Chapter 8 bio


Takes Place in: Cytoplasm
Starting Materials Required for this Step: 2 ATP, molecule of glucose
Products of this Step: 2 pyruvate molecules, each with three carbon atoms
Amount of ATP Produced: 4 total, 2 net
Amount of CO2 Produced: 0
Amount of NADH & FAD

What is G3P?

Glyceraldehyde phosphate. It has three carbon atoms with a phosphate group attached. G3P is formed from Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, and it becomes pyruvate after being oxidized and dephosphorylated.

Acetyl Co-A Formation:

Takes Place in: Matrix of Mitochondria
Starting Materials Required for this Step: 2 Molecules of Pyruvate
Products of this Step: 2 Molecules of Acetyl Co-A
Amount of ATP Produced: 0
Amount of CO2 Produced: 2
Amount of NADH & FADH2 Produced: 2 NADH

Citric Acid Cycle:

Takes Place in: Matrix of Mitochondria
Starting Materials Required for this Step: 2 Molecules of Acetyl Co-A
Products of this Step: Oxaloacetate
Amount of ATP Produced: 2
Amount of CO2 Produced: 4
Amount of NADH & FADH2 Produced: 6 NADH, 2 FADH2

Electron Transport Chain:

How many ATP molecules does NADH yield? FADH2?
One molecule of NADH yields 3 ATP molecules, and one molecule of FADH2 yields 2 molecules of ATP.
Where Does This Occur?
The intermembrane space of the mitochondrial membrane, between the inner and outer mito

Why is Oxygen Needed?

Oxygen is the final electron acceptor, as it accepts hydrogens and becomes water. If oxygen is absent, the ETC may be blocked.

Explain How ATP Synthase Works:

Complexes I, III, and IV push electrons into the intermembrane space against their concentration gradient. The electrons diffuse through ATP synthase to the mitochondrial matrix where the ion concentration is very low. As the electrons pass through the sy

Chemical Equation for Respiration and How it is a Redox Reaction:

C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H20 + energy
Glucose is oxidized, as it loses electrons (hydrogen atoms) to become carbon dioxide. Oxygen is reduced, as it gains electrons (hydrogen atoms) to become water.

Substrate Level Phosphorylation vs Oxidative Phosphorylation:

In substrate level phosphorylation, ATP is made when a phosphate is transferred directly from an organic molecule to ADP. This type of phosphorylation makes ATP in glycolysis and in the citric acid cycle. Oxidative phosphorylation produces ATP when a phos

Anaerobic Respiration vs Fermentation:

Both occur in the absence of oxygen. Fermentation only involves glycolysis and two molecules of ATP. Anaerobic respiration goes through glycolysis, Acetyl Co-A formation, the citric acid cycle, and the ETC. However, in the ETC, the final electron acceptor

Nutrient Yields from Lipids and Proteins:

Proteins- The amino group (NH2) is removed via deamination. The carbon chain that remains is then converted to pyruvate to be used to produce Acetyl Co-A or into oxaloacetate to be used in the citric acid cycle.
Lipids- The glycerol head is converted into

Alcohol vs Lactic Acid Fermentation:

Both types of fermentation only involve glycolysis. The glucose molecule is oxidized as it reduces NAD+ to NADH. The molecule then phosphorylates ADP to ATP and becomes pyruvate. The pyruvate is reduced by NADH, and the resulting molecule is either lactat

Aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, and fermentation:

release free energy.

Select the anaerobic pathway.


Which of the following is the four stages of the aerobic respiration of glucose?

formation of acetyl CoA
citric acid cycle
electron transport

If conditions are aerobic, pyruvate flows directly into the __________ where some of its atoms are converted next to __________.

mitochondia; acetyl coenzyme A

Which of the following is an end product of glycolysis?


