El di�logo con el conserje

Bienvenido al Hotel Margaritas

Welcome to Hotel Margaritas

�En qu� puedo servirle?

How can I help you?

Quisiera una habitaci�n por favor

I would like a room please

�Para cu�ntas personas?

For how many people

Para dos personas

For two people

�Por cu�ntas noches?

For how many night?

Solamente una noche

Only one night

�Hay un descuento si queremos reservar m�s noches?

Is there a discount if we want to reserve more nights?

S� hay un descuento

Yes there is a discount

�Cu�ntas habitaciones van a necesitar?

How many rooms will you need?

Solamente una habitaci�n

Only one room

Va a ser 500 pesos por noche

It will be 500 pesos per night

�Usted va a pagar por tarjeta de cr�dito, en efectivo, o por cheque?

Are you going to pay by credit card, cash or check?

Excelente, aqu� est� su recibo

Excellent, here is your receipt

�Qu� le vaya bien!

That all goes well for you!