Jobsz Chapter 8 Study Guide

Cellular Respiration

the cellular process that requires oxygen and gives of CO2

Write the chemical equation for cellular respiration. Draw arrows where reduction and oxidation occurs.

oxidation from C6H12O6 to 6CO2
reduction from 6O2 to 6H2O

Where does glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and electron transport chain take place

glycolysis - outside the mitochondria
citric acid cycle - in the matrix of the mitochondria
electron transport chain - inner mitochondria

Oxidation Reaction

loss of one or more electrons from an atom or molecule

Reduction Reaction

gain of electrons by an atom or molecule with a concurrent storage of energy

Endergonic Reaction

chemical reaction that requires an input of energy

Exergonic Reaction

chemical reaction that releases energy


a way to activate an enzyme either attaches an inorganic phosphate to a molecule or mediates the transfer of a phosphate group from one molecule to another

Acetyl CoA

Molecule made up of a 2-carbon acetyl group attached to coenzyme A

NAD+ ^square^ NADH

coenzyme of oxidation-reduction that accepts electrons and hydrogen ions

FAD ^square^ FADH2

coenzyme of oxidation-reduction that becomes FADH2 as oxidation of substrates occur


end product of glycolysis


anaerobic breakdown of glucose that results in a gain of two ATP


short, finger-like projections formed by the folding of the inner membrane of mitochondria

List and briefly describe the phases of cellular respiration on pg. 133.

- Glycolysis:
glucose is broken down in the cytoplasm to two molecules of pyruvate
- Preparatory Reaction:
pyruvate enters a mitochondria and is oxidized to a 2-carbon acetyl group carried CoA; produces NADH, CO2 is removed(Occurs twice per glucose molecu

How many ATP are produced during glycolysis? How many ATP are produced during the citric acid cycle? How many ATP are produced by the electron transport chain? What is the total number of ATP produces at the end of cellular respiration?

two molecules of ATP, two immediate molecules of ATP, 32 to 34 ATP, 36 to 38 ATP

Write the chemical equation for cellular respiration and photosynthesis.

Cellular Respiration: C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
Photosynthesis: 6CO2 + 6H2O ->(Sunlight energy)-> C6H12O6 + 6O2

Define cellular respiration.

Takes in oxygen releases CO2

Where the process of cellular respiration take place? What are the four phases of cellular respiration?

On the plasma membrane of aerobic prokaryotic.
Glycolysis, Prepatatory Reaction, Citric Acid Cycle, Electron Transport Chain

Do plant & animal cells undergo cellular respiration?


How do animal cells receive oxygen and glucose?


All cells undergo ___________? Is oxygen required for this phase?

Cellular Respiration, Yes

What takes place in the aerobic metabolic pathway and the anaerobic metabolic pathway?

Aerobic: With Oxygen - Cellular Respiration
Anaerobic: No Oxygen - Fermentation

Define fermentation. What undergoes lactic acid & alcohol fermentation?

Releases energy from food molecules, when no oxygen is present
Lactic Acid: Animal Muscles, Fungi, Some Bacteria
Alcohol Fermentation: yeast - makes bread, brew beer and wine

Describe oxidation & reduction during cellular respiration. (Where have the hydrogen atoms moved?)

Oxidation: Removing An Electron
Reduction: Adding An Electron

a) How many carbon atoms does glucose contain?
b) List the steps of the energy-investment stage of glycolysis. How much energy is used?
c) During the energy-harvesting steps, how many ATP are produced? What is the net gain of ATP during glycol

a) 6
b) 1 - Phosphorylation of glucose, produces 6 - C + P, 2 - 2nd Phosphorylation of glucose, produces P + 6 - C + p, 3 - 6-C Molecule split into two 3-C molecules = G3P
c) 4 ATP, 2 ATP
d) NAD+ is a coenzyme that accepts electrons & hydrogen ions to bec

What happens if oxygen is available after glycolysis? If it is not available?

Oxygen: the pyruvates enter the matrix of the mitochondria
No Oxygen: fermentation will take place in the cytoplasm

Describe the process of the preparatory cycle. Where does it take place?

Process: 2 pyruvates are converted into 2 Acetyl CoA molecules prior to entering the citric acid cyle.
Location: Matrix of the Mitochondria

Citric Acid Cycle:
a) What takes place during the citric acid cycle?
b) Where does this cycle take place
c) After two cycles, one molecule of glucose has been utilized. What are the final products after two turns of the citric acid cycle?
d) What is the f

a) the Acetyl CoA(2-c) joins a 4-carbon molecule to become citrate. the cycle turns twice per glucose molecule
b) matrix
c) 2 ATP, 4CO2, 6NADH, 2FADH2
d) FADH2 carries electrons to the electron transport chain.

Electron Transport Chain:
a) Define Chemiosmosis.
b) Describe the process that takes place in the electron transport chain. How is the ATP formed? Where is the area of high concentration of H+? Where is the area of low concentration of H+? Is energy requi

a) uses H+ gradient to drive ATP formation
b) ATP synthase helps make ATP. Intermembrane space - high concentration, matrix - low concetration, No energy required
c) Through the bloodstream, no.

How many net ATP molecules were produced during glycolysis? How many ATP molecules were produced during the citric acid cycle? How many will be produced on the electron transport chain? What is the total number of ATP molecules produced during cellular re

Glycolysis: 2ATP
Citric Acid Cycle: 2ATP
Electron Transport Chain: 32-34 ATP
Cellular Respiration: 36-38