Lord of the Flies Chapter 7-9 Quiz

What does Ralph do with his hair?

he cuts it because it feels dirty

Where are the boys looking for the beast?

on the dangerous side of the Island

Who predicts that Ralph will get back home?


How is Simon different from the other boys?

he has a good grasp on human spirit

How did Ralph take Simon's words?


When the boys went to look for the beast where was Piggy?

Back at the camp with the kids

Who went to the dangerous side of the island?

Simon, Ralph, Jack, and the older kids

What is Ralph day dreaming about?

~when his dad was not in the navy
~when his mom was still alive
~about corn flakes and sugar before bed

What does Ralph hit with a spear and where?

he hits a pig in the snout

What happens to the pig that Ralph hits?

the pig runs away

Who is the pig in the pig dance?


What happens to Robert?

he is accidentally stabbed

Who said we should have a drum during the pig circles?


What did Robert say after the pig circle?

you want a real pig because you've got to kill him

What does Jack tease Ralph about?

That Ralph is too scared to go up the mountain

What type of beast does Simon believe in?

He believes in a beast that is not tangible, but the evil that is in mankind

What is a sign from the adults?

the beast(dead person with the parachute)

Does Jack respond when Ralph asks him "why do you hate me?


Who went back to tell Piggy that the group of boys were going up a mountain?


Who decided to climb the mountain?

Jack, Roger, and Ralph

Is the fire still going on the mountain?


Who is giving into Jack's taunt?


Who is Roger?

the boy who knocked over the sand castles on the beach with Maurice

When Ralph and Roger are half way up the mountain what happens?

Jack comes running back

Why did Jack come running back?

he saw a bulge of something

Who still wants to continue up the mountain?


What happens to Ralph once up the mountain?

Ralph becomes dizzy and sick, because he is nervous and stressed

Who see the Beast lift its head?

All three boys: Roger, Jack, and Ralph

Why did the Beast's head lift?

because the parachute filled with wind picking up the head

When the boys see the Beast lift his head what do they do?

The run away

Who can not believe that the boys saw the monster on the mountain?


Why does Ralph call an assembly?

to tell about the beast

What does Jack talk about?

the beast

Why does Jack talk about the beast?

to gain leverage
he uses it against Ralph

Does Jack want Ralph to be chief?


Who votes for Jack to be chief?

no one

Who leaves the group?


Who joins Jack's group?

big kids

Why did the big kids join Jack?

they wanted to hunt
Jack promised them things

Who thinks Ralph's group should go up and look at the beast?


Who is relaxed without Jack?


Who starts a fire with Piggy's Glasses in Chapter 8?


Where is the fire that was started with Piggy's glasses in Chapter 8?

on the beach

Who notice who are gone?

Piggy and Ralph notice Bill, Roger and Maurice are gone

Where is Simon when Piggy and Ralph notice Bill, Roger, and Maurice are gone?

In his secret place

What is the Lord of the Flies?

A female pig head on a stick

After leaving Ralph's group where does Jack head?

to Castle rock

Does Jack care about the beast?

at first he says he doesn't, then he creates the lord of the flies as an offering, so yes and no

What is the Gift for the Darkness?

A female pig head on a stick

Who is the Gift for the Darkness given to?

the Beast

What is the Lord of the Flies a sign of?

the boys becoming more savage

Who sharpens a stick on each side for the Lord of the Flies?


Does the beast accept the gift?


Who had a migraine headache while Jack's group was making the Lord of the Flies?


Who is also having a medical condition while Jack's group is making the Lord of the Flies?


During Simon's Seizures what is Simon talking to?

the Lord of the Flies

What type of medical condition does Simon have?

Epilepitic Seizures (Epilepsy)

Why does Simon go to his secret place?

so he can get away from the kids because he may have a seizure

What does Ralph explain to Piggy?

how Sam and Eric do everything together

Why do three boys come over to Ralph's group?

they try to recruit kids by saying that they have meat

Who all go to the feast?

Piggy, Sam, Eric, Ralph and other kids(not Simon)

What does the Lord of the Flies symbolize?


What is another name for Lord of the Flies?


Who passes out?


What does Simon ask when he comes out of the Seizure?

What else is there to do

What happens to Simon when he wakes up?

he gets a nose bleed

Why does Simon climb the mountain?

to see what there is

What does Simon see?

the dead man who is the beast

What does Simon do after he sees the beast?

he goes to tell everyone

Does Ralph and piggy go to eat at Jack's group?


Who dies?
