cycads
d) ginkgoes
e) angiosperms


What is the greatest threat to plant diversity?
a) pathogenic fungi
b) insects
c) grazing and browsing by animals
d) competition with other plants
e) human population growth


Where in an angiosperm would you find a megasporangium?
a) packed into pollen sacs within the anthers found on a stamen
b) in the style of a flower
c) enclosed in the stigma of a flower
d) within an ovule contained within an ovary of a flower
e) inside th


A fruit is most commonly
a) a modified root.
b) a mature ovary.
c) a thickened style.
d) a mature female gametophyte.
e) an enlarged ovule.


Which of the following is not a characteristic that distinguishes gymnosperms and angiosperms from other plants?
a) pollen
b) ovules
c) dependent gametophytes
d) alternation of generations
e) integuments


Gymnosperms and angiosperms have the following in common except
a) seeds.
b) ovaries.
c) vascular tissue.
d) ovules.
e) pollen.


What are the products of meiosis in the life cycle of a seed plant?
a) Megaspores or microspores
b) Sperm or eggs
c) Male or female gametophytes


Select the correct statement describing the life cycle of angiosperms.
a) Double fertilization in the life cycle of seed plants results in the production of a diploid zygote and a triploid endosperm nucleus.
b) In angiosperm life cycles, the female gameto


Which of these structures is a separate generation from the plant sporophyte?
a) A male gametophyte within a pollen grain
b) The ovule
c) A seed


In which of the following pairs do the structures play comparable roles in the plant and animal life cycles?
a) A plant seed and a bird egg
b) A plant sporophyte and an adult animal
c) The male gametophyte of a plant and the testes of an animal