23.1 - 23.2 : metabolism & nutrition, and glucose catabolism & ATP synthesis

What is the general equation for cellular respiration?

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 ? 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + 38 ATP

How many net ATP are produced as a result of glycolysis?


Under anaerobic conditions, pyruvate:

is reduced to lactate

What is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain?


Which of the following statements is not true of glycolysis?

Four molecules of NADH are spent.

Which of the following monomers is not a nutrient used by the body to generate ATP?

Nucleic acids

What type of reaction requires energy to proceed?

Endergonic reaction

Which of the following terms best summarizes ATP hydrolysis?


What is required for glucose catabolism to proceed beyond glycolysis?


What does the intermediate step produce that is needed for the citric acid cycle to proceed?


Another name for the citric acid cycle is ________________.

Krebs cycle

A substance that is reduced __________.

gains electrons

What is a series of 10 anaerobic reactions that occur in the cytosol, during which glucose is split and small amounts of ATP and NADH are generated?


What process involves the donation of a phosphate group from ATP to a reactant to "pay" for a cellular process?


Which of the following molecules is broken down in cellular respiration, providing fuel for the cell?


What is the correct sequence of events of cellular respiration?

Glycolysis, intermediate step, citric acid cycle, and electron transport chain

If a mutation prevents the formation of oxaloacetate, which of the following processes will be impaired?

Citric acid cycle

What term is defined as the sum of the body's chemical reactions?


What molecule is both the starting compound and end result of the citric acid cycle?


The breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose in the body is classified as __________.


Which of the following products is not the result of ATP hydrolysis?


When is carbon dioxide produced during glucose catabolism?

Intermediate step and citric acid cycle

What is the maximum number of ATP produced when one glucose is completely oxidized?

38 ATP

Which of the following products is made in the citric acid cycle?


Which of the following processes takes place in the cytosol of a human cell?
