Lord of the flies ch. 1-5

Where are the boys from?


Why does Piggy conclude that no one will know where they are?

Because all the adults are dead

What summons the boys to the beach?

The conch shell

What serves as a symbol for island government?

The conch shell

Who is overweight and asthmatic?


Who tries to assume the authority?


What does Jack decide his boys will be?

The hunters

Why is Ralph so sure they will be rescued?

Because he thinks the airport will tell his dad

By whom will will they be rescued?

Ralph's father

What conclusion do Ralph, Jack, and Simon reach after their investigation?

They're on an island

What excuse does Jack offer for not killing the piglet?


What was the real reason he didn't kill it?

Jacks is still to 'civilized' to kill the piglet

What decision is made about the conch?

It is a symbol of authority in their society

What fear does one boy express?

The dark/beastie

What is the groups reaction?


According to Ralph, what are the group's two main priorities?

Keeping the fire alive so they can be rescued, and hunting for food

What conflict arises between Jack and Piggy?


How does Ralph settle it?


What happens to the main fire?

It starts burning the forest

What is Ralph's new rule about the fire?

Someone always has to be watching it

What does Jack say about rules and about the boys?


What offer does Jack make on behalf of himself and his hunters?


What does Piggy realize about the little boy who had talked about the 'beastie'?


What does Ralph complain to Jack about?

No one helps

How does Jack defend the fact that he spends his days hunting instead of helping the others?

That he hunts for everyone

What does Jack admit to Ralph and Simon?

That it feels like you're being hunted when alone in the jungle

What does Ralph say about people in general?

They don't help much and, they're never quite what you thought they were

Why do Ralph and Jack fight in this chapter?


Which child keeps wondering off by himself?


Where do Jack and Ralph go to "cool off" after an argument?


What are the younger boys referred to?


Why does Maurice feel guilty when he kicks sand into Percival's eyes?

Because he knows that in his old life he would get in trouble for it

When Roger throws rocks at Henry, why doesn't he aim to hit?

Because he still is living by rules inflicted while in England. However, throughout the book, he quickly realizes there is no o e around to inflict them

What effect does Jack's mask have on him?

It causes him to act with savage tendencies. His thirst for blood becomes more urgent. He is also relieved from self-consciousness

What is Jack's response when Ralph first accuses him of letting the fire go out?

We can light it again

How does Ralph reassert his authority?

By declaring he was chief

Who gives Piggy meat when Jack won't share?


Who punches Piggy in the stomach and slaps him in the face?


What is Ralph's reaction to Jack and the hunters' acting out the pig kill?

He is furious

What conclusion does Ralph come to about being a chief?

That you have to think and be wise

What do Ralph, Piggy, and Simon respectively say about beasts?


Why doesn't Ralph call back the boys who follow Jack?

Because he's afraid if he does and they don't come back then they couldn't keep the fire going and they'd never get rescued

Why is Ralph considering giving up leadership of the group?

Because he doesn't think he is doing a good job of protecting everyone

How do Piggy and Simon react about the "fear"?


What can you conclude happened to the boy with the mulberry birthmark?

He died in the fire

What does Piggy say about Jack's feelings for him and for Ralph?

He hates me. I dunno why. If he could do what he wanted-you're all right, he respects your. Besides- you'd hit him

What conclusion does Piggy come to?

They are scared of Ralph and that's why they hate hi.

What does Jack suggest they use when playing "kill the pig"?


One of Jack's followers suggest that a "beast" would like to eat?


What are the trails called that have been etched out on the island.

Human nature