Corrections test 3

technical violations or new crime violations

Probationers can have their probations revoked for either _________ or __________

Special caseloads

__________ are comprised of probationers with a specific type of problem, such as substance abuse, mental illness, or a history of sex offenses.

Intensive-supervision caseloads

_________ are comprised of probationers with too high a risk or need to be on regular supervision, and were created as an alternative to sending these offenders to prison.

Net widening

___________ is the overlapping of criminal sanctions and added supervision for community-placed offenders, rather than diversion from prisons.

John Augustus

___________ was a british shoemaker who became the father of probation.


The term ____________ is based on a Latin term that means "a period of proving oneself.

Probation supervision

The primary purpose of ____________ is to maintain surveillance, enforce conditions of probation, and guide offenders into treatment to protect the public from further crimes.

surveillance style

The ____________________ of supervising community offenders emphasizes monitoring and enforcing compliance with the rules of supervision and detecting violations leading to revocation and return to custody.

regular caseload

A ____________ comprises standard probationers who require no special program or supervision.

Intermediate sanctions

_______________ are the use of mid-range dispositions that fall between probation and incarceration.

Community classification systems

______________________ are risk assessments that predict the chance of an offender in the community committing new crimes and help to set the level of supervision the offender needs.

cost of supervision

The cost associated with supervision in the community that offenders must pay for, such as drug testing is the _________________.

shock probation

A short period of imprisonment with a return to the community within a few weeks to continue supervision on probation is ___________.

community corrections

In the 1960s, many alternative sanctions to incarcerate were developed, and the term "________________" was initiated.

Casework style

The _________________ of supervising community offenders places emphasis on assisting the offender with problems, counseling, and working to make sure the offender successfully completes supervision.

presumptive parole date

The ___________ is the date on which the inmate can expect to be released on parole.

hearing officers

In some states, _______________ conduct parole hearings and recommend decisions to the parole board.

Positive contact

___________ is face-to-face contact between a parole officer and an offender.

prisoner reentry

The process by which an inmate leaves prison and returns to the community is ___________________.

levels of risk

Parole boards consider inmates' ________________ and chances for success and create conditions for supervision and treatment to respond to these risks and needs.

Parole guidelines

_________________ are similar to sentencing guidelines and use predictive factors to determine offenders' risk to the community and chance for success.

The mark system

___________________ was a system of credits against a sentence that allowed inmates to be released once they earned the required number through work and good behavior.

Inmate Counts

_________________ are done throughout the day in a prison to determine if all inmates are in the locations they should be, and that no inmates are either out of bounds (in an unauthorized location) or have escaped.

Regular counts

_________________ consist of the scheduled counting of inmates in their housing units to ensure that they are int eh prison and have not escaped.

Census counts

______________ are a less formal count conducted at program and work assignments at the beginning and end of each work period.

Random counts

_______________ are done at any time, and at whatever location inmates ar when the random count is called.

penal stage, associated stage, social stage, ticket to leave

Alexander Maconochie's Mark System has 4 stages: Please list them:

Community corrections

_______________ gained prominence as an adaptation of the Rehabilitative era of corrections.


In the 1979 case, Greenholtz v. Inmates of the Nebraska Penal and Correctional Complex the supreme court determined that ___________ was legally a privilege and not a right.

Bearden v. Georgia

___________________ allowed an exception to parole violations by holding that failure to make restitution payments due to unemployment is not sufficient reason to revoke probation.

United States v. Birnbaum

________________ determined that probation is a privilege and not a right.

Mempa v. Rhay

__________ granted probationers the right to legal counsel during the revocation hearing.

Morrissey v. Brewer

This 1972 Supreme Court decision set forth that once parole is granted, offenders must have certain due process to revoke that liberty is ________________.

Zebulon R. Brockway

This U.S. penologist advocated the Irish System in the United States and became the first superintendent of the Elmira Reformatory was ___________________.

Sir Walter Crofton

__________________ is the 19th-century director if the Irish prison system who created a four-stage system of graduated release from prison.

Gagnon v. Scarpelli

In 1973, the _____________________ Supreme Court decision created the due process requirements for revoking probation.

safe prison, secure prison

A _______________ is one in which staff and inmates are relatively safe from assaults or other violent acts; whereas a ________________ is one in which inmates are prevented from escaping, and are unable to get to prohibited areas of the prison.

security and custody

An inmate disciplinary system, inmate classification systems and physical security contribute to the __________________ functions within a prison.

Direct supervision

_______________ is supervision by assigned staff supervisors, who directly see and watch inmates and their activities.

House arrest

______________ is sometimes referred to as "community control.

Inmate Accountability

__________________________ refers to the staff's ability to locate and identify inmates at any point in time.

Casual supervision

_________________ is supervision by staff that are not responsible for the inmate, but still have the opportunity to see their movements or activities.

Controlled movement, A call out, A prison pass system

Three primary ways that inmates move throughout the prison during the day and evening: