Biology 101 Test 3- Cellular Respiration and Fermentation

Degrade complex molecules with high potential energy to simpler molecules with lower potential energy

Enzymes ________

Work; heat

The energy taken out when enzymes degrade molecules can be used to do _______; the rest is lost as ______

Aerobic respiration

Catablolic pathway in which oxygen is consumed as a reactant along with the organic fuel

Anaerobic respiration

Catabolic pathway that uses substances other than oxygen


Partial degradation of sugars or other organic fuel that occurs without the use of oxygen

C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy (atp)

Equation for respiration

redox reactions (oxidation-reduction reactions)

A chemical reaction involving the complete or partial transfer of one or more electrons from one reactant to another


the loss of electrons from a substance


gain of electrons to a substance

reducing agent

The electron donor in a redox reaction.

oxidizing agent

The electron acceptor in a redox reaction.

When bonds form with more electronegative atom (usually oxygen)

When do redox reactions involve a partial loss of electrons


Strongest oxidizing agent

Shifted from less electronegative atom to a more electronegative atom

Electrons loose potential energy when _____

Oxidized ; reduced

Glucose is ______ in respiration ; oxygen is _____

Organic molecules with many carbon-hydrogen bonds

Great sources of energy for cells

A hydrogen atom (electron and proton)

In redox reactions, electrons are usually transferred in the form of _____

Coenzyme NAD+

Electron carrier that accepts hydrogen atoms

Oxidized : NAD+ Reduced: NADH

Oxidized form of Nad+ is _______, reduced form is _______

oxidizing agent

NAD+ is an ______ during respiration

dehydrogenase enzymes

Enzymes that transfer hydrogens to NAD+ in a redox reaction

used later in respiration to make ATP

energy in NADH can be _______

2 hydrogens (and their electrons) are transferred to the final electron acceptor, oxygen

in respiration, water is formed when _____

electron transport chain

in respiration, energy is released in several small steps using a _______

Electron transport chain

a sequence of electron carrier molecules (membrane proteins) that shuttle electron down a series of redox reactions that release energy used to make ATP

slightly more electronegative and the previous carrier molecule

each carrier in an electron transport chain is _____


what is the final (terminal) electron acceptor in electron transport chain

glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, and oxidative phosphorylation

3 stages of respiration


glycolysis occurs in the ______

glucose (6 carbons) to 2 molecules of pyruvate (each with 3 carbons)

glycolysis involves breaking down _______

acetyl CoA; citric acid cycle

pyruvate is oxidized to _______; this then enters _______


in citric acid cycle, electrons are transferred to _____ and _________

substrate-level phosphorylation

involves the direct transfer of a phosphate group from a substrate molecule to ADP

10% ; substrate level phosphorylation

only ___% of ATP made during respiration is made by _____

energy investment stage and energy payoff stage

2 steps of glycolysis

2 ATP, 2 NADH, and 2 pyruvate

glycolysis produces a net of ____

pyruvate; mitochondrion

_____ enters the _____ during aerobic respiration in eukaryotes

CO2; NAD+ is reduced to NADH + H+

When pyruvate is being converted to acetyl- CoA, ____ is released and _______

citric acid cycle

pyruvate is overall broken down to 3CO2 in _______


in citric acid cycle, chemical energy is transferred to ____ and ____

the 2 carbon molecule acetyl CoA combines with the 4 carbon molecule oxaloacetate and produces citrate (6 carbon molecule)

In the first reaction of the citric acid cycle, ______ combines with ______ and produces _____

electron carrier

FAD is an____

oxaloacetate; acetyl-CoA

at the end of citric acid cycle, ____ is regenerate and can be reused to combine with another _____ and restart the cycle again

of 4 ATP for each glucose molecule; substrate-level phosphorylation

Glycolysis and citric acid cycle produce total ____ and only by _____


By the end of citric acid cycle, most of energy from glucose is now in form of ____


in electron transport chain, NADH first transfers electrons to _____

iron--sulfer proteins, ubiquinones and cytochromes

After flavoprotein, the rest of chain consists of _____, ___ and ____


At end of electron chain, oxygen is converted to ____

ATP synthase

enzyme complex that makes ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate

H+ gradient

ATP synthase used a _____ to power the synthesis of ATP from ADP


the process in which energy stored in the form of a hydrogen ion gradient across a membrane is used to preform cellular work

mitochondrial inner membrane into the intermembrane space

electron transport chain also pumps H+ ions cross the _____ into the _____ and creates the H+ ion gradient

proton-motive force

H+ gradient that powers ATP synthase is chemiosmosis is called ______

Glycolysis: 2
citric acid cycle: 2
oxidative phosphorylation: 26-28

how many molecules of ATP do we get in glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation?

30-32 ATP

total amount of ATP for each glucose in cellular respiration?

anaerobic respiration and fermentation

2 other ways cell can oxidize glucose to make ATP without using oxygen?

electron transport chain but down not use oxygen as terminal electron acceptor

anaerobic respiration has ___ but does not ____

electron transport chain at all

fermentation does not use ____

substrate-level phosphorylation

fermentation makes ATP by ____

reducing pyruvate

fermentation regenerates NAD+ by _____

alcoholic fermentation

glycolysis followed by the reduction of pyruvate to ethyl alcohol, regenerating NAD+ and releasing carbon dioxide

ethyl alcohol in order to regenerate NAD+; CO2

in alcoholic fermentation, pyruvate is reduced to _______ in order to _____, ____ is released during this process

obligate anaerobes

organisms that carry out only fermentation or anaerobic respiration

facultative anaerobes; muscle cells

an organism that makes ATP by aerobic respiration of oxygen is present but switches to anaerobic respiration of fermentation if oxygen is not present; example _______

fats, proteins, and carbohydrates

____ ,____ , and _____ can be used for fuels by glycolysis

feedback inhibition

when the end produce of an anabolic pathway inhibits the enzyme that catalyzes an early step of the pathway