Cellular Respiration

cellular respiration

a series of reactions that extracts energy from glucose by breaking it apart into carbon dioxide and stores the energy in the form of ATP. Oxygen is converted into water as a byproduct.


a series of reactions that regenerates oxidized NAD+ so that it can be reused in glycolysis, converts pyruvate into ethanol or lactic acid, depending on the organism in the process of the redox reaction


a series of reactions that converts glucose into 2 molecules of pyruvate, generating two ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation and two reduced NADH

citric acid cycle

a cycle of reactions that converts AcetylCoA into carbon dioxide, generating one ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation, three reduced NADH, and one reduced FADH2 for each turn of the cycle. Also known as the Krebs cycle

oxidative phosphorylation

the process of ATP production that utilizes the proton gradient established by the electron transport chain

ATP synthase

the enzyme embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane that utilizes the flow of protons across the membrane to power ATP production

substrate-level phosphorylation

the process of ATP production that utilizes an enzyme to couple the phosphorylation of ADP with another chemical reaction


the addition of a phosphate group to a molecule

electron transport chain

a series of complexes, each with increasing electronegativity, that can pump protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane using the energy released by the passing of electrons (redox reactions)


in the context of cellular respiration, the flow of protons down their concentration gradient through ATP synthase


a six-carbon sugar that is the initial substrate for cellular respiration


an enzyme that catalyzes a step early in glycolysis that is regulated by various feedback mechanisms

glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate

a three-carbon molecule that is an intermediate in glycolysis, can be produced by a variety of process including the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins


one of the products of glycolysis that is then converted into acetylCoA to be used in the citric acid cycle


the oxidized form of the most common electron carrier in cellular respiration


the reduced form of the most common electron carrier in cellular respiration

Acetyl CoA

the initial substrate for the citric acid cycle, donates the acetyl group to oxaloacetate to form citrate


the oxidized form of the electron carrier utilized in the citric acid cycle along with NAD+


the reduced form of the electron carrier produced in the citric acid cycle along with NADH

Mitochondrial matrix

the space within the inner mitochondrial membrane

Intermembrane space

the space in between the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes


something that requires oxygen


something that does not require oxygen


an alcoholic product of fermentation, as in yeast

lactic acid

an acidic product of fermentation, as in mammals

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Brewer's or Baker's yeast often used as a model organism for eukaryotes