Basic Tags in HTML Code

body tags

the main HTML structural tags
examples: <HTML>, <title>, <head>, <body>

paragraph tag

used to create chunks of text
example: <p>, </p>

break tag

creates a single line break in a paragraph
example: text <br/> text, or text <br> text

blockquote tag

used to indent full blocks of text
example: <blockquote>, </blockquote>

heading tags

there are six heading tags, and they get progressively smaller until you reach "h6"
example: <h1>Heading 1</h1>

horizontal rule tag

inserts a horizontal line onto the web page
example: <hr width=50%>

comment tag

used to add text to the HTML page that will not appear on the web page (can be used to credit someone if you borrow their code)
example: <!--comment-->

strong tag

used to make text bolder
example: <strong>, </strong>

emphasis tag

used to make text italicized
example: <em>, </em>

nesting tags

tags that are used within other HTML tags, such as making text in a paragraph bold
example: <p>text<strong>text</strong>text</p>