Holiday plans

where will we go?

On ira/partira o�?

We'll go to england

On ira en Angleterre

We'll go in July

On partira en juillet

We'll take the plane

On prendra l'avion

We'll stay for a week

On restera une semaine

If the weather is nice

S'il fait beau

If we can/if we have time

Si on peut/si on a le temps

We'll go to the beach

On ira � la plage

When we're in London

Quand on sera � Londres

We'll visit/see/do

On visitera/verra/fera

We'll stay in a holiday cottage

On logera dans un g�te

When I'm 18 I'll go..

Quand j'aurai dix-huit ans j'irai..

It will be great/interesting

Ce sera g�nial/int�ressant