College Biology - Chapter 7

The Primary site of Cellular Respiration


What is Oxidation

Removal of Hydrogen Ions from a molecule

Which of the following are the reactants for cellular respiration?

- Glucose
- Oxygen

Which of the following are inputs of cellular respiration AND outputs of photosynthesis

- Glucose
- Oxygen

Steps of Glycolysis

1: ATP transfer Phosphate groups to substrates
2: G3P is produced
3: NADH is produced
4. 4 ATP are produced

Which of the following is produced during cellular respiration

Carbon Dioxide

In cellular respiration, which molecule is oxidized


In cellular respiration __________ is oxidized to _________

Glucose: Carbon Dioxide

True or False: Cellular respiration is essentially the reverse of photosynthesis


Glycolysis requires an initial energy investment, which allows for the production of relatively larger quantities of ATP during __________

The energy harvesting step

Define cellular respiration

Metabolic reactions that use the energy from carbohydrate, fatty acid, or amino acid breakdown to produce ATP molecules

Oxidation is the removal of electron and _________ ions from a molecule


Choose the correct chemical equation for cellular respiration

Glucose + Oxygen yields carbon dioxide and water + energy

Which step in Glycolysis produces to NADH molecule?

Energy Harvesting

How much energy is required in order for the energy investment step for Glycolysis


What would occur during the energy-investment step of Glycolysis, if there were 4 ATP molecules available

Two glucose molecules would be broken down

The 1st step of glycolysis begin with ___________ and ends with two pyruvate molecules


During glycolysis, one glucose is converted into two _____________ molecules


Which of the following occurs during the energy-investment step of glycolysis

ATP is broken down to ADP

Which process produces lactate?


Identify the reactants in the energy investment step of aerobic respiration


A ____________ is transferred from ADP to ATP

Phosphate Group

Which of the following are outputs of glycolysis

- Pyruvate

In an animal cell, such as a human cell, the end result of fermentation is


What process can be used to convert glucose into ATP when there is a lack of oxygen


steps in lactic acid fermentation

1: 2 ATP are invested
2: NADH is produced
3: 4 ATP are produced for a net gain of 2 ATP
4: Pyruvate is produced
5: NADH gives up two electrons and a hydrogen ion to another molecule
6: Lactic acid is produced

During oxygen deficit ______________ is transported to the liver and reconverted to Pyruvate


During glycolysis, a net of _______ ATP are produced.


What process can be used to convert glucose into ATP when there is a lack of oxygen?


What is the end product of fermentation in yeast?


What event indicated that we are no longer in oxygen defict

When enough oxygen is present to completely break down glucose

The preparatory steps, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain occur inside the organelles called _____________


During the preparatory reactions, how many molecules of CO2 are produced per glucose molecule?


When sprinting, muscle cells produce most of their ATP energy via process?


During Fermentation in Yeast, which end product causes bread to rise?

Carbon Dioxide

During a period of oxygen deficit, most ATP is produced via:


What steps of cellular respiration take place in the mitochondria?

- Preparatory steps
- Electron Transport Chain
- The Citric acid cycle

In the presence of oxygen, the pyruvate from glycolysis enters which of the following:

Preparatory Reactions

Where, specifically, does citric acid cycle occur?

matrix of mitochondria

Which of the following electrons and hydrogen ion carriers are produced during the citric acid cycle?


The preparatory steps, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain occur inside the organelles called


Fermentation in yeasts yields ATP, carbon dioxide, and ethyl


Which of the following occurs during the citric acid cycle

Substrate-level ATP synthesis

The input into the citric acid cycle are

- acetyl group
- NAD+

When NADH donates electrons to the first carrier molecule in the electron transport chain, the carrier molecule is


What is formed during the citric acid cycle when the acetyl group is oxidized

Carbon Dioxide

What happens to the oxygen at the end of the electron transport chain?

It forms water

What happens to the electron carriers (NADH and FADH2) after the electron transport chain?

Both are recycle to their low energy form and return to carry more electron

The outputs from the citric acid cycle are

- CO2

In the electron transport chain, electrons from NADH provide enough energy to produce __________ molecule(s) of ATP, while electrons from FADH2 produce _______________ ATP molecules

3: 2

In the electron transport chain of cellular respiration, electrons are passed from one molecule to the next. As the electrons move down the chain their energy level change from a ___________ energy level to a ___________ energy level

1: Higher or high
2: Lower or low

Because it attracts electrons to a greater degree than other carrier in the electron transport chain, _______________ is well-suited to be the final electron acceptor combining with H+ to form a water molecule


Once they give up electrons and H+, and NADPH and FADH2 become

NAD+ and FAD

Match the typical ATP production of the different steps of cellular respiration

Glycolysis - 4 ATP (2 as a net gain)
Citric acid cycle - 2 ATP
Electron Transport Chain - 34 ATP

Which cycle produces the greater amount of ATP


The products of the process of fats and oils that occurs before they enter cellular respiration and are broken down

Fatty acids and Glycerol

One molecule of glucose will produce a maximum of _________ ATP during aerobic respiration


Identify the two parts that an amino acid are broken down into during cellular respiration

- Ammonia
- Hydrocarbon backbone

For each molecule of glucose, glycolysis produces

the same net number of ATP as the citric acid cycle

When being used as an energy source, a fatty acid is converted into ______ groups which then enter the citric acid cycle


If 1 molecule of glucose produces 10 molecules of NADH and 2 molecules of FADH2, how much ATP is produced in the ETC?


Which component of the amino acid can be used during the cellular respiration pathway?

Hydrocarbon Backbone

Glycolysis and the citric acid cycle each have a net ATP production of


In what forms will the products of protein digestion enter cellular respiration

- acetyl-CoA
- during the citric acid cycle
- pyruvate