Biology Final

a sodium ion is positively charged/ how many electrons did it originally have in its outer orbital as a sodium atom?


a sodium ion is negatively charged. how many electrons did it originally have in its outer orbital as a chlorine atom?


Which answer below is a hypothesis for the validity of echinacea?

Echinacea reduces the duration and symptoms of the common cold.

Which answer below is a hypothesis for the validity of echinacea?

Does echinacea reduce the duration and symptoms of the common cold?

If you wanted to test if antibacterial soap worked better than regular soap, which answer has the strongest experimental design?

Have two groups of people wash with either antibacterial or regular soap, with neither the researchers nor the groups knowing which type of soap is being used, and compare.

which answer below is solid at room temperature?

saturated fat and trans fat

which feature below is not found in a prokaryote?


a normal cell has a high concentration of potassium on the inside and a low concentration of potassium on the outside? What type of transport is involved?

active transport

If you are going to build a large macromolecule or polymer, it needs to be strong. What type of chemical bond do you think would work best for building macromolecules?


which statement about mitochondria is false?

you inherited half of your mito from your mom

which organ below is likely composed of cells with the greatest amount of SER?


which answer is an example of a molecule with high potential energy?


plants convert the energy of the sun into ___ bonds in carbohydrates using a process called ______

covalent, photosynthesis

which of the following statements best represents the relationship between the respiration and photosynthesis?

photosynthesis stores energy in complex organic molecules while respiration releases it

oxygen gas produced during photosynthesis originates as:

oxygen atoms contained in water molecule

what substance is produced by the oxidation of pyruvate and feeds into the citric acid cycle?


NADH is produced during:

gylcolis, the oxidation of pyruvate, the krebs cycle

which component of a DNA macromolecule will dictate instructions to the cell?

the order of bases (A,G,T,C

most genes come in alternative forms called:


if an operons repressor is in its active form that means:

transcription from the operon is occurring

which of the following mutations would cause a frameshift mutation?

deletion mutation

which answer below might characterize tellers on the chromosomes of a cancer cell?

telomeres might be the same length after each cell division

the DNA in linear eukaroyotic chromosome is wrapped around proteins called


the gap 1, DNA synthesis, and GAP 2 phases of the cell cycle are collectively called:


mitosis results in

daughter cells with twice as much genetic material and a unique collection of alleles

in which part of the cell cycle is the most time spent?


which answer below is false about a cells in a malignant tumor?

the cells do not tend to migrate away from the tumor

how could two normal parents have a chip with fish odor syndrome?

both parents had one normal allele and one mutant allele of FMO3

the law of segregation states that:

each of two alleles for a given trait segregates into different gametes

A woman with type B blood and a man with type A blood could have children with which of the following phenotypes?

A, B, AB, or O

which example below is not likely an example of an injury to your connective tissue?

all of the above

What macromolecule was used to provide evidence for the three domains of living organisms (bacteria, archeae, and eukarya)?


Which answer below is a correct statement with regard to asexual and sexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction is more energy efficient while sexual reproduction is not.

which answer below indicates the cells that make up all or part of each organ?


why may homeostasis be maintained in the body?

To optimize the translation of specific enzymes.

what step of ingestion process starts to breakdown of starch into simple sugars?

. Saliva secreted by the salivary glands

fat is digested by which of the following?

bile from the liver

sucrose, fructose, and apartame bind to...

taste receptors on the dendrites of chemoreceptor cells


myosin binds and releases actin

urine production

antidiuretic hormone

The pancreas is composed of ______ while the liver cells act as ________.
