Chapter 3 Energy, Chemical Reactions and Cellular Respiration


Heat energy is usually available to do work.


The names of most enzymes end with the suffix - ___


substrate is glucose

intermediate stage

catalyzed by a multienzyme comlplex

citric acid cycle

reduces FAD to FADH2

radio waves, visible light, ultraviolet waves

which of the following are forms of radiant energy?

aerobic respiration

which makes the most efficient use of the energy in glucose?

electron transport system

the set of proteins in the cristae of the mitochondrion which collectively extract the energy from reduced coenzymes to form ATP are called the ____ _____ ____

three NADH, one ATP

which of the following are formed during one "turn" of the citric acid cycle.


if oxygen is not present , then pyruvate is converted to ____.


most anabolic reactions are also____.

citric acid cycle

2 ATP, 6 NADH, 2 FADH2



intermediate stage


it is usually a protein, it decreases activation energy, it is a catalyst

which of the following are true of an enzyme?


which color of visible light has the shortest wavelength?

pyruvate dehydrogenase

the reaction between pyruvate and coenzyme A is catalyzed by ____ ____

formation of chemical bonds, breaking of chemical bonds

which of the following is involved in a chemical reaction?


the combination of all catabolic and anabolic chemical reactions is referred to as ___.


the capacity to do work is known as ____.

the energy required to break existing bonds, the activation energy

primary factors that determine the rate of a reaction involving an enzyme are ____


complete oxidation of glucose involves at least ____ enzymes

inner membrane

the cristae of a mitochondrion are formed from folds in the _____ _____

triglycerides, glucose, ATP

which funtions primarily as energy storage in the human body?

intermediate stage

substrate is pyruvate


is anaerobic

citric acid cycle

produces ATP, NADH, and FADH2


in complete oxidation of glucose, a total of _ molecules of water are produced.


in cellular respiration, the energy in glucose ultimately resides in ____.

endergonic, anabolic

which terms can be applied to most synthesis reactions in the body?

allosteric inhibitor

an ___ _____ binds to a site apart from the active site to prevent an enzyme from catalyzing a reaction

changes in chemical structure & energy, reversibilty or irreversibility


active site

the ___ ____ is the location on an enzyme where the substrate binds.


optimal range for most human enzymes


the process of removing a phosphate is ____

negative feed

how are metabolic pathways usually regulated?

dehydration, anabolic, synthesis


the energy associated with random motion of ions and not available to do work is ___ heat.

radiant, sound & mechanical energy

which of the following are forms of kinetic energy?


the net energy output of glycolysis is _ molecules of ATP and _ molecules of NADH.


most of the carbon in the carbon dioxide we exhale comes from the molecule called


which of the following is NOT a major factor affecting enzyme activity?

synthesis reaction

the type of chemical reaction that occurs when two or more atoms, ions, or molecules combine to form a larger chemical stucture is called a ____ reaction


the reaction pictured is a ____ reaction
AB ----> A+B

exergonic, catabolic

which of the following terms can be applied to most decomposition reactions in the body?

potential, kinetic

____ energy is the energy of position or stored energy. ____ energy is the energy of motion.

the cytosol, the mitochondria

which of the following are locations of enzymes involved in glucose oxidation?

glycolysis, intermediate stage, citric acid cycle, electron transport system

four basic stages of glucise oxidation in order


the study of energy transformations is refered to as ____


the ____ law of thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed.


if the rate of a reaction leads to a net loss of reactants, then the reaction is considered _____.

chemical energy is used for synthesis of molecules, chemical energy is used to establish concentration gradients, chemical energy is a form of potential energy

which of the following are true of chemical energy?


if further increases in substrate concentration do not result in further increased in reaction rate, then an enzyme is likely ____ .


the final product of glycolysis is two molecules of ____.


a molecule or ion that aides an enzyme to ensure a reaction occurs is known as a _____.


an organic cofactor is known as a ____.

vitamin b12, zinc, NAD

examples of cofactors


the process used to convert fatty acids to acetyl coA

the citric acid cycle

the series of reactions following the intermediate stage of aerobic cellular respiration is ____.

`substrate binds to active site, change in enzyme structure leads to induced fit, the change in enzyme stucture stresses bonds in the substrate, substrates bonds are broken, new bonds are formed, the product is released from the enzyme

place the steps in enqyme action in proper order:


the temperature at which an enzyme functions most efficiently is the ____ temp.


glucose is preferentially oxidized during times of fasting or starvation


the following is a significant factor affecting enzyme reaction rates

multienzyme complex

if multiple enzymes in a metabolic pathway are physically attached to each other, they form a ____ _____

exergonic, endergonic

which of the following terms can be used to classify reactions based on the relative amounts of energy in reactants and products


extracting energy from fatty acids to make ATP always requires oxygen


the type of amino acids that may enter glycolysis, the intermediate stage, and the citric acid cycle at different points are ____ amino acids.

matrix of the mitochondrion, inner membrane of the mitochondrion

the enzymes of the citric acid cycle are located in the ____.


the main enzyme involved in the overall regulation of glycolysis is


as the citric acid cycle enters a new "lap" oxaloacetic acid is combined with acetyl CoA to produce

hydrolysis, catabolic, decomposition

the reaction pictrured is a _____ reaction

glucose, amino acids, fatty acids

which of the following organic molecules may be oxided to generate ATP


most enzymes are capable of catalyzing ___ reaction.

succinyl CoA synthetase, succinic dehydrogenase, fumerase, malate dehydrogenase

place the enzymes of the citric acid cycle in order

oxidation - reduction

an ____ _____ reaction occurs when electrons are transferred from one chemical structure to another.


in an ____ reaction, the amount of energy in the products is less than the amount of energy in the reactants.

oxidative phosphorylation

in aerobic respiration, the ATP production method requiring oxygen is known as ____ .


if 100% of the energy was to be transferred from one from to another with no generation of heat, the ____ law of thermodynamics would be violated.

substrate concentration

given the y-axis in the pictured graph is rate of reaciton, and looking at the shape of the graph, what should the x-axis be titled?

h pumps, ATP synthetase, elecron carriers

which of the following are considered part of the eletron transport system?

citrate synthetase

the key enzyme in the regulation of the citric acid cycle is ____ _____


a reaction that involves both decompostion and synthesis is called a _____ reaction


the propagation of an impulse in a neuron is an example of ___ energy.


the measurement of heat


the vibrating string on a violin imparts ____ energy to the air around it.

gamma rays

radiant energy could penetrate the body and mutate DNA