Term 2: Week 1

wicked (adjective)

Definition: Evil or morally wrong
Synonyms: Evil, immoral and wrong
Sentence: The ________________ witch lured us into the ginger bread house.

ungrateful (adjective)

Definition: not feeling or showing gratitude (thanks).
Synonyms: Unappreciative or unthankful
Sentence: The ______________________ boy did not appreciate all that he had.

forced (verb)

Definition: obtained or imposed by coercion or physical power.
Synonyms: Make, require or impose
Sentence: As a result of Jim failing his English exam, he was ________________ to study an hour a night.

interfering (verb)

Definition: intruding in the business of other people; meddling
Synonyms: Meddling, intruding or prying
Sentence: ________________ in other's business will cause them to become annoyed with you.

desperation (noun)

Definition: a state of despair, typically one that results in rash or extreme behaviour.
Synonyms: Hopelessness, despair or distress
Sentence: Juliet's ____________________ to be with Romeo caused her to take her own life.

wretches (noun)

Definition: a despicable or contemptible person.
Synonyms: Swine, scoundrel or delinquent
Sentence: Bullies are ____________________!

drastically (adverb)

Definition: in a way that is likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect.
Synonyms: Extremely, very or significantly
Sentence: Following SMART goal-setting will __________________ help you achieve your goals.

predicament (noun)

Definition: a difficult situation
Synonyms: Mess, quandary or crisis
Sentence: Not saving any income, the man was left in quite the financial ______________________.

decline (verb)

Definition: decrease
Synonyms: Decrease, reduce or diminish
Definition: If you eat too much fast food, your health will drastically ___________________________.

mission (noun)

Definition: a special duty or function which a person or group is sent out to do.
Synonyms: Assignment, duty or operation.
Sentence: They made it their ________________ to collect all of the trash on the beach.