Aller & Venir sentences

I'm going to the mall

Je vais au centre commercial

I'm going to go to the mall

Je vais aller au centre commercial

Do you want to come to the mall

Tu viens au centre commercial

You just went to the mall

Tu viens d'aller au centre commercial

He's going to the sea

Il va � la mer

He's going to swim in the sea

Il va nager � la mer

Do you want to come swim in the sea

Vous venez nager � la mer

You just went swimming in the sea

Vous venez de nager � la mer

We go to the beach

Nous allons � la plage

We're going to go to the beach

Nous allons aller � la plage

Are they coming to the beach

Ils viennent � la plage

They just went to the beach

Ils viennent d'aller � la plage

They go to the movie theatre

Ils vont au cin�ma

They are going to see a movie at the movie theatre

Ils vont voir un film au cin�ma

Is she coming to the movie theatre

Elle vient au cin�ma

She just went to see a movie at the movie theatre

Elle vient de voir un film au cin�ma

I'm going to the theatre

Je vais au th��tre

I'm going to go to the theatre

Je vais aller au th��tre

Are you coming to the theatre

Tu viens au th��tre

You just went to the theatre

Tu viens d'aller au th�atre

He is going to the museum

Il va au mus�e

He is going to go to the museum

Il va aller au mus�e

Are they coming to the museum

Elles viennent au mus�e

They just went to the museum

Elles viennent d'aller au mus�e

I'm going to sing

Je vais chanter

I just sang

Je viens de chanter

You are going to ski

Tu vas faire du ski

You just skied

Tu viens de faire du ski

He is going to ice skate

Il va faire du patin � glace

He just went ice skating

Il vient de faire du patin � glace

She is going to take pictures

Elle va faire de la photo

She just took pictures

Elle vient de faire de la photo

We are going to have homework

Nous allons avoir des devoirs

We just did our homework

Nous venons de faire nos devoirs

You are going to read

Vous allez lire

You just read

Vous venez de lire

They are going to have a picnic

Ils vont faire un pique-nique

They just had a picnic

Ils viennent de faire un pique-nique

They are going to ride bikes

Elles vont faire du v�lo

They just rode bikes

Elles viennent de faire du v�lo