Cellular Respiration

What is the chemical formula for cellular respiration?

C6H1206 + 6O2 ---> 6CO2 +6 H2O + ATP

Cellular respiration occurs in the:


Glycolysis breaks down glucose into:

2 pyruvate

Where do the 2 pyruvate from glycolysis go and what do they form?

They enter the mitochondria and are oxidized to become AcetylCoA

After pyruvate are oxidized to become AcetylCoA, they enter the:

Citric acid cycle

The CAC breaks down glucose into:


In glycolysis and the CAC, redox reactions occur. What transfers into what?

NAD+ and FAD become NADH and FADH2

What step is after the citric acid cycle?

Oxidative phosphorylation

What are the two parts of oxidative phosphorylation?

The electron transport chain and chemiosmosis

What happens in the ETC?

NADH passes e- down the chain

At the end of the ETC, what is formed?


Energy released at each step of the ETC goes where?

Stored in the mitochondria to make ATP from ADP

Oxidative phosphorylation is powered by:

REDOX reactions

Where does oxidative phosphorylation occur?

Inner membrane of the mitochondria

90% of ATP generation is from what stage of cellular respiration?

Oxidative phosphorylation

Catabolic pathways ________________ energy


Anabolic pathways _________________ energy


Catabolic are exergonic/endergonic and have high/low entropy?

Exergonic; high entropy

Anabolic are exergonic/endergonic and have high/low entropy?

Endergonic; low entropy

The citric acid cycle is also known as the:

Krebs cycle

Pyruvate oxidation is also known as the:

Link reaction

What are the reactants of glycolysis?

Glucose and 2 ATP

What is the electron acceptor in glycolysis?

NAD+; takes e- from glucose

During pyruvate oxidation, the pyruvate is decarboxylated; what does this mean?

CO2 is released

Pyruvate releases ______ and becomes _________ during pyruvate oxidation?

CO2; AcetylCoA

Is any ATP produced during pyruvate oxidation?


What is produced besides AcetylCoA during pyruvate oxidation?


What are the products of pyruvate oxidation?

2 Acetyl CoA
2 CO2

Why are the products of pyruvate oxidation all 2?

Because there are 2 molecules of glucose and each glucose molecule makes 1

Where does the citric acid cycle take place?

The mitochondrial matrix

What molecule is introduced at the beginning of the citric acid cycle?

Acetyl CoA

Is oxygen needed as a reactant for the citric acid cycle?


What are the products of the citric acid cycle?

2 CO2

Do pyruvate and the citric acid cycle have oxygen as a reactant?

No, but oxygen needs to be present in order for them to occur

If oxygen is present, then glycolysis is followed by:

Cellular respiration

If oxygen is not present, then glycolysis is followed by:


Glucose molecules enter the cell through:

GLUT4 transporters

In the final step of glycolysis ATP is made through the process of:

Substrate level phosphorylation

NADH and FADH2 are produced during what phases of cellular respiration?

Glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, and the citric acid cycle

In oxidative phosphorylation NADH and FADH2 are used to:

Make ATP

Where does oxidative phosphorylation take place?

Protein complexes in the inner mitochondrial membrane

Where is the highest concentration of H+ located in oxidative phosphorylation?

In between the inner & outer mitochondrial membranes

How do H+ ions reach in between the two membranes?

Facilitated diffusion with a protein

What provides the energy necessary to pump H+ ions across the inner mitochondrial membrane?

High potential energy electrons

What molecules carry the electrons through the ETC?


Where did the electron acceptor molecules (NADH and FADH2) come from?

Produced in glycolysis and the citric acid cycle

When e- are released from the electron acceptor molecules, what else is produced?

H+ ions

What molecule if the final electron acceptor after the electron has moved through the ETC?


What compound is formed as a final product of the ETC?


Is any ATP used or made in the ETC?


ETC is simply the ___________ of electrons


In chemiosmosis the movement of H+ ions is moving from a ______ to _______ concentration

High to low; facilitated diffusion

What is the name of the embedded protein that provides a channel for the hydrogen ions to pass through the membrane?

ATP synthase

During oxidative phosphorylation what molecule is being phosphorylated?


What is the net production of ATP from cellular respiration?

38 ATP
Glycolysis: 2
Link: 0
Krebs: 2
Oxi. Phos.: 34