Which of the following is the starting materials of the citric acid?

a. FAD
b. NAD +
c. acetyl CoA
e. H 2 O

Which process matches the location in a typical eukaryotic cell?

b. formation of acetyl coenzyme A?mitochondrion
c. citric acid cycle?mitochondrion
d. electron transport?mitochondrion
e. chemiosmosis-mitochondrion

During chemiosmosis, __________ are transferred from NADH and FADH 2 to electron acceptor molecules, and the energy released is used to create a(n) __________ gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane.

electrons; proton

Which of the following statements concerning decarboxylation reactions is true

a. They occur as part of the citric acid cycle.
b. They produce CO 2 that is then exhaled via breathing.
c. They involve the removal of a carboxyl group (?COOH) from a substrate.
d. They are one type of general reaction that occurs during aerobic respirat

In glycolysis, glucose receives two phosphate groups from __________, thus forming fructose-1, 6-bisphosphate.

b. ATP

In glycolysis, a six-carbon glucose molecule is converted to two three-carbon molecules of:

a. pyruvate.

. An example of a substrate-level phosphorylation that occurs during glycolysis is the transfer of a phosphate group from a phosphorylated intermediate to:


One product of the initial (first) reaction of the citric acid cycle is:


During aerobic respiration, oxygen is:


Which of the following steps in the Kreb's cycle directly produces a molecule of ATP (or GTP)?

succinyl CoA ? succinate

Organismal body heat is a:

byproduct of exergonic reactions

____ 18. Which of the following statements about the electron transport chain is true?

The proton gradient established during electron transport is a form of potential

When hydrogen ions (protons) are pumped across the inner mitochondrial membrane, they form a
proton gradient. ATP is then formed by a process known as:


Select the processes that are matched with the incorrect amount of ATP produced by that process per
glucose molecule.

glycolysis?2 ATP (net)
electron transport chain?32 ATP
alcohol fermentation?2 ATP
actate fermentation?2 ATP

Deamination of amino acids in mammals yields amino groups that are converted to __________, which
is(are) excreted, and __________, which is(are) converted to one of the reactants of glycolysis or the
citric acid cycle.

urea; carbon chains

One gram of __________ contains more than twice the amount of energy of a gram of glucose.


Saturated fatty acids store more energy than unsaturated fatty acids. Based on your knowledge of aerobic
respiration, you draw this conclusion because saturated fatty acids:

are more highly reduced.

The production of alcohol or lactate from pyruvate during __________ occurs as a means of
regenerating __________ from __________.

fermentation; NAD+; NADH

Select the molecule that contains the most stored chemical energy:


Identify and briefly describe the process(es) of cellular respiration that occur in the mitochondria.Indicate the amount of ATP, NADH, and FADH2 produced in each process.

The processes that occur in the mitochondria are 1) the formation of acetyl CoA (summarized in Fig. 8-5), the citric acid cycle (Fig. 8-6), and the electron transport chain and chemiosmosis (Figs. 8-11 and 8-12). The amounts of ATP, NADH and FADH2 produce

Compare and contrast aerobic and anaerobic pathways used by cells to extract energy from organic
molecules. Include the mechanism of ATP formation, the final electron acceptor, and the end products
in your comparison.

In both aerobic and anaerobic pathways, electrons are transferred from glucose to NADH, and these electrons pass down an electron transport chain that is linked to the formation of ATP via
chemiosmosis. Carbon dioxide is produced in both pathways. However

For each acetyl CoA molecule that enters the citric acid cycle, two CO2 molecules are produced.


The reactions of the citric acid cycle take place in the matrix of the mitochondrion.


The downhill flow of protons through the ATP synthase complex powers the production of ATP.


In liver cells, each NADH produced via glycolysis results in TWO ATP molecules in the electron transport


If yeast cells are incubated under anaerobic conditions, the pyruvate they produce is converted to LACTATE.

ethyl alcohol

ATP synthase is a component.

electron transport and chemiosmosis

Pyruvate is an endproduct.


FAD is converted to FADH2 .

citric acid cycle

Oxygen is the final electron acceptor.

electron transport and chemiosmosis

Glucose is phosphorylated.


Coenzyme Q is a component.

electron transport and chemiosmosis